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If Brees is league MVP, why no discussion of Kurt Warner then?


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Just so everyone is clear, I am not saying I think Warner should be MVP. However, I dont think Brees should be MVP either but if someone is going to mention brees' name, they should mention warner's also. let me show you why


2563 passing yards

15 touchdowns

7 interceptions

101.6 passer rating

107 first downs

11 40 yards passes

4-4 record


2431 passing yards

16 touchdowns

6 interceptions

104.2 passer rating

118 first downs

5 40 yard passes

5-3 record

Seriously, what is so much better? Warner has better everything other than passing yards and 40 yard passes

So, what could it be guys? is it because Brees' WR's aren't as good? Colston missed time, but so did Boldin.

I don't know, but it seems a little weird to me.

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Also look at the division Brees is in vs the division Warner is in.

Not saying this is the biggest reason, but I am sure that is included in everyones thoughts. Regardless though, I agree if the numbers end up the same and the Cards are in the playoffs and the Saints are not, then no way should Brees get it.

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Hmm. I think it might have something to do with the top three WR's for both teams so far this year. Lance Moore, Devery Henderson, and David Patten vs. Larry Fitzgerald, Anquan Boldin, and Steve Breaston.

Well you also need to throw Bush in there. He is a legit threat to catch the ball out of the backfield and extend drives. But I do agree BBJ

Also look at the division Brees is in vs the division Warner is in.

Not saying this is the biggest reason, but I am sure that is included in everyones thoughts. Regardless though, I agree if the numbers end up the same and the Cards are in the playoffs and the Saints are not, then no way should Brees get it.

Ahh, very true AKM. Funny tho, instrad of saying "Warner is leading his team to their first division title in years", people say "Their division sucks. They should be winning" :doh:

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For some reason Warner is not getting the credit he deserves. I see the Cardinals as a VERY dangerous team and to be honest I think if we played them now we would not be able beat them. They are 5-3 right now and lost to us, the Jets (so-so team), and Carolina. Most of the game they have have been blowouts minus the Cowboys game. Warner is old and the media views him as a problem with all the baggage he has with his wife and all.

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\Ahh, very true AKM. Funny tho, instrad of saying "Warner is leading his team to their first division title in years", people say "Their division sucks. They should be winning" :doh:

He is leading them to the title because the only other threat in their division, the Seattle Seahawks, are far worse than anyone could have predicted going into this year. With Hasselbeck hurt, and the absence of a running game there is no competition from them. San Fran has no QB and is playing for an interim coach who couldn't beat the aforementioned Seahawks at home. And while St. Louis has shown some friskiness lately, don't forget that just a few weeks ago some thought them to be the worst team in the league.

Brees on the hand has inter-divisional games against teams with stout defenses, the Bucs, Panthers, and Atlanta. Before the season Atlanta was an afterthough but at 5-3 there are no cakewalk games in their division.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The reason you give it to Brees over Warner this year:

1. Brees is on pace to break the passing yardage record

2. Warner has better targets then Brees

3. Warners won the award twice already

4. New Orleans has no team except for Brees, without him they don't win a game this year. Arizona has a running game

But for the record neither of them deserve it or should get it. The award truely should go to one of these more deserving selections:

1. Matt Cassell - No one thought they could do anything when Brady went down and Cassel has surpassed everyone's expectations. In playoff hunt

2. Clinton Portis - Rejunivanated his career this season and has Redskins in playoff hunt

3. Brett Farve - People are talking about the JETS going to the Superbowl, this team was 4-12 last year.

4. Tennessee Defense - Poster above me mentioned one player but truth is without that Defense playing as good as it has they would never have been 10-1

5. NY Giants coaching staff - After the Superbowl win they have been able to keep the fires burning in NY and are the best team in the league right now and poised to defend the title

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Well you also need to throw Bush in there. He is a legit threat to catch the ball out of the backfield and extend drives. But I do agree BBJ

Bush has been hurt the past few weeks and Brees is still putting up 300+. And he has done the same with Colston being out.

But yeah, i can definitely see your point about Warner getting the nod, assuming the Cards make the playoffs and the Saints don't, even if Brees manages to break Marino's record. (And if he does and they do miss the playoffs, I don't think there is a stronger indictment of Sean Payton's coaching ability than that. The year Marino broke the record, the Dolphins were 14-2)

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Hmm. I think it might have something to do with the top three WR's for both teams so far this year. Lance Moore, Devery Henderson, and David Patten vs. Larry Fitzgerald, Anquan Boldin, and Steve Breaston.

Agreed. Kurt's working with grade A talent. Drew is throwing at no-names. Beyond that, Warner is certainly deserving enough.

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Hmm. I think it might have something to do with the top three WR's for both teams so far this year. Lance Moore, Devery Henderson, and David Patten vs. Larry Fitzgerald, Anquan Boldin, and Steve Breaston.

That. And Arizona is winning. Winning against horrible teams and in the weakest division ever, but still, winning. So what if they can't beat a team that's actually good?

Warner is a QB, putting up Great Numbers, and Winning. Three key traits in an MVP.

Non-QBs can win MVP, but only if they stand out to epic proportions. Breaking TD records often helps. Otherwise, if you pass for the most yards and touchdowns AND you win your division, you'll walk out with some sort of trophy.

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You had me until that sentence. :)


I'm just saying that I think Hightower is actually going to be pretty good in the league and Edge wasn't bad when he was replaced. On the other hand the crew they have in NO just isn't good enough to do much with. I like Bush but he's been hurt and his value was coming from the passing game. Duece didn't play until week 3 or 4. Stecker and Pierre aren't any good. It's a stretch to think either teams got a running game, but I do think the edge (no pun intended) goes to Zona

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