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DallasNews.com: Jerry Jones 'surprised' Marion Barber didn't play (merged)


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7:53 PM Sun, Dec 07, 2008


Jerry Jones believed until the team boarded the plane without Marion Barber that his $45 million running back would play against the Steelers.

"He surprised me that he's not here playing," Jerry said in the locker room. "That surprises me."

Was the injury, a dislocated right pinkie toe, worse than originally diagnosed?

"No, it is not," Jerry said. "It is not. He can play with that injured toe. He can play with the soreness, combination of those things. I see nothing that would have led us to believe that he couldn't."

Tashard Choice said he knew after a Monday conversation with Barber that he'd start against the Steelers. That information apparently didn't get passed on to the owner until minutes before the team took off for Pittsburgh.

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Finding anything and everything Dallas Cowboys related during a one of the most important Redskins games of the year.

And who says tr1 isn't the biggest Redskins (Closet Dallas obsessed) fan?

My team is suffering a collapse...however, it isn't anywhere as spectacular a collapse as the pukes.

The failure of your super-hyped team is one for the ages.

I'd be remiss to ignore it.


BTW, I believe we're down to less than 6 puke fan posters tonight.


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Finding anything and everything Dallas Cowboys related during a one of the most important Redskins games of the year.

And who says tr1 isn't the biggest Redskins (Closet Dallas obsessed) fan?

says the poke fan who lives on a redskin board after his (supposed) favorite team yet again choke in December.

I know you came for the Skins articles, but they weren't available when you, so tr1 left you an article about your (supposed) favorite team.

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Let the implosion continue! :D


At the very least, Mr. Jones believes he's in a position to question Marion Barber's toughness. Barber didn't play in Pittsburgh yesterday with calf and pinkie toe injuries, and Jones roundaboutly called him a sissy yesterday. From Star-Telegram.com:

Jones believed Barber’s dislocated right pinkie toe was an injury that he could have played with against Pittsburgh. Before the team boarded for its flight to Pittsburgh on Saturday, Jones was stunned Barber did not make the trip.

After not practicing all week and with an additional sore calf, Barber felt he couldn’t play. Jones said Barber could have taped and braced the toe well enough to allow him to play.

"He can play with that injured toe," Jones said. "He can play with the soreness and a combination of those things. I see nothing that led us to believe he couldn’t."

That's a fantastic way to alienate a running back. I'd love to be there when Jones calls Barber into his office and says, "Awww, does him him a wittle pinkie toe boo-boo?"

I think it's usually best to tread lightly where another man's injury is concerned, especially for a guy like Barber, whose toughness, to my knowledge, has never been up for debate before. I'm sure Mr. Jones is frustrated after the loss, but unless he's dealt with the exact same injuries and performed the exact same tasks he's asking someone else to perform, it's probably not wise to call that guy a wuss.

I wouldn't count on that Barber/Cowboys relationship lasting a whole lot longer. If Jones thinks Barber's a sissy, and is willing to publicly insult him about it, I can't see him making Barber a cornerstone of the franchise, either. And I can't see Barber wanting to play for a guy who thinks he's Charmin-soft.


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What a douchebag. The best thing would be is for the earth to just open up around Texas Stadium and swallow up that team so it is forever forgotten in memory.

He probably should have said something about his all star best quarterback in the world when he hurt his wittle pinky winky

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