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Shamrock injured; Kimbo fight is off!


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MMA Weekly is saying it's a 50-50 shot that Shamrock will fight



The CBS-EliteXC Saturday Night Fights main event fight between Kimbo Slice and Ken Shamrock may be in jeopardy as MMAWeekly.com has been alerted that Shamrock sustained a cut that could force him out of the bout, as confirmed by Melissa Ingram, Shamrock’s assistant.

The cut in question happened within the last 24 hours and apparently doctors are currently checking Shamrock to determine if he can fight or not. According to Ingram the chance of the bout happening is “50/50.”

If the fight between Shamrock and Kimbo is unable to happen, it is unknown if a replacement could be plugged in and approved by the commission in such a short amount of time.

The loss of the main event between Slice and Shamrock could send shockwaves to the EliteXC show on CBS as many have predicted the future of the promotion could hinge on the success of tonight’s broadcast.

EliteXC officials were unavailable to comment at the time of publication.

Stay tuned to MMAWeekly.com for more updates as the story develops…

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For some odd reason, I figured that Kimbo was going to lose to Seth Petrucelli. Petrucelli was a UFC veteran going against a street brawler who biggest win was against a washed up Ron Mercer and a washed up Tank Abbott. James Thompson choked him out in the inaguaral Saturday Nite Fights but the ref didnt call it. Last nite, looked like a typical Slice fight with him backing Petrucelli against the cage. Pet threw a kick and Slice countered and missed leaving his face vaulnerbale to a strike to the face which was the deciding factor. Seth Petrucelli then to commenced to pounding Kimbo's face with resulted into a win a puffed eye for the street fighting legend. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD, SLICE!!! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT ELITE XC'S CASH COW. YES, YOU WILL FIGHT KEN SHAMROCK BUT IT WILL BE A MEGA XC/AFFLICTION PAY PER VIEW IN WHICH THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE YOU WILL BE BEAT AGAIN. THIS TIME NEXT YEAR, YOU WILL BE A PRO BOXER LOOKING TO UNSEAT BUTTERBEAN AS THE SUPERHEAVYWEIGHT BOXING CHAMP!!! GO BACK TO STREET FIGHTING, PUNK!!

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