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Streaming the game on the computer?


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I am not sure of the status this year, but last year PalTalk was streaming games for free (you sign up and go to the football room).

I have not used it this year as I paid 200 bucks to stream games onto my PC in HD using gamepass HD from the NFL.com website. The package is sweet as I can watch every game over the week, this may be the best thing to do as the cost could be shared amongst a few people over there. As every game is available even after it is over it would also be possible to see the game when operations allow (just make sure no one tells you the score). For the HD package you need a download speed of 2MB+, the normal gamepass is still available too and will work with 1MB download speed.

Note: These packages are only available outside of the USA and Canada.

As for the quality it is truly outstanding, I project the game onto a 12 foot screen and it is immense, no lag, true HD image and I really can make out the individual faces in the crowd.

If I come across and totally free streams I will post them here. (As well as the Cards sites!)

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I was at stoogetv.com this morning and someone asked in chat if the Redskins game would be available and a mod said it would

Go to


Watch the chat room on the right. The links to the game are posted there.

channelsurfing.net is showing audio of the game. Sometimes this will change to a video link before the game comes on.

www.justin.tv is another good site. I don't see the game listed yet but it might show up later. Click on Sports and scroll through the channels.

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InsaneBoost, where do you usually post your torrents? I've been looking for a source for ages without luck.

You can usually just search "Redskins [other team] torrent", and it will be the first result.

But its usually at the unofficialredskinsblog.com to answer your question.

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I used the links from Stoogetv last week. Was really weak, but beggers can't be choosers. FYI, getting mac set up for sopcast is a chore and doesn't always work. If anyone out there has some experience with streaming the games on a mac, please PM me or reply in this thread!

I'll send you beer or cookies. Whatever!@

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Here is the link they just posted, it is working for me, but I think someone last week said the links are only good if you click in the first 30 seconds. If this one doesn't work, to to the site (http://stoogetv.com/player.html) to watch for a new link:


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