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A Petition for the Impeachment of the Next POTES


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I know what you're thinking: we haven't even elected anyone yet. But, it should be obvious to any reasonable person that the next POTES will be yet another puppet for Dan Snyder's corporate oligarchy, wielding power indiscriminately and without regard for the Constitution, unwilling to challenge the status quo, unwilling to make tough, principled decisions for the good of the message board. I think we deserve better, and that is why I'm asking for your help in ensuring that he (or she) who would lord over us simply to serve his (or her) corporate master never even gets the opportunity to be sworn in to office.

It is time to take this message board back for the people, the true backbone of Extremeskins. We don't need more broken promises, more corruption, more tired cliches and pretentious platitudes--we need direct action, we need real revolution, we need to throw off the shackles that have held us for so long.

Of course, some of you apologists will say that you can't actually remove someone from office who isn't in office, but I say to them that can't shouldn't be in our vocabulary. We are, after all, Americans, and Redskins fans, and we can do anything we set our minds to, no matter how impossible or insane. We defeated one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen, no matter how unrealistic and improbable that victory was.

Some will say there has to be reasons for impeachment, so I've made a list of all the usurpations that will most likely be made by the next POTES, to wit:

1. being a total douche

2. sleeping with all our girlfriends and wives and then lying about it to our faces

3. not calling us on our birthdays

4. I can't say for sure but there could be a great deal of treason

5. Impregnating our sisters and then running off with that tramp down the street

6. Regifting our Christmas gifts

7. Checking our Christmas cards for money and then throwing them away without even reading them

8. Drinking all our liquor and then replacing it with water

9. Negotiating with Iran

10. Not replacing the empty toilet paper roll with a fresh roll

There are, I'm sure, many more reasons we can find to justify impeachment, and if we're feeling spirited, who knows, maybe even some public flagellation. You can list you're reasons favoring impeachment in this very thread.

So, ES, who is with me? We have nothing to lose but our chains. And maybe our legs.

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Wait a minute! I know why you are doing this. You've found out that you top numerous lists as a possible VEEP candidate. This is a power grab.

How unsavory! For shame!

And here I was thinking with a name like Headexplode you'd be the perfect person to run my Gitmo interogation unit.

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Wait a minute! I know why you are doing this. You've found out that you top numerous lists as a possible VEEP candidate. This is a power grab.

How unsavory! For shame!

That is a vicious and unwarranted attack. No one would ever want me on their ticket--they know I would onlly be a heartbeat away . . .

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With the backing of four people, I propose that impeachment become an official candidate for President of ES.
I'm for it as long as we can have change and hope. Keep in mind, I can vote for it before I vote against it. Change;) Hope:cloud9:

:evil:I hope this doesn't change my hope. :yikes:

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