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Lets have a legit conversation about Gregg Williams coming back (one way or another)


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Okay so, for those of you who don't know (and ask LavarLeap56 who has info) Gregg Williams will not be retained by Jacksonville this year.

Now, I know there's chatter about Zorn getting the axe BUT, there could be a scenario that Dan Snyder and Vinny might decide that Greg Blache's schemes are not exotic or creative enough and that his defense prides itself on a simple scheme that relies on pure execution rather than schematic creativity (not saying scheme is everything, but we used to confuse the **** outta people when GW was here).

I know right now offense is the problem, and that if GW would want to come back here, it would be in the form of Head Coach. BUT, can you see a scenario of Blache getting the boot to bring back Williams as defensive coordinator? That's a scenario right now I find more likely rather than Zorn getting the axe.

I'm not saying Zorn won't get the axe (cause, I mean, who the hell knows what Snyder is thinking right now), but I could see him wanting to bring back Williams so that it's kind of like starting all over again, and if the offense doesn't work out NEXT year, THEN he just simply promotes Williams and bam, we're back to where we started after Gibbs retired.


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Okay so, for those of you who don't know (and ask LavarLeap56 who has info) Gregg Williams will not be retained by Jacksonville this year.

Now, I know there's chatter about Zorn getting the axe BUT, there could be a scenario that Dan Snyder and Vinny might decide that Greg Blache's schemes are not exotic or creative enough and that his defense prides itself on a simple scheme that relies on pure execution rather than schematic creativity (not saying scheme is everything, but we used to confuse the **** outta people when GW was here).

I know right now offense is the problem, and that if GW would want to come back here, it would be in the form of Head Coach. BUT, can you see a scenario of Blache getting the boot to bring back Williams as defensive coordinator? That's a scenario right now I find more likely rather than Zorn getting the axe.

I'm not saying Zorn won't get the axe (cause, I mean, who the hell knows what Snyder is thinking right now), but I could see him wanting to bring back Williams so that it's kind of like starting all over again, and if the offense doesn't work out NEXT year, THEN he just simply promotes Williams and bam, we're back to where we started after Gibbs retired.


But our players would be 2 years older. I would have liked to see what would have happened if we had retained Williams and Saunders and had started the season with Collins as the starter.

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Let's not.

Our defense hasn't lost a step without him. The only thing lacking is a pash rush and there's nothing Williams could do about that short of going out there and playing himself (not a bad idea actually, at least we know he's got some intensity, ahem TAYLOR)

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Okay so, for those of you who don't know (and ask LavarLeap56 who has info) Gregg Williams will not be retained by Jacksonville this year.

Now, I know there's chatter about Zorn getting the axe BUT, there could be a scenario that Dan Snyder and Vinny might decide that Greg Blache's schemes are not exotic or creative enough and that his defense prides itself on a simple scheme that relies on pure execution rather than schematic creativity (not saying scheme is everything, but we used to confuse the **** outta people when GW was here).

I know right now offense is the problem, and that if GW would want to come back here, it would be in the form of Head Coach. BUT, can you see a scenario of Blache getting the boot to bring back Williams as defensive coordinator? That's a scenario right now I find more likely rather than Zorn getting the axe.

I'm not saying Zorn won't get the axe (cause, I mean, who the hell knows what Snyder is thinking right now), but I could see him wanting to bring back Williams so that it's kind of like starting all over again, and if the offense doesn't work out NEXT year, THEN he just simply promotes Williams and bam, we're back to where we started after Gibbs retired.


Sorry but I just don't see any of this happening. There was a reason Gregg Williams got fired and I can promise you it wasnt bcuz our defense kept finding a way to get into the top 10 of the league (besides '06). Blatche is not gonna be fired bcuz we will finish this season with a top 5 defense.

....and even "IF" zorn was given the axe and GW was brought back as head coach, it will make absolutely no sense to fire GB bcuz they've worked togethr, have similar defensive concepts, and to get rid of Blatche would be destroying alot of chemistry among the players.

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But our players would be 2 years older. I would have liked to see what would have happened if we had retained Williams and Saunders and had started the season with Collins as the starter.

Honestly, Williams as head coach and Saunders as OC with Collins starting this year (because of his knowledge of Saunders' offense) could have put us at like 10-3 or better right now...

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I wouldn't say the defense is the problem.

If we had an offense that could score 20 or more points a game we would not be in the position we're in. The only reason people even think we're any good is because the defense has kept almost all games close for 3 quarters.

I don't see a reason to bring in Gregg as DC. Not that I would have a problem with it.

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Honestly, Williams as head coach and Saunders as OC with Collins starting this year (because of his knowledge of Saunders' offense) could have put us at like 10-3 or better right now...

I can't say about where our defense would be, but I agree on the offense. You could see the difference when Collins came in last season. It was not a fluke, going to Min and NY and owning them on national television.

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Old Article, I know but, here:

"Every year that Vinny has been there Dan Snyder has given him more and more to do," Williams said, "and now it's his time to step up there and take the reigns and show the Redskins fans that he's able to handle every aspect of the organization. That's what his title says he's able to do there, and I appreciate the relationship I had with Vinny when I was there."

Political? Yes, but he could have said some more worse things.

"I'll always remember the time I had there, and who knows, maybe I'll be back there again one of these days to coach again," Williams said. "I have a very good relationship with Dan Snyder, and I really enjoyed my time there, and I wouldn't discount saying I could come back through there again. I've got a lot of good years left in the NFL, and I loved my experience there and loved the Redskins and loved the Redskins' fans. It was a great experience, and to see it unfold again, well, you never know what can happen in this league."

As for this? I dunno, could be just BSing, could be telling the truth, after all, he knew he was signing a one year deal......

I'm not suggesting he will (come back) , but I'm just saying we could look at this scenario

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I wouldn't say the defense is the problem.

If we had an offense that could score 20 or more points a game we would not be in the position we're in. The only reason people even think we're any good is because the defense has kept almost all games close for 3 quarters.

I don't see a reason to bring in Gregg as DC. Not that I would have a problem with it.

I'd add to that, that I doubt all the debates about the lack of a pass rush, as legitimate as they are, would come up half as often if we had ANY semblance of an offense to speak of.


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How can we have a serious conversation about Greg Williams when I just spent the last 10 minutes looking for news about him leaving Jacksonville and came up with nothing. I am not saying that LavarLeap56 is wrong, or that this isn't true. I'm questioning having a serious conversation about something that's not yet known for sure. Can you have a serious conversation revolving around a rumor? Someone please show me some news that Greg Williams is out in Jacksonville so I can stop spinning this in my head, it hurts

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How can we have a serious conversation about Greg Williams when I just spent the last 10 minutes looking for news about him leaving Jacksonville and came up with nothing. I am not saying that LavarLeap56 is wrong, or that this isn't true. I'm questioning having a serious conversation about something that's not yet known for sure. Can you have a serious conversation revolving around a rumor? Someone please show me some news that Greg Williams is out in Jacksonville so I can stop spinning this in my head, it hurts

Well, for one, he had a one year deal to begin with

Secondly, their defense is AWFUL this year for whatever reason

And three, while I know there's no official link, I trust LL56, he's been right.

This would not be shocking news if it were true.

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Well, for one, he had a one year deal to begin with

Secondly, their defense is AWFUL this year for whatever reason

And three, while I know there's no official link, I trust LL56, he's been right.

This would not be shocking news if it were true.

True about the one year deal, not necessarily true about being awful. There Defense is ranked 14th this year, last year was ranked two spots above that at 12.


But that's not the point I'm trying to make. I'm saying that until something comes out that is more then pure speculation how can we seriously consider this as an option? LL could be Daniel Snyder for all I know, I'm just wondering if anyone knows this for a fact and not a rumor? I just spent 10 minutes looking for something I couldn't find. Is this news out there besides what's on this forum? Stuff like this makes my head hurt

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