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Confidence in Campbell

Arnok Vanquish

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as stated before, collins looked like **** when the O-Line broke down in the Seattle game...but you don't want to talk about that

Collins took us to the playoffs, when JC was playing this team was headed for a top 10 draft pick. And please don't even attempt to argue that we would make the playoffs if he didn't get hurt because until JC got injured we looked terrible.

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I think the Skins will handle Seattle just fine. Dallas just had a breakout night after being in the psychological doldrums for several weeks. Collins, and Colt, would have done equally bad. Seattle's pass rush isn't equal to Dallas's. Campbell will do fine.

I agree that this is our week. :)

We seem to be playing better on the road this year which is a little strange, but we'll take it nonetheless. It will be very interesting to see how our O-line and how JC plays at Qwest Field with how loud it is there.

I think this is the week that we score over 30 points to make it a nice rebound off the Dallas loss.

Go skins!

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The point is that we are constantly being bombarded with excuses. How many times have you heard "well its gonna take time cuz Zorn is new?" Well what about Harbaugh in Baltimore? What about Mike Smith in Atlanta?

How many times have you heard "Well cmon' what do you expect from Campbell, its a new system.". Its Matt Ryan's first year in the league. Its certainly a new system. Its a new coach. Its a new freakin league for that kid. And he is on a team that picked in the top five last year. These excuses for our franchise are just repeatedlly tolerated by our fan base. Its incredible. Eddie Royal and Deshaun Jackson are picking up their system just fine. So what the hell is up with our rookie wideouts? Its just excuses after excuses with this team.

Matt Ryan was a top 5 pick. Campbell went late first. Make that into what you want. Their numbers are similar so far this year: http://www.nfl.com/players/search?category=name&filter=matt+ryan&playerType=current http://www.nfl.com/players/search?category=name&filter=jason+campbell&playerType=current There are surprises every year, with coaches going to bad teams with supposedly no chance and BOOM they win games; also coaches that are touted as GREAT that don't win jack. The guys who do well are the exception to the rule. Think of all the coaches who have failed miserably the last few years. To name a few: Morninwheg, Mularkey, Spurrier, Erickson (again), Nolan, Herm Edwards, Dennis Green, Crennell, Nick Saban, Norv Turner (couple more times), etc. etc. Then I gotta hear people point to the couple of coaches that found a lucky horseshoe was lodged in their rectum and have them expect that to also happen to our team. Wait, it DID happen to our team! We are 6-4 and in the midst of the playoff hunt! With a first-year coach and a QB that isn't any good? :rolleyes:

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i will argue that the O-Line started playing a lot better those last 4 games after collins came in...not to mention collins had been on the bench learning that offense for 10 years and knew it like the back of his hand unlike JC. not to mention JC is currently in the process of learning a new offense.

besides dude, all this bickering won't get you anywhere. face the facts. you're not the coach or somoene from the FO. campbell is starting the rest of this this year and most likely all of next year. get over it already!

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Ok bottom line when it comes to winning a football game: A healthy o-line that gets the job done. We don't need an elite QB to win games, no one does, but it is nice. I don't care how much people want to be a passing team, we are not, we run the ball. That is our "IT" factor. Campbell is good enough to win games when the o-line plays well. He has proven that. As far extending plays, he has done that. Some people just look for one play in a game to point out to everyone else just so they can bash a player they don't like. I don't care if you dislike Campbell he is our quarterback and he is getting the job done. We are 6-4 in a season where we were supposed to be one of the worst teams in the league. It is amazing how soon people will go from expecting to be a team that wins a few ball games to thinking we should be the top superbowl contender. This team including Campbell has already accomplished much more than it was supposed to. More will come. Teams an QB's will lose ball games...Period. It happens get over it!!!


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And THAT I completely agree with. This is a Campbell thread, but the biggest problems are O-Line, D-Line and WR. Everything else can fall into place.

And JC needs to improve. Which, I think, he will.

Of course he will. He has gotten better each year he has been in the league. This year is better than last and next year will be better still. Especially with the Zornster looking over his shoulder.

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imho, their is still some latent racism in regards to JC, and no im not kidding.

I can't speak for everyone and I suppose that it is theoretically possible but the truth of the matter is he is a huge question mark and there is nothing racist about that other than he happens to be black. I don't give a crap if he is green, if he continues to dance around in the pocket miss recievers, play tentative and relegate his entire passing arsenal to a 15 yard box he will be criticized and it has nothing to do with the color of his skin. For the VAST majority of fans on this board if he was lights out on the field nobody would be calling him out. I think racism is a bit of a stretch. When the guy plays like a first round draft pick and people still bash him then you can look into potential racism. In this situation how could you possible separate out racism from legitimate criticism of a quarterback who at best is woefully inconsistent.

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Todd Collins is a better QB then JC and he proved it last year. We've scored ONE offensive touchdown in 2 home games. To be honest it's not possible to get less productive then that. All we ever hear from JC lovers are the same excuses that have been made for him sucking for the 2 years he has been starting. Isn't it funny how the oline suddenly started blocking and the WRs got open after we put Collins in who hasn't taken a regular season snap in 10 years. Everyone was getting blamed from Gibbs to Saunders to the oline and WRs but everyone just glosses over the fact the our QB isn't getting the job done.

Isn't it funny how you completely ignore/disregard/refuse to acknowledge the fact that TC was playing in the same offensive system for 10 years. Really Clipboard, why is it that you refuse to acknowledge that?

And for the record, I take offense at you calling me a "JC Lover" and an "excuse maker" ... I like the guy as a QB, and that's it. Keep the petty stereotypes and name calling to yourself.

Again, I will disagree with you, Todd Collins is not a better QB than JC. Besides, this is Zorn's offense ... this is not AS's offense anymore. The only thing TC has for him now is veteran experience, and he showed that's about all he had in the pre-season as well.

apples and oranges!

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Collins took us to the playoffs, when JC was playing this team was headed for a top 10 draft pick. And please don't even attempt to argue that we would make the playoffs if he didn't get hurt because until JC got injured we looked terrible.

Well If campbell was leading us to a top 10 draft pick, by the time Collins came in we would have never been in the hunt :2cents:.

Collins did well yes, Do you believe that any emotion was working with them with the loss of Sean? Of course not because TC is god:doh:. TC did well in a system that he had run forever, with a team riding high emotions to make it to the playoffs for Sean. Once there the O-line was back in old form and what happened. TC got his Ass handed to him.

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Matt Ryan was a top 5 pick. Campbell went late first. Make that into what you want. Their numbers are similar so far this year: http://www.nfl.com/players/search?category=name&filter=matt+ryan&playerType=current http://www.nfl.com/players/search?category=name&filter=jason+campbell&playerType=current There are surprises every year, with coaches going to bad teams with supposedly no chance and BOOM they win games; also coaches that are touted as GREAT that don't win jack. The guys who do well are the exception to the rule. Think of all the coaches who have failed miserably the last few years. To name a few: Morninwheg, Mularkey, Spurrier, Erickson (again), Nolan, Herm Edwards, Dennis Green, Crennell, Nick Saban, Norv Turner (couple more times), etc. etc. Then I gotta hear people point to the couple of coaches that found a lucky horseshoe was lodged in their rectum and have them expect that to also happen to our team. Wait, it DID happen to our team! We are 6-4 and in the midst of the playoff hunt! With a first-year coach and a QB that isn't any good? :rolleyes:

As Voice of Reason pointed out this is a Campbell thread and I will try to control myself here but in response to what you have said, Campbell is a first round QB pick. Period. We traded up for this guy. We made him our franchise QB and he is not a first year QB!! Matt Ryan is coming onto a team that was atrocious just last year. He is coming into a NEW LEAGUE not just a new system. He also has a new coach, new city, new teamates, new facility etc etc. Now, i am not syaing we should bench him or put colt in . I am saying that Campbell along with a significant portion of the team quite frankly are failing to move to the next level and teams like the damn falcons are moving way faster than we are at this point.

We were in the playoffs last year. The falcons were a national disgrace in the middle of a dog fighting scandal with their franchise QB and atrocious on the field. One year later with no excuses about the new coach, new system, new Qb who was playing in college last year, they look like they are going to pass us while we continue to make the same lame excuses of new system, new coach, poor Jason is still learning, our recievers have to develop etc etc. We are making excuses that many other teams who were significantly worse off than us a year ago aren't needing to make.

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This says it all. Close thread.

Regardless of who is in the game at QB, if you find yourself continually making excuses for the QB, odds are the QB doesn't have it.

I don't want to hear excuses about how many coordinators he has had either.

4 years into his NFL experience and Zorn has to teach him not to stare down his primary receiver. Zorn has to teach him how to look for his second or third option. Thats pathetic.

JC may someday be a good qb, maybe not. He hasn't shown anything special to me to make me want to give him top $$$$ on a new contract. That said, adequate QB's are hard to find. Trent Green, Gus Frerotte, Sage Rosenfels all started this year, and are all Redskins throwaways. Not that they are good or anything.


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I dont understand why everyone hates on TC saying that oh he's been in the same system for 10 years blah blah blah it doesnt matter. We see new qbs going into the nfl making big plays, and we see qbs on different teams making big plays. JC def. doesnt have th "IT" factor because he cant make plays. AND yea he made like 3 big plays all year but he cant do it consistently like other qbs. ANyone else can throw the ball down field and make plays, i just dont see that with JC. I dont want to put him down yet but if he continues to fail then i say put in the next. Some of it goes to the offensive line but cmon thats why they would do playaction roll outs so that they can make more time. There is diff ways for qbs to get more time slide pocket, leave more people back to block. JZ needs to help him out alittle more, and JC needs to get alittle better with making big plays and not just trying to hit a guy wide open. Take some chances who cares if you throw an int. Its like if we throw one int we lost the game, while other qbs could actually throw 2 and still put like 35 points in the game. :2cents:

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I see there's a lot of people, throwing JC under the bus right now. And that just makes me sad. He shined the beginning of the year, and made clutch throws when he had to. He was a top 10 passer and had ZERO interception stat. Given the last two games, he got sacked 10 times, plus the multitude of hits he received. I don't care who you are, getting hit by a 250+ lbs linebacker will wear you down, mentally and physically. But all the blame of course, goes to the QB. There are more problems, fundamentally, than the play of JC.

As fans, we're not seeing the whole picture, and i'm not saying i see the whole picture. But i know that if you don't protect your qb first and foremost, EVERYTHING will break down. Secondly, if we're too predictable, then of course everyone will be covered before the play develops. Thus, giving the opposing def line time to sack our QB. There's just way too much going on other than the play of JC, to just put the whole blame of the offense on him.

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Guest sith lord
Uh if Cooley doesn't drop that pass in the red zone leading to a missed FG we win that game. The oline played well enough to win the game for the most part. Once we got down by 2 scores we had to pass and the hawks were pinning their ears back and coming after Collins.

shhhhhhhh, to the JC apologist this never occured.

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See it's people like this guy.. It's not his fault really, he just doesn't know anything about football. He should take the time to educate himself a bit before posting.

Bottom line, you put Tom Brady behind our Oline, and he'd look like Tim Couch. It's not an excuse it's a reason.. The Oline sucks

How do you know what I know or don`t know about football?

Here are few things I think I know........

With better pass protection Jason would look better.

With another wide receiver who defenses had to respect Santana could get more deep passes thrown to him.

The above statements would insure that Portis could consistently gain 100+ yards per game.

Now, having said that, I know that this perfect scenario does not happen every game. This when you hope your QB can put the game on his shoulders and get a win.

Jason is not that type of QB. That is a fact not a excuse.

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Guest sith lord
imho, their is still some latent racism in regards to JC, and no im not kidding.

Just to let you know, I'm black. Just ask anyone in the tailgate.

LOL. I've been in some classic battles on race.

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Guest sith lord
Should just change the name of this thread to:


9 TDs and only 3 INTs on the year, those are good stats for a starting QB imho.

Those aren't winning football numbers. That's one of the problems. Many of you accept "well enough." I'd rather for him to have atleast 16 TD passes with 7 INT's at this point.

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Should just change the name of this thread to:


9 TDs and only 3 INTs on the year, those are good stats for a starting QB imho.

Well... I would like to se the numbers of TD's up to 16 at this point in the season. Those wold be great numbers.

I support Campbell... and no I'm not an apologist Sith... just a fairly knowledgable football fan who understands that there is not one single team inthe NFL that has one person carry a team ver. That is a fact.

You want to say Portis cariies this team? Portis would not do **** without a great run-blocking offensive line.

You want to say Moss has carried us in games? Moss would not be doing that without JC throwing completions to him.

You want to say anything about any player stepping up to save the day... it just not happen in football. Well maybe on a single play basis kind of thing, but not every play all game.

You win and lose as a team. I think most fans get that.

Do you honestly think guy like Manning would be manning without Wayne? Or Wayne without Manning? How about the original LT. No way he would have done what he did without a tenacious D-line opening up lanes for him. Practicall every one of his sacks was unabated to the QB. Watch the film.

I dont mean to get heated on the subject. Bit IMO there are far to many narrow minded individuals here, that are either incapable or unwilling to open their eyes to the entire picture.

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Uh if Cooley doesn't drop that pass in the red zone leading to a missed FG we win that game. The oline played well enough to win the game for the most part. Once we got down by 2 scores we had to pass and the hawks were pinning their ears back and coming after Collins.

shhhhhhhh, to the JC apologist this never occured.

I love how you guys pick and choose which player is to blame for all things that go wrong with this team.

if Suisham makes the kick it's a different ball game, if TC doesn't float those last 2 int's in the air it's a different ball game. How is your line of thinking anymore valid than "if JC has time to throw ... if JC is not being pounded into the ground every other play ... yadayadayada

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Guest sith lord
Well... I would like to se the numbers of TD's up to 16 at this point in the season. Those wold be great numbers.

I support Campbell... and no I'm not an apologist Sith... just a fairly knowledgable football fan who understands that there is not one single team inthe NFL that has one person carry a team ver. That is a fact.

You want to say Portis cariies this team? Portis would not do **** without a great run-blocking offensive line.

You want to say Moss has carried us in games? Moss would not be doing that without JC throwing completions to him.

You want to say anything about any player stepping up to save the day... it just not happen in football. Well maybe on a single play basis kind of thing, but not every play all game.

You win and lose as a team. I think most fans get that.

Do you honestly think guy like Manning would be manning without Wayne? Or Wayne without Manning? How about the original LT. No way he would have done what he did without a tenacious D-line opening up lanes for him. Practicall every one of his sacks was unabated to the QB. Watch the film.

I dont mean to get heated on the subject. Bit IMO there are far to many narrow minded individuals here, that are either incapable or unwilling to open their eyes to the entire picture.

No one ever said it was all up to one person, but the fact of the matter is that JC's not getting it done.

Look, either the JC apologist or the JC critics are gonna be proven wrong on this issue. For the record I really hope it's us JC critics, but I don't believe we will.

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It is a combo of O-line ineptitude, and Campbell holding on to the ball too long.

aaah aaah=sound of buzzer indicating WRONG ;):laugh:

Just playing, but I disagree. It used to be Jason holding on to the ball/the O line, but I don't see him doing that much at all lately...a couple of times in the last couple of games maybe.

Go and watch other O lines and occasionally throughout the game you'll feel like the qb has years to throw the ball, just like when our D line rushes only four and our opponent has years...:paranoid:

We don't have years to throw the ball. We're always around three seconds or less before the pocket collapses. Jason is making the O line look better than it is (and that ain't saying much right now) b/c he's making quick decisions. Imagine what it'd be like with a line that could give him a long time to throw the ball occasionally, just on occasion, that's all we ask :doh:


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Guest sith lord
I'd rather see Jason take a sack than try to force the ball and throw a bunch of int's.

It's a LOSE-LOSE for Jason on this board. If he's getting sacked then he's holding on to the ball too long. If he's throwing pics then he's forcing it and he's not smart enough.

What about moving out of the pocket and throwing the ball away?

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