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At the Half: Amazingly, still in it.


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As embarrassing as some of the offensive sequences have been, the Redskins are one play from being right back in a game your gut tells you feels like they're losing by 40. At 14-0 and playing well defensively, it may not feel like the Redskins are in this one, but they are.

And they're a hair's-breadth from being a lot closer than the score.

Take away a fluky TD against, on a challenged fumble return, add in the TD Rocky Mac dropped near midfield (am I the only one who noticed?) and this butt-ugly, one-sided feeling football game could be tied at the half.

I'm guessing that's the message being imparted in the locker room right about now.

For what it's worth.

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No, you're not the only one who noticed. I'm sure you also noticed that stinker of an attempt Landry had as well on the completion to Heap.

We're going to win this game. I stick by that.

Our offense has been promising, sort of... They have been starting to move the ball, and our D has shut down the Ravens since the first drive. It will be tough to win this game though, and we certainly will need a few breaks to get there.

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Yes, this is close so far. It would be great to get a turnover in their territory considering.

We've had some other big problems - really expensive drive killing penalties, when the offense was actually managing something.

Now the question is, what kinds of halftime adjustments are going to be made? I fully expect Cam Cameron to make some, will we adjust appropriately on both sides of the ball?

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KDawg, you're a better fan than I. Given the state of our LOS, I thought we had slim chance. Haven't seen anything to change my mind yet.


Oh. forgot the missed FG. We could have been LEADING this stinker. :cool:

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What I dont' get is.. Why Zorn would go for the field goal and then punt the ball on the next offensive series when we clearly had the momentum?

Everyone in D.C knew Shaun was going to miss that kick.. Why would he go for the kick??? Then going into half time we have the ball at the Ravens 40yrd line with 1:00min to play 4 and 2 and we punt the freakin ball?? I saw Buges tell Zorn to go for it but Zorn still punts the ball. When the team is doubting themselves its up to the coach to instill confidence. Mike Tomlin went for it on 4th down on the 1 yd line and didnt get it against the cowboys ,but he trust his defense to get the ball back! They did and they won!

Zorn trust your team!!

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Really, the difference in the game--scoreboard wise anyway--is Ed Reed has made the two biggest plays of the game. One resulted in 7 directly, the other set up the first TD.

Our D is solid, but we don't make game-changing plays.

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As embarrassing as some of the offensive sequences have been, the Redskins are one play from being right back in a game your gut tells you feels like they're losing by 40. At 14-0 and playing well defensively, it may not feel like the Redskins are in this one, but they are.

And they're a hair's-breadth from being a lot closer than the score.

Take away a fluky TD against, on a challenged fumble return, add in the TD Rocky Mac dropped near midfield (am I the only one who noticed?) and this butt-ugly, one-sided feeling football game could be tied at the half.

I'm guessing that's the message being imparted in the locker room right about now.

For what it's worth.

I'd start to think about setting up a senility test with your physician.

Half kidding of course...

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As embarrassing as some of the offensive sequences have been, the Redskins are one play from being right back in a game your gut tells you feels like they're losing by 40. At 14-0 and playing well defensively, it may not feel like the Redskins are in this one, but they are.

And they're a hair's-breadth from being a lot closer than the score.

Take away a fluky TD against, on a challenged fumble return, add in the TD Rocky Mac dropped near midfield (am I the only one who noticed?) and this butt-ugly, one-sided feeling football game could be tied at the half.

I'm guessing that's the message being imparted in the locker room right about now.

For what it's worth.

Don't you think we've been saying 'if only', 'take away these certain plays', and other similar phrases a little too often at this point?

I guess it's something to hang on to.

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The SKINS arent in this one, they have been playing sloppy all night. Sure, the D has been playing good again - but I think the last few games have proven how difficult it is for our offense to put up just 7 points, let alone the 14 that would put us back in the game.

This season has become painful to watch. 0 points halfway through the 3rd quarter, yep - we still have a shot.

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Our defense has played respectable ball tonight, as well as through this stretch of losses. They're being asked to do way too much, and have held opponents to scores we should be able to overcome offensively.

I hear what you're saying, Om............I hear ya.......

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KB, did you read what I wrote? It had nothing to do with how much chance I think we have of winning.

You did write the title, one assumes.

I don't think I can be accused of greatly stretching your meaning to infer that a team that is "still in it" has a chance to win.

I'm trying hard to see that glimmer of hope. We did get into long field goal range once, didn't we?

Okay, no help there.

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