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Hit and run thread

Spaceman Spiff

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So last night, I was in a hit and run accident.

My cousin and his wife were celebrating their daughters first birthday over in Centreville yesterday, so after work I headed over there and hung out for a little bit.

I left around 7:45 to head home and made a wrong turn out of his street. It was rainy, it was dark and I don't know why I did it, seeing as I've been there plenty of times to know better.

So I was about to make a left turn on a street in his neighborhood when I hesitate to turn in. I didn't know if the road I was currently on would lead me to a main road that would help get me back to where I eventually wanted to be.

Then all of a sudden, I saw in my rearview mirror a car flying around the corner from behind, the driver slammed on its brakes but the pavement was wet and the car skidded into me. I was able to brace myself, so I wasn't totally hurt.

I slammed the steering wheel...I was pissed since my car is barely a week old AND I had been involved in my first accident (a real bad one that was my fault) about a month and a half ago.

But it was a good thing I didn't get out because I heard the car behind me rev it's engine...I looked in my rearview in time to see it back up, and then pull around the passenger side and take off down the street. I couldn't believe it.

I was able to read its license plate as I've been blessed with great eyes. I picked up my phone, hit send to call the last person I spoke with and told her to write down the license plate before I forgot.

Just to make sure I chased the car for about a block, repeating the license plate number to myself. I had every intention of chasing the whole way but then figured it wasn't worth it. It was a neighborhood street, and I didn't want to run the risk of causing another accident.

I was pissed, it took me a good couple minutes to find my way back to my cousins house where we called the cops. They came and took my info and while we were talking, the cops partner radioed in to let him know they found the woman who was driving. Not surprisingly, it was a DUI and they arrested her with felony hit and run. Also not surprisingly, she's had prior DUIs. She sounds pretty ****ed.


Its one of those things where people always have a story of their own. While waiting for the cops to come to my cousins house, my uncle told me a story about a hit and run he was involved in. It involved him and two other cars. When he told each of the other drivers that he had called the police, they both split. When he went to go tell the one witness who was hanging around, she said "**** the police, I'm outta here!" and split, too. :laugh:

I've heard about 20 hit and run stories today and figured I should make a thread here cause I know you guys have some good ones :)

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Oh, real hit and runs.

I thought Gfunk started this. :silly:

Anyway, glad you weren't hurt too badly Spiff. And that's freaking sweet that they snagged the stupid beyotch that hit you.

She's definitely going to do some time.

Hit and run w/property damage AND injury? She could easily do a few years.

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I hit a pedestrian once, and asked him if I needed to call the police and an ambulance, and he told me to just take him home, so I took him home. The cops called later and told me to not leave next time, and I told him the guy just wanted me to drive him home, so I took him home, and they said they wouldn't press charges in that case, haha.

Kindof a hit and run, but I left to take the guy home :P

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Damn, when I paid that ***** to hit you I told her not to get drunk first. You just can't buy good help these days.

I'm gonna get you, rince :cool:

he meant they should.

knowing that the ***** got caught brings a smile to my face. good stuff man:cheers:

Thanks man. :)

I think one thing I learned in that event is to not get out of the car right away. Had I got out immediately like I wanted to, I don't know if I would have been able to see that plate or not, and I certainly wouldn't have been able to follow her for the short while I did.

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Some guy my sister went to high school with got killed by a drunk woman in a hit and run with prior DUI's who was driving around a neighborhood intoxicated at 3 in the afternoon and took the guy out on his bicycle. She only got caught because she got home, told her kids she was going to North Carolina for a month and told them not to look in the garage. They looked as soon as she told them not to and saw the big dent from where the guy's body slammed into the hood and called the police.

One of my friends while I was in high school was killed walking along a road one night in a hit and run that was never solved.

I'm glad for your sake, you were at least protected in a vehicle, and I hope they send that woman to prison, she could have murdered somebody and run away from it.

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