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Patrick Ramsey done for the season.

SD Skins fan

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Where's A.J.?

Funny that in all the responses, they are worried about their LB's and CB's and no one even says anything about who the 2nd string QB will be. I have no idea who it is. Anyone else? Bueller?

EDIT*** Nevermind. Hackney was the 3rd stringer on the PS, so I guess they only had 2 QB's officially on the roster.

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i always felt that the broncos were over rated this year. they had to out score people to win. and the man love trown at cutler is incredible. he's good don't get me wrong but they have gotten pretty rediculous about him. our own j campbell is a good qb too.this year tilts the trade in our favor. champ would be nice to have and we should still have had him here but i think we have gotten more out of the trade than they. even with the second rd(mr bell) who is now workin for the airport luggage people.as for ramsey that poor man was destroyed by the ol ball coach. too bad he didn't get drafted by gibbs instead.

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Yeah who was that guy who posted the thread about how we all need to prepare for Patrick Ramsey's inevitable return to DC.

Something about Campbell failing, Cutler getting benched or hurt, and Ramsey shining in the Denver offense before getting a sweet deal to come back here.

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AJSkins left the site. He posted some drawn out thread about how he was leaving and then when we all told him not to let the door hit him on the ass, he did just just that and argued with us for days.

I don't think he is coming back. You might find him blubbering on a Broncos site somewhere.

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Yeah who was that guy who posted the thread about how we all need to prepare for Patrick Ramsey's inevitable return to DC.

Something about Campbell failing, Cutler getting benched or hurt, and Ramsey shining in the Denver offense before getting a sweet deal to come back here.

That was Old Fan. Of course this might be part of his "plan". Ramsey needs to be avaliable some way, so getting injured and released by Denver is one way of going about that. But yeah................it was pretty funny when he first posted it, and outright comical now. :cool:

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