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TSN: Redskins Team Report June 30, 2008


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Redskins Team Report June 30, 2008

Paul Woody

For Sporting News

PERSONNEL ANALYSIS: Two backups could play prominent roles for the defense this season. Chris Wilson is a lightweight in terms of bulk, but the DE comes off the ball with a great deal of explosion. He's quick enough to get around most offensive tackles, and fast enough to get to the QB before the pass is thrown. Defensive coordinator Greg Blache plans to play to the individual strengths of his players, and that could mean Wilson gets more snaps in passing situations. ...

H.B. Blades is small by NFL standards. But he is productive by any NFL standard. With Rocky McIntosh coming back from major knee surgery, Blades could get more time at OLB. He's best suited to be in the middle because he is a sure tackler, can move from sideline to sideline and has a knack for being around the ball. But he is football savvy and can play any of the LB positions capably. He's a solid special teams player. Blades is the type of player who is difficult to keep off the field.

YOUTH MOVEMENT: Reed Doughty entered the off-season as the starting SS. The club is taking a long look at the safety spot, and is giving Doughty plenty of competition for his job. Doughty is a bright, capable player who does well in the box and with coverage on TEs. He is vulnerable on deep routes, which is why he was moved from FS to SS. Doughty's problem is that the team ultimately wants LaRon Landry, now at FS, to return to SS. Doughty will compete well for a starting job. He doesn't make the same mistake twice and never lacks for effort. He is a strong special teams player and does not panic on the field or in the locker room. Whether Doughty remains a starter will be determined in training camp. If he is not, he still will be a strong contributor as a backup and special teams player.

SCOUTING REPORT: Ladell Betts is a valuable player, and the coaching staff should find ways to make him a bigger part of the offense. If Betts is given enough carries, he and Clinton Portis each could gain more than 1,000 yards and the wear and tear on Portis would be less. Betts runs well between the tackles. He hits holes quickly, as the power to break tackles at the line and has adequate speed to get into the secondary. He is an excellent receiver out of the backfield with good hands, good vision and is capable of turning short passes in the flat into significant gains. Betts is a strong kick returner and a good special teamer in punt coverage. But his skills are good enough that he could start for a number of teams. The Redskins would be well served to give him more carries.

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Why do they want Landry to play SS? who are they wanting to be the freeSafety, I don't like it.


Also I'm all for CP running a bit less but splitting carries 50/50 is just ridiculous. We all know that Betts is solid but still not on CP's level. Why does the TSN seem to think so? I'd give CP around 260-290 carries and Betts around 40-60.

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Paul Woody

For Sporting News

....Doughty's problem is that the team ultimately wants LaRon Landry, now at FS, to return to SS.

Where do these rumors keep coming from. I follow the skins and have NEVER seen or heard any coach or team official say anything about moving Landry back to SS. But members of the media keep making references to Landry moving back to SS or Landry being 'out of position at FS'. Where does this come from? Did i miss something? When did we plan to move Landry back to SS?


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Where do these rumors keep coming from. I follow the skins and have NEVER seen or heard any coach or team official say anything about moving Landry back to SS. But members of the media keep making references to Landry moving back to SS or Landry being 'out of position at FS'. Where does this come from? Did i miss something? When did we plan to move Landry back to SS?


Im pretty sure Blache mentioned this after the Schweigert signing. That he would play LaRon at both positions or he could have a competition between Doughty and Schweigert. Whoever loses that competition will be 2nd string and Landry will take over the position.

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I think we're fine either way. Landry at FS, Doughty at SS// or Schweigert at FS and Landry at SS.

It all really depends on the system you use. If Blache wants a free roamer he'd prob. be best served keeping Landry at FS. however, teams like the Colts and Steelers thrive on pass rush thanks to great SS in Bob Sanders and Polamalu. It will be interesting to see, and ultimately I think it will simply come down to whichever of the 2 tandems (LL and RD or SS and LL) looks best.

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God if only Gibbs was coherent enough to do this last season.:doh:

Yeah, we would have made the Superbowl with Betts! Just like in '06!:rolleyes: Betts had his chance when he was spliting carries early on, and couldn't cut it. Maybe he'll perform well again when his contract is up, just like '06.

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They wanted LL to be Strong Safety all along because of his ability to blitz the QB. Remember, he was suppossed to be everything Archuletta was not but you have to replace the mega-athlete that was Sean Taylor, with another mega-athlete....hence the reason he's currently at FS.

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Why do they want Landry to play SS? who are they wanting to be the freeSafety, I don't like it.

I think they want Landrey at SS so he can cause havoc in the backfield more often. At free his first priority is center field. Although with our defensive system our safeties are supposed to be interchangable and were with Taylor back there. Just shows what a huge loss he is for us.

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Im pretty sure Blache mentioned this after the Schweigert signing. That he would play LaRon at both positions or he could have a competition between Doughty and Schweigert. Whoever loses that competition will be 2nd string and Landry will take over the position.

I remember Blache's presser and i don't recall him say anything about moving Landry to SS. He did say that Stu is a pure FS. I can understand the reasoning to move Landry to SS to be a Bob Sanders or Troy Polamalu style menace but I don't recall Landry being that type of SS before the switch. I would rather see him play the center field role like #21. And have an effect on the opponents entire passing game. And I still haven't heard or seen a team official mention anything about moving Landry to FS. I just want to see where this was said.


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Im pretty sure Blache mentioned this after the Schweigert signing. That he would play LaRon at both positions or he could have a competition between Doughty and Schweigert. Whoever loses that competition will be 2nd string and Landry will take over the position.

Yeah blache did say that. Some of yall needs to chill. Laron will be effective anywhere on the field. Ask Ed Reed if SS limits his impact on a defense. Going back to our drfense, it doesn't matter where he starts, he can play centerfield from the SS position.

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Yeah blache did say that. Some of yall needs to chill. Laron will be effective anywhere on the field. Ask Ed Reed if SS limits his impact on a defense. Going back to our drfense, it doesn't matter where he starts, he can play centerfield from the SS position.


LaRon was drafted as a SS and only moved to FS as a fill-in for Sean Taylor. He is physically talented enough to play FS, but his natural position is SS and the team has expressed the desire to move him back there. That sentiment was reinforced with the signing of Stuart Schweigert, who is not a SS. Mostly, Landry is great in run support, so they want to play him closer to the line.

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Guest isjoining
Yeah blache did say that. Some of yall needs to chill. Laron will be effective anywhere on the field. Ask Ed Reed if SS limits his impact on a defense. Going back to our drfense, it doesn't matter where he starts, he can play centerfield from the SS position.

Ed Reed is a FS...


LaRon was drafted as a SS and only moved to FS as a fill-in for Sean Taylor. He is physically talented enough to play FS, but his natural position is SS and the team has expressed the desire to move him back there. That sentiment was reinforced with the signing of Stuart Schweigert, who is not a SS. Mostly, Landry is great in run support, so they want to play him closer to the line.

Laron Landry played SS for half a season, wouldn't exactly call that his natural position as he played FS during college.

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Yeah blache did say that. Some of yall needs to chill. Laron will be effective anywhere on the field. Ask Ed Reed if SS limits his impact on a defense. Going back to our drfense, it doesn't matter where he starts, he can play centerfield from the SS position.

Agreed. Laron is so good he can play either positions. However he is arguably our best defender therefore you want him in on as many plays as you can. SS allows him to pretty much be in on every play. While as FS on some plays he will be back there twiddling his thumbs.

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Agreed. Laron is so good he can play either positions. However he is arguably our best defender therefore you want him in on as many plays as you can. SS allows him to pretty much be in on every play. While as FS on some plays he will be back there twiddling his thumbs.

That, and he's the best blitzing safety I have ever seen.

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That, and he's the best blitzing safety I have ever seen.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Come on man. The best blitzing saftey you've ever seen?? How many sacks did he have last year?? Are you basing this on his college hightlight reel? LaRon is a beast but I just think this is a little bit of an overstatement.

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Yeah blache did say that.

Please, show me where any Redskins staff mentioned anything about moving Landry to SS. I read the presser and watched the video clip, Blache said nothing about moving Landry to SS.



"[schweigert] has got to come out and compete," Blache said. "We don't give anybody anything here. If you get something yesterday, you have to come back out here and earn it today. He's going to come in and compete against those guys, and we'll give him a chance." Added Blache: "He's a pure free safety...I'm not going to make any predictions at this time, but he is a guy with starting experience in this league. He has a chance to compete and add to our depth."

Where does he say anything about moving Landry to SS?


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Please, show me where any Redskins staff mentioned anything about moving Landry to SS. I read the presser and watched the video clip, Blache said nothing about moving Landry to SS.



"[schweigert] has got to come out and compete," Blache said. "We don't give anybody anything here. If you get something yesterday, you have to come back out here and earn it today. He's going to come in and compete against those guys, and we'll give him a chance." Added Blache: "He's a pure free safety...I'm not going to make any predictions at this time, but he is a guy with starting experience in this league. He has a chance to compete and add to our depth."

Where does he say anything about moving Landry to SS?


So do you think that they're going to bench Landry if Stu wins at FS?

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Please, show me where any Redskins staff mentioned anything about moving Landry to SS. I read the presser and watched the video clip, Blache said nothing about moving Landry to SS.



"[schweigert] has got to come out and compete," Blache said. "We don't give anybody anything here. If you get something yesterday, you have to come back out here and earn it today. He's going to come in and compete against those guys, and we'll give him a chance." Added Blache: "He's a pure free safety...I'm not going to make any predictions at this time, but he is a guy with starting experience in this league. He has a chance to compete and add to our depth."

Where does he say anything about moving Landry to SS?


well, if they find sweigert ot be a starter at FS, they could move Landry back to SS, which is where he started his career. Blache didn;t say it in this interview specifically, but it is pretty well-known and not really needed to be said in an interview... time to play football.

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