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OT...Greatest Movie Ever ?!?

Guest 6'1 but 6'9 with the Afro

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Guest 6'1 but 6'9 with the Afro

With all these threads about movies I am offended that none of you chose my movie as the greatest ever : Fletch, of course! How could you overlook the classic and dramatic performance by me and my afro in that movie ? My chilling moves under the basket including my signature 'biting' technique, which I executed so fast that only super-slow-motion revealed those moves. And if you havnt figured out who's hiding behind this big fake afro, it's Mick....Now that I'm a Hall of Famer and there's no other icons to advance to and nothing left to live for so I reincarnated myself as "Fletch".

[edited.gif by 6'1 but 6'9 with the Afro on June 21, 2001.]

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Sorry, Fletch, I've read the book.

At the risk of starting a spinoff, I'll give you the best movies by giving you a line from each.

"Laugh while you can, monkey boy!"


"Hello. My name is Inego Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

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"Explain again how sheeps bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes."

". . . and took the Grail to the Castle Aaaaaaaaaaagh!

The what?

The Castle Aaaaaaaaaaagh! He must have died while writing it.

No one's going to take the time to write, 'Aaaaaaaaaaagh!' if they're dying.

Maybe he was dictating."


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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Now, a great line (in what I thought was a rotten movie) was:

"Police officials are asking Los Angeles residents not to fire their guns at the alien spacecraft because this might be mis-interpreted".

I'm also a fan of (the line):

"We in the FBI have no sense of humor that we're aware of".

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Or, how about this little ditty:

"Whenever life gets you down, Mrs. Brown,

And things seem hard or tough,

And people are stupid, obnoxious or daft,


And you feel that you've had quite eno-o-o-o-o-ough,

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving

And revolving at nine thousand miles an hour.

It's orbiting at nineteen miles a second, so it's reckoned,

The sun that is the source of all our power.

Now the sun, and you and me, and all the stars that we can see,

Are moving at a million miles a day,

In the outer spiral arm, at fourteen thousand miles an hour,

Of a galaxy we call the Milky Way.

Our galaxy itself contains a hundred million stars;

It's a hundred thousand light-years side to side;

It bulges in the middle sixteen thousand light-years thick,

But out by us it's just three thousand light-years wide.

We're thirty thousand light-years from Galactic Central Point,

We go 'round every two hundred million years;

And our galaxy itself is one of millions of billions

In this amazing and expanding universe.


Our universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding,

In all of the directions it can whiz;

As fast as it can go, that's the speed of light, you know,

Twelve million miles a minute and that's the fastest speed there is.

So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,

How amazingly unlikely is your birth;

And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space,

'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!"

-- Eric Idle

[edited.gif by Terry on June 21, 2001.]

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My all-time favorites movies:

1) "You take the red pill... you take the blue pill, you see just how far the rabbit hole goes." - The Matrix

2) "My job consists of basically masking my contempt for the @ssholes in charge and at least once a day retiring to the men's room so I can jerk off... while I fantasize about a life that doesn't so closely resemble hell." - American Beauty.

3) Election (starring Matthew Broderick and Reese Witherspoon). One of the best films people haver never seen.


I would personally like to thank Blade for giving me "The Squire" rank.

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Best Dramas: A 3-way tie between Braveheart, Shawshank Redemption (when they rolled the credits, I just sat there and was the last one to leave the theater), and Carlito's Way.

Best Comedy: Clerks

Scariest Movie: The Shining (although I've never seen the exorsist so this could change)

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The scariest movie I saw was scary primarily because I was litttle. I don't remember the name but it was a 'B' movie about little gnomes that hid in your house and drug you down to their lair when the lights went out. I was just getting old enough not to be scared of the monsters under my bed, this movie extended that fear two or three more years!

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Speaking of 'Clerks', is anybody else into indie movies like I am?

Some of my favorites:



'Career Girls'

'Buffalo 66'

'Wild At Heart'

'Brassed Off'

'The Van'

'The Butcher Boy' (One of the most intense films I ever saw).

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That movie would be "Dont Be Afraid Of The Dark"

the only reason I remeber is because it freaked me out as a kid as well. The old dude from My Three Sons was in it.

Very creepy movie.

Another movie for ya'll

"Where ya headed General?"

"Im heading to Berlin where Im going to personally shoot that paper hanging son of a ***** myself!"

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For those who like indie movies, or just movies in general:

Requiem for a dream is one of the best. Came out last year. Try to get the director's cut if you can but the edited version is not too different.

Classic movies:

Most of the Kubricks (2001, Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket, the Shinning)

And by other directors: Saving Private Ryan, Braveheart, Usual Suspects, Godfather I & II, Shawshank Redemption.

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I always liked Cool Hand Luke. A classic.

Other faves: Godfather I & II, Goodfellas, Saving Private Ryan, Jaws, Pulp Fiction.

Classic line (from Clerks):

"Try not to ---- anybody's ---- while your gone!"

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With all the movie buffs on the board, it should be easy to name the movies.

"there always comming and going, going and comming, and always too soon"

"don't pi$$ down my back and tell me it's raining"

"saddle up, we're burning daylight"

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"I didn't hear the bet." "Your life."

"Say hello to my little friend..."

"Bulls**t!! I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose!"

"Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?"

"I have to go now, Clarice. I'm having an old friend for dinner."

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Guest Trevor

Some of my favs are...

Strange Brew. All time classic comedy. Has to many remerable lines to quote them here.

The Fan. I enjoy few things more than watching Robert De Niro play a pyscho. Mix it with sports and to me you have a great film.

Boyz-N-The-Hood. Well, unlike 99% of you(I'm guessing), these type of movies are generally my favorite. I love the gangsta movies, perhaps that's a product of where I was raised.

[edited.gif by Trevor on June 22, 2001.]

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Hey Fitzman,

Here's some from some cuts:

1. Eastwood: "Oh you don't think WE'RE just going to let you waltz out of here do you?"

(Robber looks around in coffee shop and says): "What do you mean WE"

Eastwood: "Me, Smith and Wesson"

2: "This is what really happened" recap of movie with a different twists and outtakes in "Clue"

My favorite name in that one was Colonel Mustard smile.gif

3. "Where would I go? What would I do?"

Gable: "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a dam*!"

4. The Untouchtables, in the hairraising shootout at the train station. Only one desperate gangster is left, holding a gun to Capone's Accountant's head (the Accountant can't die, because he holds the key testimony to Capone's money laundering and income tax evasion. Costner says the fatal words as Elliot Ness,

"Take him!" Garcia fires center mass of the gangsters' forehead.

Sean Connery "You want Capone, I'll tell you how to get Capone, he sends one your men to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue!".

5. "Jerry, you gonna' love this, I mean you a beautiful person in your heart, you gonna love this"

"Okay, Okay, show me the girl"

The thrilling moment in "Lady Sings the Blues" when Richard Pryor introduces Diana Ross (playing Billy Holiday) to the nightclub owner, who thinks she's going to show anatomy, in the steamy, classic but exotic dancing club.

"I've got my chance to be "Champean" of the whole world, I'm taking my turn!" James Earl Jones as the Great Heavyweight

Jack Johnson.


Lawrence Fishburn to Cuba Gooding, Jr., after he tells Fishburn of a real fine sista' that is stacked with the rack

and does the "whole thing" with him in bed. The movie does an Alley McBeal type of scene (Tre's a virgin) "Tre' that is about the biggest piece of bulshi*t' I ever heard. "Boyz -n-the-Hood"

The dance in "The King and I", "Scent of a Woman", "Preacher's Wife", "Soulfood", "Mission Impossible", "True Lies", "Glory",

"Dirty Dancing", "Singing in the Rain"

SPORTS - Best dance

Video Clip in NFL Films "The Washington Redskins and George Allen Dancing in the lockerroom, after defeating Dallas 26-3 in the NFC Championship game in December 1972.

[edited.gif by indyskinsfan on June 22, 2001.]

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OK, I'll play:

"I think you are going to need a bigger boat."

sexiest line: From a young Lauren Bacall, "You know how to whistle, don't you? Just put your lips together and blow"

From Kelly's Heros, in honor of the late Carroll O'Conner, while he is trying to tune the radio to a combat frequency "Not now Bucher, can't you see I've got the game on."

One of my favorite Clint Eastwood scenes, from Where Eagles Dare. He is standing at the top of some stairs with a Schmiser submachine gun in each hand mowing down Nazis as they try to rush him.

And the classic between Robert Duval and John Wayne. "I aim to kill you Ned, or see you hang at Ft. Smith at Judge Parkers conviencience." "Well that is pretty bold talk for a one-eyed fat man." "FILL YOUR HAND!!!" It doesn't come any better than that.

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What are "indie" movies?

Are they movies made in India or directed by someone named Indie? I must have missed this completely.

I think my favorites are:

1. Summer of'42

2. Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

3. The Russians Are Coming

4. Phantasam (I)

A pretty eclectic group, but favorites just the same.

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'Indies' are independent films, usually those films not made by the major studios.

The major studios tend to have an eye towards 'safe' movies, and could be accused of placing demographics and the bottom line before artistic expression.

That's fair enough, they spend the money to grab the name stars and directors, pay for lavish sets and the rights to the current hot scripts.

But there is also a market for films geared towards a more selective audience, for films that take on topics that are less mainstream, or feature stories that might not be for the general taste.

There is also a market for directors who's style is not to everyone's taste, Mike Leigh comes to mind.

The major studios tend not to touch these because they might not attract a large enough audience to make the return on investment necessary to satisfy their shareholders.

So there is a market for smaller studios, making movies on a tighter budget with lesser known actors and directors. A lot of times these movies are premiered at film festivals in Cannes, Aspen, and other places. If they generate enough interest, a bigger studio might decide to invest in the movie eith advertising and distribution.

Last year, The Blair Witch Project was a classic case of an indie film that struck a popular chord with audiences and was put into heavy rotation.

The others tend to show up at specialist movie theatres (usually not the local megaplex).

[edited.gif by Terry on June 22, 2001.]

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