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Sagarin's NFL Ratings, Week 1

Mark The Homer

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I would be more inclined to go with our ranking on this article.

Say what you will about Sagarin's rankings, but at least he has a mathematical formula behind his rankings. The ESPN rankings you posted are just some guy's opinion--no more valid than yours or mine.

Granted, I'm surprised by the Sagarin ranking, but I'm not going to put any stock into the ESPN rankings which are nothing more than some joker's opinion. That's like using your co-worker's March Madness brackets to prove a point.

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We did hold manning to 1 td....

We did score when we opened it up...

Zorn is learning clock mgmt (Coach Gibbs had to relearn..remember??)

I think there is more hope than one loss can dictate.....

15 is probably close, we sure as hell aint as bad as the raiders,.,,,,

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Say what you will about Sagarin's rankings, but at least he has a mathematical formula behind his rankings. The ESPN rankings you posted are just some guy's opinion--no more valid than yours or mine.

Granted, I'm surprised by the Sagarin ranking, but I'm not going to put any stock into the ESPN rankings which are nothing more than some joker's opinion. That's like using your co-worker's March Madness brackets to prove a point.

Thank you! Exactly! You are correct. Listen to this man.

We played the 4th ranked team away. That gives us the 2nd hardest schedule so far with only KC topping us.

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Thank you! Exactly! You are correct. Listen to this man.

We played the 4th ranked team away. That gives us the 2nd hardest schedule so far with only KC topping us.

Yeah. And guess who had the 1st hardest schedule by the end of last season? Hint: It wasn't KC.
While I agree, it is still a method that does not include actually watching football game. :cheers:
True. You can't guess outcomes by numbers alone. For example, this system has no idea Brady went down.
How the hell does he figure this out???:doh:

I've been studying it for five or six years. He uses two independent mathematical formulas and then combines them. One is called ELO_CHESS and the other is called PURE POINTS. The first is based on winning and losing only. The second is based on points only.

In both cases, from what I can tell, the system assigns a number to each team in each of the two categories. That's how the rankings are ordered, and they are two columns of rankings. If you look, you can see we're 15th in ELO_CHESS but 17th in PURE POINTS. But at the same time, the point value change depends on the ranking of the opposing team.

The "Rating" in purple is a combination of ELO_CHESS and PURE POINTS.

You have to respect it in some sense because it's totally unbiased and unopinionated, even as it has its flaws.

One cool thing is the "Rank" which tells you how tough your schedule has been. Our "Rank" was "1" by the end of last year. IIRC, the easiest NFC East team's schedule rank was "7" of 32 last year.

And it's easy to see how the schedule rank works: We played the Giants who have a rating of 25.35 points (4th highest in the league). Add 3.2 points to that because we had to play them at their stadium - home field advantage. Add those two numbers and you have 28.55. That's the schedule rank. Do that for all 32 teams, then rank them in order. So we're ranked with the 3rd toughest schedule so far.

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