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10K run's


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Anybody ever done one? I signed up with my sis and my dad thursday morning for one in Bethesda...

I run 4 miles a day and am pretty confident in my ability to run 6...

anyways any suggestions, anybody got any stories about running these...i'm hoping to crack the 55 minute mark (which shouldnt be too hard) and hitting on a whole bunch of girls as i jog :silly:

Oh also, I was looking at the results from last year the winner ran the 6 miles in 33 minutes...who the **** does that?!?!?!!?

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I ran Cross Country in High School the best I could do in a 5k was around 18:00 flat which is just a little below 6:00 min miles. I ran a 5k two years and I got 24 flat the college lifestyle really killed me. In my prime I prolly could get under 40 but now I can only run 8 min miles.

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Here's the best list of tips I've ever read on the subject:


The last tip is great:

Oh – and the coolest of all possible things, at the start of the race, is to line up at the very start, and then when you hear the gun – sprint forward as fast as you can, and scream “I’m winning!” at the top of your lungs. It’s a classic. People love that.*
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The link covers it well. The biggest thing as a noob is to pace yourself. If you start too fast because of adrenaline, and all the other runners making the same mistake, you won't enjoy the last few miles.

Instead start conservatively and you can be the one thundering past everyone else for the last couple of miles.

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