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Obama vs. Ditka

USS Redskins

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Illinois Republicans tried to woo Mike Ditka in 2004 to run for the Senate against Barack Obama. At the time the Republican candidate had to drop out because his hot ex-wife (the borg chick from Star Trek) accused him of making her go to underground Sex Clubs.

Who knows if Mike could have won but he is/was very popular in IL.

His years with the Bears gives him the executive experience.


And we would have been treated to this gem:

And how would Ditka have addressed issues? Probably in the same straight-forward way he talks football. Here was his take on gay marriage at the time:

"What's the matter with right and wrong? Talk about right and wrong. It's either right or wrong. There's no in-between . . . And I'm not going to change, and you're not going to change me, no matter if some judge in the state of Massachusetts or the Supreme Court says it's right. It's not right. Wrong is wrong."

(Ditka testifies before a Senate committee in 2007/Getty Images/Win McNamee)

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Unfortunately we don't live in a right and wrong world. We live in a world where what is right one day, is totally wrong the next day.. ( slavery, racism, human testing, womens voting rights, alcohol, and birth control )

We live in a world of subtle greys along with right and wrongs.. People who deny the grey's exist, don't make it so.

besides do you really want a senator sticking his gum on the forheads of his other senators when he disagrees with them? Ditka wasn't even that great a coach. Now if you want to talk Buddy Ryan, he would be a better senator.

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Unfortunately we don't live in a right and wrong world. We live in a world where what is right one day, is totally wrong the next day.. ( slavery, racism, human testing, womens voting rights, alcohol, and birth control )

We live in a world of subtle greys along with right and wrongs.. People who deny the grey's exist, don't make it so.

besides do you really want a senator sticking his gum on the forheads of his other senators when he disagrees with them? Ditka wasn't even that great a coach. Now if you want to talk Buddy Ryan, he would be a better senator.

Yet that does negate what he is saying. Right and wrong still exist, even in an absolute sense.
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Yet that does negate what he is saying. Right and wrong still exist, even in an absolute sense.

Ditka is actually a representitive case. He knows what's 100% right and wrong; but not many folks would agree with him. Which is typically true for such folks.

I can't think of an abolute universal right and wrong.... I couldn't even agree that it's universally correct to change absolute givens; like Bush has on the constitution protections for individuals privacy or for weakenning the separation of church and state in our society. So I wouldn't absolutely agree on changing, I would argue for reason over isolated truisms thougth any day. I would agure the truisms which I hold dear are based on reason and can always be supported by reason.

I disagree on zero tollerance policies on priciple.

Zero tollerance for drugs in school, so a kid who brings an asprin to school at the direction of her mom, for a headache, is suspended? Happenned in Fairfax country.

Zero Tollerance for knives in school, my 5 year old brought a faux swiss army nail clipper to school cause he liked the tweazer and tooth pick. Almost got suspended and given the same sentence as if he had brought a machette to school.. Brain dead. The Prinspal interceeded and excused him; but she took her job in her own hands to do it.

I think most of the time folks who adhere to zero tollerance or absolutes are just substituting dogma for reason; and that's never a good thing. Even well intentioned folks who subscribe to this policy are dangerous; cause the folks who interpret their positions who come after them can and do twist their intent in the name of abolute correctness.

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I can't think of an abolute universal right and wrong.... I couldn't even agree that it's universally correct to change absolute givens; like Bush has on the constitution protections for individuals privacy or the separation of church and state. So I wouldn't absolutely agree on changing, I would argue for reason over isolated truisms thougth any day.

I disagree on zero tollerance policies on priciple.

Zero tollerance for drugs in school, so a kid who brings an asprin to school at the direction of her mom, for a headache, is suspended? Happenned in Fairfax country.

Zero Tollerance for knives in school, my 5 year old brought a faux swiss army nail clipper to school cause he liked the tweazer and tooth pick. Almost got suspended and given the same sentence as if he had brought a machette to school.. Brain dead. The Prinspal interceeded and excused him; but she took her job in her own hands to do it.

I think most of the time folks who adhere to zero tollerance or absolutes are just substituting dogma for reason; and that's never a good thing.

:applause::applause: You are absolutely right lol.

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Yea, Buddy Ryan would just punch the congressmen who disagreed with him.

Actually I think Buddy would have identified the oposition and burried them out back with a bag of lime. Almost happenned to ditka in Chicogo.

That shows Buddies forsight. When buddy punched another coach, he was always doing it to send a message...

Ditka is the guy who walks up to a fan, and sticks his gum or punches someone on the spur of a moment.

So basically what I'm telling you is they're both facists who would be great fun to have in government if you agreed with them. And potentially a health risk if you disagreed with them. But buddy would be more effective and have forsight. Ditka you'd have to take his temperature every meeting to determine if he was going to swing on you or not. Buddy, you wouldn't even see coming.

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