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OFFICIAL GAME THREAD SKINS/philly-Call McNabb a Cab--Skins Gonna Knock Him Out!!


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It's currently 43 degrees out with an expected high of.......39? :rubeyes: Light rain with a chance of snow later. Some okay football weather. Oh wait. Game's in Philly where it's just a tad nicer out. ;)

Its cold here too PCS only 78 but sunny. Hopefully it will warm up by game time and I can take this parka off.

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Its all what your used to I guess. :) I have lived in places where I actually owned a parka and used it.

OLS. When I was stationed at Homestead AFB back in the mid 80's, I would joke about the winter there. Lasted about 3 days max. Dropped down to about 55 or so. I needed my field jacket. :doh: :silly:

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