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Congrats to the Boys and their fans...


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I wanted to give props where props are due. You guys played on hell of a game last night. Your QB proved alot to me and our fanbase last night as he was voted the most impressive player by our fans on the Eagles Post Game Live broadcast.

Both teams played with alot of heart and really represented the NFC East well. The national media (ESPN's Steve Young most of all) seemed to be excited about both teams and their outlook for the both teams have them meeting each other in late January in the post season.

The game felt like a playoff game and I like Jaws said can't wait for the rematch. Though one team won and one team lost, both teams should be proud of there efforts.

This was what the NFC East was truely about...it was nice to see a healthy McNabb vs Romo sits to pee. It was nice to see Barber vs Westbrook and now, we can add Jackson vs. Owens....

Again, congrats on the win, we shall see you twice again....once in Dec. and hopefully again in Jan.

Here's to a classic game! :cheers:

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Classy post man, we appreciate it! :cheers:

Not gonna lie though I am worried about the Cowboys defense, they need to fix it fast if they want to be contender in January. Oh and wtf was up with the penalties Dallas. :doh::doh: Those are gonna cost them a game or two if they don't employ more discipline.

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As an Eagles fan, I concerned that Dawkins is nearing the end. He was exposed twice last night and though he still is an explosive hitter, he just doesn't have the range anymore. I felt bad for him, but he played his heart out.

IT's obvious that there is a changing of the guard. Samuel and Mikell were clearly the best two in the secondary with Brown being a close second. My gut tells me that Sheldon will be the next FS. He seemed to be unafraid of Barber all night.....and I must say, Pacman is over rated, but dammit, Hamlin is a monster.

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Very classy post #5. That was truely a great game from both teams. I too believe that we might see each other in Jan. I'm good with that as I don't believe the last meeting of the year will be a true representation of each teams abilities. Chances are that one or both teams will already be locked up for the post season so starters will probably not be played across the board.

As for our defense, I'm not really all that concerned with it. The defense actually played pretty well considering the opponent. Philly was, I believe, the #1 offense in the NFL after week one. We only gave up 259 total passing yards. 78 Rushing yards, of which, 20 were off the scramble. We turned the ball over twice, accounting for two easy scores. We commited 10 penalties for 108 yards and we gave up two very costly kick returns. One at the very begining of the game that accounted for 3 pts and one very late that could have been very costly. We held there offense to 5.3 yards per play attempt, which is pretty good. We registered 4 sacks and probably should have had 4 more if not for the superior physical skills of McNabb. We got a horrible PI call that set up a TD and we only gave up 7 points in the second half. I mean, all things considered, our defense played pretty wel.

It's the bone head plays, the TOs, the penalties, the constently poor Kick Off Return coverages that are killing me. They will eventually catch up with us if we don't correct them. NY was not better then we were last year but they were a better team. They didn't commit those foolish errors. We did and we are still doing it. That's what will be our undoing if we don't correct it.

Not saying the Eagles did not play a great game. They did. Good teams take advantage of any mistake and the Eagles certainly did that last night. Very impressive performance I thought.

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I wanted to give props where props are due. You guys played on hell of a game last night. Your QB proved alot to me and our fanbase last night as he was voted the most impressive player by our fans on the Eagles Post Game Live broadcast.

Both teams played with alot of heart and really represented the NFC East well. The national media (ESPN's Steve Young most of all) seemed to be excited about both teams and their outlook for the both teams have them meeting each other in late January in the post season.

The game felt like a playoff game and I like Jaws said can't wait for the rematch. Though one team won and one team lost, both teams should be proud of there efforts.

This was what the NFC East was truely about...it was nice to see a healthy McNabb vs Romo sits to pee. It was nice to see Barber vs Westbrook and now, we can add Jackson vs. Owens....

Again, congrats on the win, we shall see you twice again....once in Dec. and hopefully again in Jan.

Here's to a classic game! :cheers:

Thanks for the props man! Both the Cowboys and Eagles have very good teams this year. You saw a classic heavyweight battle last night. McNabb looks to be back in top form.

We DO have alot of work cut out of us though. The D and penalties bother me quite a bit.

Other than that-hopefully we will meet for the 3rd time in Jan!:cheers:

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What if you're a fan of sound defense?

I saw none last night.

I saw some sound defense last night, particularly in the 2nd half. We held Philly to two 3 and outs, one 5 and out, one 7 and out two late game ending sacks. I thought the defense kinda found it's way in the second half and played pretty well.

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Indeed it was a good game. I think Dallas and Philly are the contenders for the NFC. Our next game could very well decide the NFCE Champion, though I could see any team winning this thing.

btw ABQ, good post. Our D was atrocious most of the night, but made the plays they needed to make with help of our O bailing them out.

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What if you're a fan of sound defense?

I saw none last night.

Like I said on other threads, I was never sold on our D. We had our cracks last year, and the biggest problem is that this ISN'T Wade's SD defense.(for the most part, he inherited Parcells' "bend but don't break" D)

However-I was SHOCKED how bad Philly's D looked. I know it was only ONE game, but still...their DL can't get much of a pass rush b/c they're undersized(Cole wears down pretty fast, and Howard is washed up). Their LBs are youthful and talented, but their coverage skills are poor. Their supposedly 3-headed monster at CB is all hype, and they have bigger issues at safety.

Really-there was so much talk all offseason and TC how this D was rebuilt, much improved, and has the makings of being a Top 5er.

Again-I'm not surprised by the poor performance of our D, but am very much so with Philly's. After all-Romo sits to pee could never figure out a Jim Johnson D, even if it meant to save his own life.

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I thought Romo sits to pee had a good game last night. I have say that Barber had a good game as well. Barber makes defenses respect the running game. Which is needed because the pukes are still a two weapon receiving team. Lose one and they will be hurting.

I agree that the Cowboy defense didn't look as bad as the score indicated. They got pressure on McNugget, but McNugget also holds onto the ball to long at times. Missing two receivers didn't help him out either.

I think Philly finally drafted a quality receiver in Jackson. He looks legit. And their defense played well, and it's too bad Dawkins is at the end of his career.

But, it is Sept/Oct so I expected the pukes to play well. Two tough tests this weekend for each team.

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I saw some sound defense last night...


The Eagles were about to put the dagger into that puke defense, but fumbled the ball.

The Eagles are responsible for that loss...not the puke defense.

Man, these puke fans live in a fog.

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The Eagles were about to put the dagger into that puke defense, but fumbled the ball.

The Eagles are responsible for that loss...not the puke defense.

Man, these puke fans live in a fog.

After that turnover, Philly D didn't step up and stop Dallas now did they?

Dallas marched right down and scored without a problem.

Then, in crunch time, what happened?

Not one, but two potential game winning drives were stopped in their tracks by the Dallas D who stepped it up when they needed to most.

Sure both defenses left a lot to be desired, but at the end of the day, the Dallas defense came up big when they had to, and made the plays to get a hard fought win.

Let's not forget that Romo sits to pee gave the Eags 7 points and an awful PI call on Henry gave them another gift TD.

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