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The Beer Thread


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We talked in this thread a while back about Dundee beers. We pretty much summed them up as being really low on the craft quality scale, but I scooped a mixed 12 pack of their beers and it definitely got me through the game plus some. The IPA stands out as the worst of the bunch, the Kolsch Style Ale isn't bad, but the Pale Bock and especially the Stout are fairly surprising. Nice chocolaty flavor to the stout, and an averagely malty bock. Worlds better than the Shiner, cheaper too.

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I've been on an Octoberfest kick lately and I had three that standout among the rest (in order, IMO)

1. Slyfox Octoberfest very good and pretty big (comes in cans)

2. Lakefront Brewing very good as well not quite as big as the Slyfox but very good lager

3. Magic Hat Ourtoberfest a nice little take on an Octoberfest (still true to style but it has its quirks)

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i dunno, something about Magic Hat beers rub me the wrong way. they're too sweet or watery or something. particularly the #9. i'll take a palo santo instead.

Agreed with you there they (Magic Hat) are a bit out there but thier Octoberfest is pretty true to style so I did not mind it as much as some of their other stuff. IMO they are a rich mans version of Lienenkugels (sp?).

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Having a Sam Adams Imperial Double Bock out of the bottle tonight. Started doing this recently because there's a different feel the beer has when the head hasn't been activated in a glass yet.

It's nice, but better out of a glass. These Dundee beers however, are all better out of the bottle.

Edited by d0ublestr0ker0ll
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Just cracked a Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout. This is one heck of a stout, packed with tons of malty, chocolatey, coffee and vanilla yumminess. I grabbed some Milk Duds out of the trick or treat candy bowl to try a little pairing, and wow, is this good. If I only had a piece of chocolate chip cheesecake to wash down with this brew.

4 thumbs up for this 10 percent monster.

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Well my local deli is bringing in the winter brews already. Nabbed six Flying Dog K-9 Winter Ales...

And six of the one and only Sam Adams Winter Lager....and while they probably didn't mess with the mixture too much, they definitely messed with the lable:


I just took that picture a second ago. The icey look to the old Winter Lager was always my favorite Sam Adams label. Now it's just ugly.

Oh well, hopefully it's still sweet and spiced up as always!

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Ok, well, since this seems to be the most popular winter beer out there...I'll give my opinion as un-biased as I possibly can. This beer actually got me to start learning about the world of craft beer.

Samuel Adams Winter Lager


Rosewood color with a very spongy-looking beige head. Looks perfect next to a fire.

Aroma is mostly wheat, with spices of cinnamon, ginger and orange zest backing it. Description on the label is pretty much what the aroma is.

Flavor is again, a lot of wheat. I'm not usually a fan of wheat beers, mostly because wheat is not a naturally strong flavor. However, the Winter Lager does a nice job of complimenting it with spices and grass/pine hops.

The balance of the brew lasts through the finish. Alcohol warmth is also a nice touch for a beer 5.8% in alcohol. Well balanced flavor, body is fairly strong, carbonation is average.

Personally, this beer is an option every time my mother makes one of her classic winter dinners. Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, honey baked ham, roast beef and gravy , ect ect ect. Yeah, it sounds good....but if you want some, you better bring over some Sam Adams Winter Lagers.

B (84)

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i like sam adams winter lager a lot, but i think i may like octoberfest more for the simple fact that its a lot more rare and harder to get.

think about it. you can only get octoberfest for roughly 1 month out of the year. you can get winter lager for a solid 4 months out of the year since apparently they carry it nov-feb.

thats why i try and drink as much octoberfest as i can because its only available during the month of october. after halloween it disappears

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Has anyone heard about the show on the Discovery Channel, Brewmasters?

Picked up a case that incuded a Saranac mixed winter brew 12 pack. I know Saranac isn't top of the line but 12 kind of micros for 12 bucks is a steal I couldn't pass up.

The other 2 sixers I picked up were the Victory Storm King Stout and 6 DFH Raison De Etres. The warmth and maltiness of the Raison De Etre has been going well with the cold weather lately.

Edited by GoSkins561
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