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There is one simple truth lost in this game


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The refs were about 60 percent of the win. Gifting a defensive team like the Ravens with a two td lead is giving them a hell of an advantage.

We got outplayed big time, but this statement is one of the keys to the game, IMO. I was upset by that for the whole night. Considering we know what we're getting from this offense (which isn't much), we needed everything we could to keep the game close.

The D is the only thing keeping us in games now, and when they do come through it's still not enough. We're only about 1/3 of a team right now.

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Our defense is very good; their defense is great.

Our offense is putrid; their offense is below average.

Our special teams are poor; their special teams are good.

Where exactly are we a better team?

We're not. This whole "we didn't get beaten by a better" team nonsense is asinine and McNabb-ish.

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They showed a close up of that replay focused only on Moss. Even the announcers said that he didn't move. Just as the announcers declared with supreme confidence that Portis didn't fumble. Now, I admit I like picking on the refs, but usually when the announcers get in on the action, I know there is something up.

Moss did jump, watch the play in standard view and you see him twitch. I admit, when you see the 'close up' the DB blocks the view and you don't see it all, causing the illusion of him not jumping -- and the commentators to have that same view point.

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They showed a close up of that replay focused only on Moss. Even the announcers said that he didn't move. Just as the announcers declared with supreme confidence that Portis didn't fumble. Now, I admit I like picking on the refs, but usually when the announcers get in on the action, I know there is something up.

They didn't run the replay long enough. I DVR'ed the play, and Moss flinched. You didn't see that on the replay the network showed.

On the other hand, Portis had the ball still cradled in his arm when the elbow hit. The ball was moving, but it was still cradled in his arm.

But Burgold, to blame this game on the refs is absurd. And just loser talk. The Redskins did nothing to deserve to win this game.

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Our defense is always good.. For years it has been.. But our offense has always been ****ty.. sorry to say that but its true.. There is only a handful of games where we score more than 10 pts.. We always lose 14-7, 10-3, 21-3... Im sick of that.. We have good offensive players... There's no reason why we shouldnt be scoring 35 pts a game.. Compare our offensive players to the titans, we have way better players.. but they get it done..I think its our lineman.. We cant block to save our lives..

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I'm starting to be of the opinion that we really overestimate the talent level on the skins.

We just are not as good as we think we are. Does not matter the coach. The blame for this lays at the foot of the ownership. We need better players, until we get them we will not be competitive regardless of coaching.

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I'm starting to be of the opinion that we really overestimate the talent level on the skins.

We just are not as good as we think we are. Does not matter the coach. The blame for this lays at the foot of the ownership. We need better players, until we get them we will not be competitive regardless of coaching.

I agree.. But lineman.. we need better lineman.. At least thats where we need to start....

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Let me sum it up for you: We didn't lose to a better team. We lost to a team that wanted to win more then we did.

i would respond to all the people asking the "how do you figure" question, but zskins has this one.

when you watch the players, it doesn't seem like they want it. this is where the post originated.

i sat 10 rows from the bench all night on sunday, i got to see all the stuff that they don't show you on tv. by the same token i'm sure i missed some stuff that you guys got to see.

i know for cooley this started around the dallas game, i think he broke his helmet 3 times throwing it throughout the game. maybe that game broke his spirit.

we all know cooley is a beast of a player, but i've seen him tackled by one db more time this year than he has fought through and gained yardage. he hasn't popped off the screen like he used to. i find it absolutely unbelievable that cooley could not get open if he gave 100%, he is too gifted of an athlete.

there is a whole lot of quit in this team, except in the players i named (of course this is still IMO)

portis exemplified this in his rant on the radio, the frustration of the players can be seen on the field and now it's being heard on the airwaves

i don't argue with the benching of portis because he was largely ineffective and it wasn't worth running him into a brick wall rather than resting him.

as for blocking, i will never believe that ladell is a better blocker than portis. i will say though that betts looked better as a receiver.

however, the ravens were in more of a prevent this was going on so the stats may be skewed.

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