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Obama Campaign Raised $150 Million in September


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Dude, you've got to know by now that the minute you start in with that nonsense your credibility drops to zero.

Dude, when dealing with this one, like, anybody who doesn't, like, you know, agree with him already has, like, zero credibility.

But thanks for your concern.:cheers:

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Honestly, this is something I have argued for years that campaign finance reform needs to be pushed through with real teeth

You must suck the money out of politics

Senator Obama broke a promise on public funding of his campaign, which is actually my biggest criticism of him.

The system that we currently use to finance our campaigns leads to the corruption, greed, and just piss poor governing that we see

Hopefully he hasn't been hanging around the Chinese at any fundraisers like Al Gore did back in 1996

My solution: Ban political TV advertising. You will suck the money out of politics and get real solutions and real "change"

Spending 600 million dollars on a political campaign, when there are many other issues affecting our country, is a joke IMO

Quoted for truth. Especially the underlined portion.
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You're just mad because someone dared to question your false prophet.

Whatever Ax. FYI if you don't want someone to assume what you mean by posting a link and quoting from a web site then you might clarify why you are posting it, instead of using it as a backdoor to bash someone when they interpret why you posted it, its called communication, if you don't want your message misinterpreted then you need to clarify your message, in the end your behavior smells of troll.

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What a crock and you know it. Obama and his team reneged on an initial promise and made a calculated assessment that his campaign could finance it through other means than matching funds and because of this strategy they lessen the chance the FEC will/can audit where their contributions come frome. Any chance those "foreign" contributions will be identified and sent back??

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

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Whatever Ax. FYI if you don't want someone to assume what you mean by posting a link and quoting from a web site then you might clarify why you are posting it, instead of using it as a backdoor to bash someone when they interpret why you posted it, its called communication, if you don't want your message misinterpreted then you need to clarify your message

Maybe you should be asking yourself why you are obsessed with making things up instead of asking the simple question, "Ax, I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Care to clarify?"

No, instead you chose to radiate ignorance, by telling me, what I meant.

So let me see if I get this straight, you are mad at Obama for following the law that does not require disclosure of under $200?

And you want to criticize Obama for information you want to find, versus information that you have found?

You're also mad that people broke contribution laws by giving false information, and I guess you're mad that the Obama campaign is returning that falsely donated money too.

So, by saying nothing at all, you ASSUME to know what I think, accusing me of your assumptions, while stating half of them in the form of a question. (Talk about your backdoors)

Fine, mind if I give it a try? I'll use this line.

You know, desperation doesn't quite describe what I'm hearing, and I won't even mention the objectivity of newsmax.com.

So, let me see if I get this straight, you are mad at me because there are voices in your head, (you obviously didn't hear anything from me, since they're only words on a screen) and these voices keep telling you that you must tell people what they're really saying, even when they've said nothing at all?

You must also be mad that you can't help but come off as stupid, saying you won't even mention the objectivity of newsmax.com, while actually MENTIONING the objectivity of newsmax.com.

That about right?

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I actually think ax has... well an axe to grind. In all three debates, Obama chided McCain about using an Axe. Now, if you were Ax how would you feel about that? That was very un-PC of Senator Obama... alienating the ax demographic like that. Of course, the scalpel demographic is feeling fine and dandy right now.

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I actually think ax has... well an axe to grind. In all three debates, Obama chided McCain about using an Axe. Now, if you were Ax how would you feel about that? That was very un-PC of Senator Obama... alienating the ax demographic like that. Of course, the scalpel demographic is feeling fine and dandy right now.

Damn you Burgold! Damn you to hell! I should have known someone with a significant portion of their brain working properly would read right through me.


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Damn you Burgold! Damn you to hell! I should have known someone with a significant portion of their brain working properly would read right through me.


Dems fighting words. :hammer:

I mean seriously those are the Dems fighting words. Shouldn't you be using the Repubs fighting words?

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