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Met LaRon Landry this past weekend...

Taylor From DA U

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Me and some buddies (and the wives) were at the Wynn car show last year and as we were walking out, Landry was at max, 8ft behind us, so after getting smacked by my buddy 100 times, I finally looked back and sure enough, it was him! Now, the crappy thing, he was with a lady friend, and carrying a sleeping baby, so we didn't bombard him for autographs or pictures or anything, but we did all shake his hand and tell him welcome aboard, and he answered the same to us all "I really appreciate it, thanks"....

And as stated early in this thread, your 100% right, it is VERY hard not to ponder the thought of what more than likely would have been the BEST saftey tandem in NFL history :(

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Ruh roh...someone's in the dog house.

that made me laugh...he will be getting a phone call later on about this experience.

Jealousy is an ugly emotion, Dude :silly:

im not jealous...trust me, i know what's up.;)

Did you ask him why he never shows up for autograph signings? :laugh:

i have heard plenty of explanations for this.

hopefully one day, he'll get it.

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Very cool...too bad I went to Vixens about a month or two ago for the first time. This was my first strip club ever. I didnt see any Redskins :( I kept getting attacked though by all the strippers..one girl pulled my hair and bit my boob...it kinda hurt..haha! Anyways I was giving this one girl all my money bc she danced the whole night in a 21 jersey...did you see her??

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I've been to that club before... I wonder if he knew someone from around there or if they were ho(e)tel'n it for the evening? That's a far drive back home!

On a side note they have celebs there all the time. I remember being there when Beetlejuice from Howard Stern was there. Funniest thing I've ever witnessed.

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i actually have a friend who is a massage therapist and had the oppurtunity to work with some of the players last year i was lucky enough to give her a hat and she got a few players to sign it one of them being laron landry she has actually told me a few stories about him and how he isn't always that friendly but i wouldn't want that guy on any other team but its just a maturing process and it take some longer than others

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Landry is personable it's just hard to get him to these events. But he shows up on Sundays and that all the counts

I guess you're right. It does suck that he backs out on so many commitments, but I'll take a guy who blows off autograph signings and plays well over a guy who signs autographs every day and sits the bench. I think by now people have just lowered their expectations of him on a personal level as much as they've raised their expectations for him on the field.

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Guaranteed to be a multiple Pro Bowler...book it! This guy is nasty just like the best safeties in the game, and if he keeps his mind right, the sky's the limit for Dirty 30. Great story man. Can a brotha' get a lap dance? :laugh: Funny that you saw him in a strip joint though. Not too many good strip clubs down here in the bible belt :laugh:

lol, youre counting VA as part of the bible belt? hmm. i always figured it started with NC, not VA.

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He was a real class act, tho I've seen on here about him not showing up autograph signings so I dont know whats with him not showing.

well here goes ...

I really don't think LL is a class act, in fact i have two very good friends that i have known since the 1st grade that are wishing very bad things on him! :doh:

My buddies are the General Manager and General Sales Manger at a luxury dealership. They claim that LL stiffed them out of several thousands dollars. They also said he was and quote a "d-bag" I guess they trusted him to pay them for something and so far he hasn't - at least as of about 3 weeks ago.

Now these guys are big skins haters so I wouldn't put it pass them to make the situation worse then what it was, but they got nothing but crazy good things to say about Rock, Heyer and a few other prominent skins they have sold auto's to. Also said Big Joe Salavea was very cool. Quiet, but cool.

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I have met Laron many times at Diva's nightclub (vixen's sister club). I am a bartender at the bar next door and we cook for them. I also fill in DJ for Diva's from time to time. I was so stoked the first time because they all knew how much of a fan I was so they saved me a spot in the VIP so I got to hang out with him and his friends. I really got a good chance to talk to him about football and the team for over 30 minutes until a dancer took his attention from me. He seems like a really cool guy but he has a crazy flare about him. Now its a "whats up man? shouldnt you be at work?" thing when i see him anymore.

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