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Cover philosophy lost us the game


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The D was not the major problem tonight. The offense looked like a new offense under a first year coach. We are going to b inconsistent this year. We will probably make the playoffs but not go far.

Next year may be a different story if we can keep the band together. If you step back for some perspective this QB, team, and coach have done amazingly well. We just want it faster than it can really happen. We are short a receiver to be really potent on offense. I think Zorn will get us there. Its a work in progress though.

They still may surprise us this year, time will tell.

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Oh come on. Give the Steelers some credit.

Defensively maybe, but my point is a good one. The first half the skins played man and the steelers looked like they couldn't do anything. Than we came out in the 2nd and played off 10 yards and look what happened.

Why is rogers playing 7 yards deep on with the steelers on the 1 yd line??

Did he want to give them a walk in TD??

Play man and that TD might not have been.

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No. I'm not going to give a Byron Leftwich-led offense any credit. We sucked. Period.

Actually, I will because it was obvious that Roethlesburger wasn't right tonight. Leftwich came in fresh and was able to throw the ball accurately. I do think he was part of the difference.

The other part was that they got no support from the offense. There is only so much they can do out there before breaking.


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On 3rd & Goal, it was 16-6, if we hold the Steelers to a FG the game is still somewhat not embarrasing.

We still probably don't comeback to win, but it doesn't give the Steelers the devastating blow to our chances.

So Rogers is on Holmes, and Rogers is a yard INTO THE ENDZONE......

Why is this "cushion" defense practiced so much by our D-Coordinator.

We have two big strong physical corners in Rogers & Springs.

When they are healthy, why are they not up on the line jamming the WR?

That play was a run play but Leftwhich flipped the script at the snap of the ball because Rogers is chillin' in the endzone.

I understand why a cushion is give on 3rd and long, but on 3rd and Goal?


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Actually, I will because it was obvious that Roethlesburger wasn't right tonight. Leftwich came in fresh and was able to throw the ball accurately. I do think he was part of the difference.

The other part was that they got no support from the offense. There is only so much they can do out there before breaking.


When Roethlesburger was in there the Skins were playing tight man coverage & then Leftwich comes in & they change. Any QB can make accurate passes when there isn't anybody within 10-15 yds of the receiver. Also the crowd sucked tonight & does most nights. This crowd tonight is what you get when working class people can't afford to got to the games.


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The Steelers offense is terrible. Our defense was worse.

Well said... and simply put! I would also add that our offense too is terrible. This seems to be very predictable, and it appears instead of progressing ... we are regressing.

It's a shame that most of our offense focuses primarily on just 2 players ... Clinton and Santana. Chris is a mixed bag.

We have yet to dominate any team offensively, and win with a margin of more than 10 points! :point2sky Hate saying this Elli looks like a stud in the NFC East.

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Rogers made a BIG ****ing mistake this game. He dropped an interception while we were still leading. Had he held on to the ball he could have scored 6!

He also gave up some big plays due to poor coverage...

What's with our WRs? They were non-existent!

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Rogers made a BIG ****ing mistake this game. He dropped an interception while we were still leading. Had he held on to the ball he could have scored 6!

He also gave up some big plays due to poor coverage...

What's with our WRs? They were non-existent!

Yeah I agree. I have to say this. They can play very well, but not every game as evidenced tonight.

I just don't understand why CB's don't turn around and look for the ball. That deep play might just have been broken up had he looked back for it.

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I noticed this and agree, posted my thoughts in another thread or two, but since this one is titled for it, here's my stamp of approval. Between giving up anything under 15 yards in the 2nd half and our horrible O-Line performance, there just wasn't much good to be said.

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Yeah I agree. I have to say this. They can play very well, but not every game as evidenced tonight.

I just don't understand why CB's don't turn around and look for the ball. That deep play might just have been broken up had he looked back for it.

when you look back you slow down.. if the ball is out of your reach, TD

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