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Is anybody else NOT nervous for the Browns' game?


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I aint gonna lie.I'm very nervous.

Last week was the first week i felt completely confident.And well, my confidence level has dropped considerably.We always find ways of losing games that we should win.

With our secondary banged up.i see very little blitz packages from us.And with no pressure from our front four,Anderson will probably have all day to make throws.I just hope we can match em on offense.

Hell i'm nervous about next week,vs the Lions.

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I agree with the OP, I was nervous last week. I was expecting the possibility of a letdown, so I wasn't all that upset when it happened. Like it just seemed like it was going to, cause that's how the Redskins have always been. But now I've got that confident Redskins week-after-a-heartbreaker-to-an-inferior-team feeling. I'm confident. We will win this game, and by more than a TD.

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Man, I wish I had your confidence.

I don't think that, since I was your age (God damn, I am old!), that I've ever NOT been nervous for a game. The one exception was the Raiders game in 2005. We saw how that worked out.

Come on man, don't say "since I was your age" and make guys our age feel old.:D

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I'm with the OP; not worried in the slightest. We're the better team, and we'll likely play like it. We've made the most out of an injury-stricken defense for the entire season, and even though I would love us to be 100%, there's no reason to panic because we're not. If we get a pass rush going, that will just reinforce my belief in this team. We can win this game.

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OP, I'm not nervous for the simple fact is the loss was to remind the squad, you have to play every weekend, and not come out flat. IMHO, I think they will come back to what got them there, starting from week 2. Zorn will be agressive in the play calling, and I'm calling for Santana to have a superb game against their secondary.

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