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43 Presidents


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Ok, so on thursday, I have a test in AP US History on the 43 presidents in order. My memory sucks. I know the first 5 and the last 5, inbetween, well, yeah. Not so good. So I been looking through some songs on youtube to try and help me memorize.

So does anyone know any good songs or any good techniques to name the Presidents in order?

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Use "eras".

WW2 to present is easy:













Ditto Founding Fathers:






John Quincy Adams

Andrew Jackson

Civil War (Pre and Post)





1900s to world war 2:







So that leaves the rest to you

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This is my personal favorite. The line about James Monroe is pure gold. :)


Washington came first and he was perfect

John Adams kept us out of war with France

Jefferson made a Louisiana Purchase

In 1812 James Madison kicked the British in the pants

James Monroe told Europe they could suck it

John Quincy Adams looked just like his Dad

Andrew Jackson got rid of all the indians

Van Buren served one term but he wasn’t bad

William Henry Harrison died early

Tyler annexed Texas from Mexico

James K. Polk fought Mexico to keep it

Taylor was a Mexican War hero

Filmore gave a boat to Commodore Perry

Pierce repealed the Missouri Compromise

Buchanan saw the Civil War’s beginnings

Lincoln saved the Union, then he died

Andrew Johnson just survived impeachment

General Grant enjoyed a drink or two

Rutherford B. Hayes ended reconstruction

Garfield was asssassinated in 1882 [note: this is wrong]

Arthur suspended Chinese immigration

Cleveland made the railroad people squirm

Harrison signed the Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Then Grover Cleveland served another term

McKinley kept the Spanish out of Cuba

Roosevelt was handy with a gun

Taft was big and fat and had a mustache

Wilson kicked some ass in World War I

Harding said let’s laissez faire with business

Coolidge made the roaring 20’s roar

Hoover screwed the pooch in the Great Depression

Then Roosevelt beat the Nazis in a war

Truman dropped the bomb on Hiroshima

Eisenhower kept the commies well in hand

Kennedy was killed by a magic bullet

Johnson murdered kids in Vietnam

Nixon was a sweating filthy liar

Ford gave Nixon pardon for his crimes

Carter lusted in his heart for peanuts

Reagan won the Cold War and lost his mind

George Bush senior poked at Sadam Hussein

Clinton gave an intern a cigar

W’s legacy’s a work in progress

And that is all the presidents so far

In the year 2005 we’re out of money

Somewhere surely freedom’s on the march

And I don’t like to make political statements

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Ok so as of now the night before, I have them all memorized. I just added a few names on every time, to where i kept saying the first 5, to the first 16, to the first 27, and kept repeating the group until i was good then added on more names. Now can do all 43.

And some of my strategys to remember Fillmore, Peirce Bucannon, made it a sentence, Fillmore Peirced Bucannon, as in he stabbed him. and Garfield Arthur Cleveland - all cartoon characters. Harding Coolidge Hoover. = HCH, and Coolidge, Cooley, cool -> hoover dam, cool damn, cool hoover.

SO just little tricks like that and im good i believe.

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