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Why are most celebrities Dems Part Deux


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What's to discuss? I think the article is pretty accurate...at least from what I've experienced down here.

It's just interesting to read that people feel bullied to be democrats in hollywood. It does seem accurate, and it helps answer the question from my original post. I knew something was up, but wasn't quite sure.

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In a way, you would think there would be more republicans that are celebrities, mainly b/c of the amount of money they make and the fact that Obama said he would raise taxes on those people that make over 250k p/y. It is kind of odd.

This caught my eye in the article. It's pretty crappy IMO.

"He even said that, earlier in his career, his job was threatened by a prominent sitcom director who demanded he donate money to Barbara Boxer's U.S. Senate campaign. To keep his job, he gave $10,000 to Boxer and the Democrats."

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Thanks for making it easy on the mods on where this thread should be merged into.

As for the topic, I think there are a lot of factors in play here. The majority of celebs seem to have that 'charity-esque' vibe to them with their $$. I think that a lot of them see the democratic party as a way to contribute to that part of them. Also, loose morals tend to favor the liberal social view.

As to the article that you mentioned, I could definitely see that happening in this sense -- it's probably not going to help your business cause to walk into a room of hedge fund managers and start talking about how great Obama will be for our country. Unfortunately, for both sides, our country is too polarized at this time, and it leads to these types of situations where the minority cannot speak up when politics are the discussion in fear of what the majority will do to them. I would not call this a fault of the democratic party, but a fault of the partisanship in america.

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It's just interesting to read that people feel bullied to be democrats in hollywood. It does seem accurate, and it helps answer the question from my original post. I knew something was up, but wasn't quite sure.

Lol, I know, I was being a beavis. I don't have a high regard for hollywood or that type of lifestyle. To be honest, I don't really like the whole SoCal scene.

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Those poll numbers are not surprising - they tend to mirror the media.

This is reminiscent of Hollywood in the 1940s and 1950s. The scare was communism and it's supposed sympathizers. It seems like Hollywood has not learned the lessons of history.

I think it is entering the mainstream of America - slowly, but surely. Are we entering a new McCarthyism? If you get a certain label or two (whether it is right or wrong), it can destroy your career and life.

Worried? No. Concerned? Yes.

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Political peer pressure? If they feel bullied into becoming democrats then they need to grow a spine.

Hollywood is in Fake America, it should be obvious why they are democrats.

Hollywood isnt even America as far as Im concerned. You and I just agreed for the first time I think..


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