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What do people of sitting upper level of Fedex


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If someone is hurt you can't even see who.

In all seriousness, you need to get a vision test. I hate to ask this, but, you don't have a girlfriend do you? If you do, you need a second opinion ASAP.

Just man up and realize you aren't watching TV. There are plenty of great aspects to a real live Redskins game, no matter where in the stadium. You've just got to pull your head out. And cut it out with the incomprehensible grammar. "What do people of sitting in the upper level of Fedex," and "It's an experience I never had." WTF are those gems supposed to mean?

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You know what, first of all, you got a FREE ticket. Stop complaining. Second of all, if you were a real fan, you'd be happy to go to a Redskins game regardless of where you were sitting. Stop complaining, and support your team. And if you don't want those tickets--don't take them. I know plenty of people who would go, and appreciate it, and have a great time doing it.

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Now i know that is BS. You can see the players but not in any detail. If someone is hurt you can't even see who.

1.) What do you expect from a stadium that seats 91,000+?

2.) Many people that sit high up bring binoculars if they're that interested in seeing more "detail."

What did you expect? A free ticket to stand next to Zorn on the sideline? Jeez. If you didn't enjoy yourself, fine, but don't act like everyone that has upper deck seats are having as bad a time as you. Some of us really enjoy being up there. And no, I'm not a drunkard screaming obscenities the whole time. In fact, everyone in my vicinity was very well behaved.

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It was the worst expeirence of my life. First of all the people there are very blue collar. And drink a lot . There was one drunk guy inthe 416 section role D who was trying to fight anyone. And the beer sellers keep coming to the upper level so much you can't watch the game.

I have perfect vision and i could bearly see the game. It felt like i was on another planet looking down. I could see a run and people cheer but could not tell if it was 5 or a 9 yard run. How can anyone see the game up there?

The sun shines directly on you. I almost passed out from heat stroke and i am fit person. I was dizzy and tired walking to my car on Jerico drive . The worst thing was i was so dizzy i went out the wrong part of the stadium and had to walk back that took another 20 minutes.

And i had to rush back because the place that i parked towes cars at 5:30 even though you paid.

The lesson i learned and i hope others with decent money learn is don't do the cheap thing.

I was appreciative of the free ticket from a fellow extremeskin. But pay for real tickets with good seats. The experience was poor. Get as low as you can if you have the money.

I just saw the highlights on TV. It was like i was not even at the game. It felt like i was watching the game for the first time.


And remember don't park close to the stadium. It is impossible to get out. People were walking in front of cars on purpose because they had a good parking space. Cars hit two people who refused to get out of the way and speed off.

Sounds like you'd be happier watching the game at home. We won today!:cheers:

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Oh dear Lord. You had to sit with the commoners? I'm sorry. I guess if people don't drive BMW's or Benz's then they are blue collar.

I'll take a good person, regardless of their collar, anyday over a yuppie or an elitist.


I'm still laughing about the "sitting with blue collar people" complaint + the title of this thread...

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It was the worst expeirence of my life. First of all the people there are very blue collar. And drink a lot . There was one drunk guy inthe 416 section role D who was trying to fight anyone. And the beer sellers keep coming to the upper level so much you can't watch the game.

I have perfect vision and i could bearly see the game. It felt like i was on another planet looking down. I could see a run and people cheer but could not tell if it was 5 or a 9 yard run. How can anyone see the game up there?

The sun shines directly on you. I almost passed out from heat stroke and i am fit person. I was dizzy and tired walking to my car on Jerico drive . The worst thing was i was so dizzy i went out the wrong part of the stadium and had to walk back that took another 20 minutes.

And i had to rush back because the place that i parked towes cars at 5:30 even though you paid.

The lesson i learned and i hope others with decent money learn is don't do the cheap thing.

I was appreciative of the free ticket from a fellow extremeskin. But pay for real tickets with good seats. The experience was poor. Get as low as you can if you have the money.

I just saw the highlights on TV. It was like i was not even at the game. It felt like i was watching the game for the first time.


And remember don't park close to the stadium. It is impossible to get out. People were walking in front of cars on purpose because they had a good parking space. Cars hit two people who refused to get out of the way and speed off.

I sit in the 400's and i promise i could buy and sell your as$ over and over.

if you had any money you would have season tix too... and wouldn't have been sitting up in the 400s... so obviously you get your tix from someone else you piece of trash.

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The 400 level is fun. Yea the lower level is better. No one will disagree but if you were really someone with class you wouldn't be complaining about everything and talking down to "blue collar" people. I personally am not considered "blue collar" but I don't care who I am watching the game with. If they are drinking and having a good time and cheering on the burgundy and gold I will be right there with them. We all have to drink the $8.25 beers and we are all fans. Your job description shouldn't matter.

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Also you don't need to be "blue collar" to get hammered at a skins game.

Yeah...since when are blue collar people the only people who drink at sporting events? The most hammered I've ever been at a sporting event was at a USC tailgate and the guys who were throwing it (SC alums) were far, far, FAR from blue collar. Heck, the guys who worked for them weren't even blue collar.

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