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Who should I vote for: Keith Fimian or Gerry Connolly?

Coltsfan in VA

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Mr. Fimian. Mainly because Gerry has jacked up property tax rates and made a stupid attempt to "switch" the assesments last year to make up for revenue shortfall

One of the dumbest things I have seen in history, switching the land assesment with the building assesment from the year before

For that, Mr. Fimian

That and the "he is too extreme ad" that Connoley has run against Fimian is one of the worst ads I have seen in my life

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Mr. Fimian. Mainly because Gerry has jacked up property tax rates and made a stupid attempt to "switch" the assesments last year to make up for revenue shortfall

One of the dumbest things I have seen in history, switching the land assesment with the building assesment from the year before

For that, Mr. Fimian

That and the "he is too extreme ad" that Connoley has run against Fimian is one of the worst ads I have seen in my life

btw, i am too young to pay property taxes so I'm not worried about that.

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I don't give a crap about his faith, I care about how it affects his legislation.

Probably none at all, considering he would be in the House, and hasn't spoken of his faith at all on the campaign trail and will be in the extreme minority in the House (until he was attacked about it)

The dude is a businessman first, and running on that

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