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Who would be successful today? (Music related)


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Sorry about the title, wasn't sure how to describe this appropriately.

I was having a discussion with my wife a few days ago about classic rock/pop bands, and whether or not they'd be successful if they came out today, playing the same music. We were listening to the Beatles "One" C.D. at the time, which is how this started.

The Beatles are my favorite band, and this CD, for those who don't own it or listen to them, contains 27 songs of theirs which all went number 1. After going over it, I'm pretty sure none of their early, upbeat pop music (I Wanna Hold You Hand, From Me to You, etc.) would get much play if released for the first time today, music tastes have changed too much.

I finally settled on "Let it Be" as their best chance for a #1 hit today. I think that song, if never heard before, could still make #1 in today's musical atmosphere.

So the question is, who is your favorite classic rock/pop band, and what song of theirs do you think would have the best chance of being successful today? Let's set the cutoff year at 1976-1977, unless you can make a compelling argument otherwise.

And before you say it would be impossible, keep in mind that the song "When a Man love a Woman" by Percy Sledge was a #1 hit in 4 different decades, 60's - 90's. Being part of a movie soundtrack can help.

Will be interested to see what kind of replies I get to this.

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Buddy Holly could still be writing big hits IMO. I don't know about any of his older stuff still hitting.

I would say "The Twist" would still be a hit, considering it's still the largest, most sold song in history.

I would also say "Blue Swede Shoes" by Carl Perkins would have a shot. It is still the only song to have ever been #1 on three different genre charts at the same time. I don't think anybody knows what blue swede shoes are any more, but the song still rocks.

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I think you have to look at talent and the voice. Aretha Franklin would make it. Elvis would make it (might be in country though) The Who would make it (because of the song writing) Queen would make it because they adapted to pretty much every style they came across. I don'think the Rolling Stones would because they're not pretty enough and it's as much a visual medium now as an audio one.

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I would say "The Twist" would still be a hit, considering it's still the largest, most sold song in history.

I dunno, I have a feeling that if Chubby Checker or whoever came out with "The Twist" today, keeping in mind no one has ever heard of this song before, I really don't think it would catch on.

I think you have to look at talent and the voice. Aretha Franklin would make it. Elvis would make it (might be in country though) The Who would make it (because of the song writing) Queen would make it because they adapted to pretty much every style they came across. I don'think the Rolling Stones would because they're not pretty enough and it's as much a visual medium now as an audio one.

Do you have any specific songs in mind? The Stones are odd because they came out with a new album while I was in high school, they had that song "Anybody Seen my Baby" in 1997 or so. It was a departure from their classic rock sound, and I don't think it went #1.

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I think Respect and Think hold the test of time for Aretha

Who doesn't love Bohemian Rhaposady and We are the Champions for Queen

For the Who, Behind Blue Eyes, might be a really interesting allegory if slightly switched up. It was originally written about a Nazi as I recall. Some of their harder stuff like Baba O'Reilly would probably work. Songs that basically say, eff the Man never go out of style.

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