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Peter King Postcard: Eagles Training Camp


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I expect the birds to be better this year (and I agree DMac just being healthy makes you better). That and $4.20 will buy you a gallon of gas though in this division. The Cowpukes are loaded (again) and stronger with the thugs they hired. The Giants are Superbowl champions and the only loss of note is Strahan, which while I agree is a big loss, they added a great safety through the draft and overall at worst they stayed the same which is formidable and the skins are definately improved personnel wise leaving the only real question the coaching situation (which is a big "what if"). Basically, despite what ESPN says, I just don't think you can hand this division to any of them at this point. I have been really shocked to see repeated projections of the skins at the fourth spot in such a matter of fact fashion however. The eagles are coming off an 8-8 season, while the skins were playing with 35% backups including three offensive lineman and the QB and made the playoffs last year including winning AT NY down the stretch! We added Taylor, and sweigert to the defense, got our offensive linemen back and healthy while developing Heyer and now adding Reinehart. We added three offensive weapons all of which are over 6 feet tall making us a formidable red zone offense which was a big problem in recent history. We are a stronger team by far personnel wise. Like I said, the coaching thing will play itself out, I am encouraged by the first pre-season game but I was encouraged by the game in Osuka Japan too and we now how that season went.

Likewise, the birds have a healthy Mcnabb, and you just cannot debate that the secondary is gonna be fierce for them provided they stay healthy and Dawk doesn't lose another step. Westbrook is as good as they come. They are week at reciever. Anyone seriously arguing otherwise is deluding themselves but they have always been weak there and the way Dmac spreads is around it doesn't prove fatal. LJ should bounce back this year and I expect the offense to be in pretty good form. There is just no way to predict where these teams finish. Its gonna be a fun season!

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Ah yes, it is that time again for the bravdo and chest pumping of you Skins fans. You say that you saw no real improvements....really?

Booker, Demps, and Jackson instantly improve our ST which will improve the teams field position. LJ Smith is finally healthy and the addition of healthy McNabb will improve the red zone offense. Jackson in the slot adds speed that other teams must respect.

On defense, Bradley starts in the middle now and has many media members calling him a poor man's URLAKERZZ...lol. Clemons and Smith add depth and speed along the DL, though Victor's injury hurts. I won't talk about Samuel because it's known what he will add to the unit. Dawkins though older, will be better than last season after finally being able to have a full off-season to prepare unlike last season. Laws adds another tough young DL to the mix with Patterson and Bunk.

So from what you are looking at to what the rest of us know, it's very difficult to believe your statement that the team didn't improve themselves. A healthy McNabb alone improves this team alot.

If my team can beat your's at least once this year, I'll be happy.

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More importantly, man, you guys looked sharp last night, but what are you gonna do about the RB situation?

Assuming we keep 4 RB's we don't have a problem. If we only keep 3, possible, than Mason gets the ax again. He played well last night, but he is still a number 2 RB at best. I thought our Oline opened some holes. Rock is a serviceable back and great special teams guy. Neither can replace Portis by any means.

As far as the Birds. Interesting year coming up. Assuming key people stay healthy the Birds should make a run. However, this is no longer the weak division it was the last time the Birds made a run so it will interesting to see what happens.

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It's been a while since I debated with a person like you. Good stuff. The Number 2 line was classic, have you been watching Kevin Smith movies or something?

Rather than sit here and trade inflated numbers and try to spin and re-spin barbs with you, I would like to address your comments regarding Shawn Andrews with a serious tone.

I personally have been absent from the site and work for a while because I suffer from high anxiety and moderate depression. I actually was in the hospitial for 2 weeks (should have been there for at least a month) and have to take a ****tail of medication ranging from Zanax to Lexapro. It's not a laughing matter yet, some of you have found time out of your busy schedules to actually make fun of this. Shawn has had emotional problems and it has been documented in Philly media.

From my personal experience, when you go through a "moment" nothing else matters. You ball up and lay in bed all day and try to figure out why you should get up. You either cry all day begging for help, or you cry all day because you don't want help. It takes time to get through this (I had to on two occasions take leave from work ranging in 2 months to 3 weeks) because I had lost the will to live even though my children are more than enough of a reason.

Now while my comment about you getting pwn'd might have been homerish (it actually was) it was in jest, but to make fun of a mental disorder that affect millions of people a year in my eyes is just plain ignorant, and I take it personal since I too suffer from it.

I take Xanax and Lexapro too and used to take Effexor and Klonopin. There is a great remedy for depression... It's called.. get the **** out of bed, do something about it and stop being a whiny *****. It certainly helped me alot... IMO more than the medication. So, don't claim other people's ignorance on this board when you yourself are ignorant of what other people know about depression. Oh, and **** Philly.

On a sidenote: If i let my depression affect my career and decided not to show up, I would be fired. He even gets special priveleges as an NFL star! 15k to them is like ten dollars to most people.

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If people spent the amount of time getting busy in life and working hard as they did on researching depression (which is just a low in seratonin), there would be no depression except for the severly mental Manics.

FWIW-Andrews is still getting fined b/c his absenses are still being unexcused.

Pt being that I don't buy it-maybe there's something they know and we don't, but if he was really getting treatment these 2 weeks of TC for his disorder, then why are the Eagles not dropping his fines? Even his agent isn't going to challenge it.

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Funny, dizzinator, how you've suddenly decided that depression is not a true ailment and that the best solution is to simply get out of bed and live life. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with you, it's just that I happen to remember a few days ago when you seemed to think the Eagles organization was heartless for fining him while he battled his inner demons.

As I've said before, you consistently prove to be little more than a poorly informed agitator. I'm glad you poured it on so much this early in the season, that way I know not to waste my time as the season progresses.

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Funny, dizzinator, how you've suddenly decided that depression is not a true ailment and that the best solution is to simply get out of bed and live life. I'm not saying I disagree with you, it's just that I happen to remember a few days ago when you seemed to think the Eagles organization was heartless for fining him while he battled his inner demons.

As I've said before, you consistently prove to be little more than poorly informed agitator. I'm glad you poured it on so much this early in the season, that way I know not to waste my time as the season progresses.

I think his point was that yes, while having a chemical imbalance can really suck away not only your own life(but also those around you as well), it still doesn't give anyone a free pass to do whatever they want. Psychiatrists and therapists aren't there to coddle you or make you feel better-if anything, the best ones are the ones that CONSISTENTLY COACH YOU to overcome your illness and be successful in life.

I have no idea what's going on with the Shawn Andrews situation in Philly-it's behind closed doors, and it's their business to handle. But IMHO-I don't buy it. Of course, my opinion doesn't mean much anyways as I'm just an average joe fan.

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I think his point was that yes, while having a chemical imbalance can really suck away not only your own life(but also those around you as well), it still doesn't give anyone a free pass to do whatever they want. Psychiatrists and therapists aren't there to coddle you or make you feel better-if anything, the best ones are the ones that CONSISTENTLY COACH YOU to overcome your illness and be successful in life.

I have no idea what's going on with the Shawn Andrews situation in Philly-it's behind closed doors, and it's their business to handle. But IMHO-I don't buy it. Of course, my opinion doesn't mean much anyways as I'm just an average joe fan.

No one knows what's going on, least of all me. Today is the first we've heard of any "confirmation," and even this is pretty vague and unclear.

Point is, two days ago dizzy thought the idea of the Eagles fining Andrews while he was out for depression was the height of audacity. Now he's getting tough about not using depression as an excuse. He should decide how he feels.

Oh, that's right. He feels whatever is easiest to bash the Eagles at any given moment, consistency be damned.

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I think his point was that yes, while having a chemical imbalance can really suck away not only your own life(but also those around you as well), it still doesn't give anyone a free pass to do whatever they want. Psychiatrists and therapists aren't there to coddle you or make you feel better-if anything, the best ones are the ones that CONSISTENTLY COACH YOU to overcome your illness and be successful in life.

I have no idea what's going on with the Shawn Andrews situation in Philly-it's behind closed doors, and it's their business to handle. But IMHO-I don't buy it. Of course, my opinion doesn't mean much anyways as I'm just an average joe fan.

Tough to call. Unless we have inside information about his condition all we can do is speculate. And I try not to speculate about medical conditions, especially mental conditions. And, as with any condition, it affects people differently and the severity varies among people.

I hope he is getting the help he needs. Hopefully, he can come back and play at a high level. Just have to wait and see.

The "just get out of bed comment" I don't think was called for. Maybe the guy is holding out or maybe he actually has something wrong with him. Either way, let's wait and see what time tells us.

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Funny, dizzinator, how you've suddenly decided that depression is not a true ailment

When did I decide that? I just gave a solution to treat the symptoms, I didn't dispute it's existance. Nice work, Sleuth :rolleyes:

and that the best solution is to simply get out of bed and live life. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with you, it's just that I happen to remember a few days ago when you seemed to think the Eagles organization was heartless for fining him while he battled his inner demons.

Exactly when did I ever call the Eagles heartless? You embellish like a mofo. I said this verbatim:

"Why the hell are they fining him then? Doesn't he get a personal leave?"

in response to the fact that they know what is going on in the FO. So, there goes that not-so-sly ruse to try and make me look bad.

I'm glad you poured it on so much this early in the season, that way I know not to waste my time as the season progresses.

You just did, you big Dummy :laugh:

You don't even touch the outer boundary of as slick as you think you are, pal. You can type all the big words on this forum and speak in rhetoric all you like, you still aren't going to convince anyone on this forum that you're correct in what you say about me or what you insinuate about the Redskins.

You just misunderstand what people write. At the end of the day, your best O-Lineman is still not in camp. :laugh:

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Your problem, dizz, is that you simply have not shown the ability to talk about issues with other team fans without coming off like a jerk. Most of us who have been around for awhile refrain from calling other posters dummys and the like. Like OWU said, I'm glad you shot out of the gates so fast as it will be easy to ignore you once the season begins.

Then again, I've seen your type a thousand times in my years here. If the Skins aren't in first place, we won't see much of you regardless.

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Your problem, dizz, is that you simply have not shown the ability to talk about issues with other team fans without coming off like a jerk. Most of us who have been around for awhile refrain from calling other posters dummys and the like. Like OWU said, I'm glad you shot out of the gates so fast as it will be easy to ignore you once the season begins.

Then again, I've seen your type a thousand times in my years here. If the Skins aren't in first place, we won't see much of you regardless.

And when the Iggles aren't in 1st, we don't see much of you either :laugh:

You just go off to places like Mongolia. Sell out

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Then again, I've seen your type a thousand times in my years here. If the Skins aren't in first place, we won't see much of you regardless.

:rolleyes: The Skins haven't been in first place since the beginning of 2005. How did I get 2,000 posts if i wasn't around, hotshot? You amuse me.:laugh:

I am respectful of most people on this site, I just find you condecending and troll-like, so I don't kiss your ass because you pretend to play nice. All Philly fans are scum (example : http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DW6n5rD0DTg) or sheep leftovers from the NFC Championship years (Where you still couldn't cut it).... I think it's been scientifically proven... probably by this piece of ****:


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I am respectful of most people on this site, I just find you condecending and troll-like, so I don't kiss your ass because you pretend to play nice. All Philly fans are scum (example : http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DW6n5rD0DTg) or sheep leftovers from the NFC Championship years (Where you still couldn't cut it).... I think it's been scientifically proven... probably by this piece of ****:

Is this Steve Smith?

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[quote name=dizzinator53

I am respectful of most people on this site' date=' I just find you condecending and troll-like, so I don't kiss your ass because you pretend to play nice. All Philly fans are scum (example : http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DW6n5rD0DTg) or sheep leftovers from the NFC Championship years (Where you still couldn't cut it).... I think it's been scientifically proven... probably by this piece of ****:

This is a perfect example of bigotry that still pops up here on the site. I bet that if you meet us in real life and had no clue we were Eagles fans, you'd think we were good, honest, and decent people. It's a shame that you are so closed minded that you call all Philly fans scum....that's almost as bad as saying all Black people are lazy or all white people smell like wet dogs.

And I haven't even commented on your response to the mental health issue because that wouldn't go to well. All I can say is *tisk tisk tisk* and shame on you. You by far and away are my favorite poster now.... :laugh:

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