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ESPN: Moseley Responds to LaVar


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I really respect Moseley. Despite being a former Dallas beat-writer, he has really won me over:

Thanks for your patience today while I was flying home from the mothership in Bristol. In trying to play catch up, the NFC Beast came across this LaVar Arrington story in the Washington Times.

Arrington was kind enough to wait until Cowboys week to publicly rip his former coach, Joe Gibbs, and Redskins owner Dan Snyder. The former Redskins linebacker left the organization in Feb. 2006, and apparently he's been needing to get some things off his chest.

"I called Joe Gibbs a coward for leaving," Arrington told the Times. "You came in, you made some money for your NASCAR team. No one else is going to say that. I'm sure more people thought I was a [jerk] for saying that. Joe wouldn't call me because he knows. There are a lot of people who know the truth about what went down with me and the Redskins."

LaVar, maybe no one else is willing to say it because they don't want to sound like a complete idiot. Gibbs said he was walking away from football after the 2007 season, in part, because he wanted to spend more time with his sick grandson. Call me gullible, but I'm going to take Gibbs' word on this one. I think Sean Taylor's death and the subsequent playoff run had a draining effect on him, and he didn't have the energy anymore. And that's why "coward" is the last word I'd use to describe him.

I feel bad for Arrington that his promising career was cut short by an injury. But to say those types of things about one of the most respected men in the history of the league is gutless.

But Arrington didn't stop there. He's also upset that Snyder didn't make enough small talk with him at a team event.

"I think Dan Snyder is scared to death of me," said Arrington. "He won't look at me. I tried to shake his hand at a luncheon. He shook my hand and was like, 'How you doing, LaVar?' and kept moving. I'm probably the only person that's ever stood up to him and never backed down."

Folks, let's take a moment to praise this brave, brave man for not backing down to Snyder. What a joke.

P.S. I felt this deserved it's own thread, please merge if you feel otherwise!

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First of all, I love everything that he said and the way that he said it.

I was a huge LaVar Arrington fan, but now I have lost all respect for the man. It's almost like he is on a personal mission to seperate himself and alienate each and every fan that he has ever had. Well, I think that he has actually achieved just that this go around.

I have always believed that Arrington has had some form of emotional problem to where he has been unable to control his emotions and what he says. But there's medication for that sort of thing, and he's not even envolved with football anymore; so where is this crap coming from?

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Bravo Mosely.

You know what burns me the most? At Sean Taylor's funeral, LA gets up there and delivers what I thought was a very heartfelt and humble message. I had one friend (not a Redskins fan) who told me he thought it was inappropriate because it was all about Lavar.....I defended Lavar then because I thought he was simply relaying how ST's death had affected his outlook on life.

LA seemed to reach out and mend some fences that day....I thought he was sincere.

But now, to me, everything he said that day is BS....he didn't "learn" jack. At this point, who was right and who was wrong is immaterial--- to bring it up again and call out Gibbs personally is the very definition of cowardice. Someone else said it in another thread....Lavar is dead to me.

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