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DUMBEST things you've heard a fan say?


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:ols::drooley: :rotflmao:

It's bad! If we can't call ourselves out, what have we become?

The scary thing is, I've probably convinced myself that we were on the cusp of greatness about 20 times since we last were great:

1998: Now that we have Stubby and Big Daddy, no one will run on us!

1999: New ownership will usher in a new era of championship football!

2000: If you add that many stars to a division-winning team, they will get to a Super Bowl!

2001: Marty will be the face of this franchise for years to come!

2002: Spurrier is the next NFL offensive genius!

2003: Spurrier has learned what it takes to win in the NFL!

2004: Gibbs is back? Finally we'll climb back to the top of the mountain!

2005: Seattle?? When have they ever beaten us with something on the line?

2006: If you add that many stars to a playoff team, they will go to a Super Bowl!

2007: Seattle? They can't knock us out of the playoffs twice in a row!

2008: Jim Zorn is exactly the shot in the arm this franchise needs!

2009: Jim Zorn has learned what it takes to win in the NFL!

2010: Shanahan, a real GM, and McNabb??? Super Bowl!

So, as you can see, I've been tricked a lot (and by the exact same thing) through the years...I've never claimed to be smart!

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It's bad! If we can't call ourselves out, what have we become?

The scary thing is, I've probably convinced myself that we were on the cusp of greatness about 20 times since we last were great:

1998: Now that we have Stubby and Big Daddy, no one will run on us!

1999: New ownership will usher in a new era of championship football!

2000: If you add that many stars to a division-winning team, they will get to a Super Bowl!

2001: Marty will be the face of this franchise for years to come!

2002: Spurrier is the next NFL offensive genius!

2003: Spurrier has learned what it takes to win in the NFL!

2004: Gibbs is back? Finally we'll climb back to the top of the mountain!

2005: Seattle?? When have they ever beaten us with something on the line?

2006: If you add that many stars to a playoff team, they will go to a Super Bowl!

2007: Seattle? They can't knock us out of the playoffs twice in a row!

2008: Jim Zorn is exactly the shot in the arm this franchise needs!

2009: Jim Zorn has learned what it takes to win in the NFL!

2010: Shanahan, a real GM, and McNabb??? Super Bowl!

So, as you can see, I've been tricked a lot (and by the exact same thing) through the years...I've never claimed to be smart!

Out of all of those, I think the 2001 part was the funniest lol. I hope the 2010 part is right though! I definitely said what you said about 2007.

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I sure hope 2010 is right also...we're due, right?

Most definitely, it's that time.

I mean honestly, who would have thought the Seahwaks would knock us out the playoffs two times in a row :doh:

Here's to the future. :cheers:

Exactly. :cheers: Till this day, I still remember the play when Anthony Mix ran all the way downfield on the kickoff, and picked up the football and ran it back for a TD. I did NOT know, that you couldn't advance a kickoff. Of course I knew it was that way with punts, but not kickoffs.

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Most definitely, it's that time.

Exactly. :cheers: Till this day, I still remember the play when Anthony Mix ran all the way downfield on the kickoff, and picked up the football and ran it back for a TD. I did NOT know, that you couldn't advance a kickoff. Of course I knew it was that way with punts, but not kickoffs.

At that moment during the game I was SURE we had just gotten the game-clinching break we needed. Up by 1, we got the ball back deep in their territory on a very fortunate bounce. The stadium was silent! Why should we have believed that we'd lose? We had just won 4 straight and felt like a team of destiny.

Then a play or two later Cooley is open at the 2 and can't catch a pass that would resulted in either a TD or first and goal. We score a TD there, we go to Dallas to upset them in the second round. I'm sure of it!

Instead, we have to settle for a (missed) FG attempt and the rest is history. I'm still convinced that even had we made that FG, we lose that game. However, had we gone up by 8, I think the Seahawks are done!

Oh well, the past is the past!

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"Whose job is it to move the yellow line on the field and how do the players not trip over it?"....Wow

"Im a bigger Redskins fan I went to the Redskins Jaguars Double header last year!!!" WTF????

"Lax is going to be 100 times bigger than football in a couple years" No way in H#*$

All by the same idiot...

Forgot one...this doesnt have much to do with the redskins but he still said it "Nahh I missed the game last night this baseball coach my friend played for called me at 7 and told me he needed a player for the game at 7:30 so I drove to Martinsburg (over an hour away) in 20 minutes then hit for the cycle opposite handed"...I officially dont talk to this kid anymore.

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Talking to a Cowboys fan on my status on facebook, these are the things he said:

(Against the Ravens in the last game)

*McNabb was sacked more than 3 times.

* McNabb threw 3 interceptions

He said Dallas' defense is better than Baltimore's, and also said that Dallas has always had a top 5 defense. I asked him to name me 5 starting players on Dallas' defense, and he skipped over the question, like he couldn't read.

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While it was not at a Redskins game I did over hear two ladies talking after one LSU game and one said to the other while walking to their car: "I dont know what to do next so lets just go throw up"

I think I might have said that after the Kansas City Game last year

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Hey, Mike, how about a two-quarterback scheme? ...Don't laugh. Hear me out on this.

Let's start with the obvious. Donovan has a serious flaw in his game. He can't keep his mechanics together which makes his short game inconsistent. So, I figure, like Andy Reid, you're going to adapt to the man's strengths and create a big play offense. Last season, the Eagles were number one in 40+ plays and number two in 20+ plays. But you probably knew that.

Andy's big problem was in the Red Zone. His team was number 20 in Red Zone efficiency in 2009 and number 25 in 2008. I figured it out. The two-year average was a suckish 48%. Now, think about this, Mike. That's an average. Against playoff caliber defenses that number would be much lower!

Pea-brain Eagles fans say that Donovan chokes. They say he can't finish drives that win the big games. Choking isn't the problem. He can't finish drives in the big games because he has trouble finishing drives in all games. Things just get worse for him against high-grade defenses.

The way I figure it , Donovan's short game inconsistency jumps up to bite him hardest in the compressed area of the Red Zone.

Greg Blache's great love, the passive, "bend but don't break" defensive strategy, is ineffective against most teams, but it was exactly the right strategy when playing against a Donovan McNabb led attack -- give him the short stuff, prevent big play touchdowns, and bet that his team will have to settle for three when he can't put up seven in the Red Zone.

So, let's look at your options for solving this Red Zone problem.

Donovan McNabb knows his short game problem is with his mechanics. He has been trying to correct it for 11 seasons. It's not likely you are going to help him solve it before he drives his Bentley off into the Ashburn sunset.

Your running game isn't the solution. Let's be candid, Mike. Even at its Broncos best, your ZBS wasn't all that grand in the Red Zone where size and power rule.

Can you come up with new pass routes in the Red Zone to deceive defenses? If you can, great. But, I'm guessing that's not a realistic solution in the NFL.

So, here's my suggestion.

When your offense gets to the Red Zone, you pull Donovan out of the game along with your big play runt receivers. You send in your Red Zone QB specialist. He's the guy who has the best short game among your QBs. He's the guy who runs the Red Zone offense constantly in practices.

As for drawbacks, there are some who would worry about what might happen to poor Donovan's confidence if you pull him out in Red Zone opportunities. Others would whine that the two-QB thing would undermine McNabb's leadership. I don't know about you, Mike, but you can talk to me about football strategy, or the Xs and Os, and I'll listen intently all day long. But, I turn a deaf ear when people start with their Football psychobabble.

I'll be straight with you, man. You wouldn't have been my pick to coach the Redskins. I'm not impressed with your resume. Just one playoff win in the last ten Denver seasons doesn't inspire confidence. But, now that you're here, I figure I'll do what I can to help you succeed. Besides, I think we Football geniuses should stick together. Don't you?

So, give my suggestion some thought. Okay?

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