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Most overrated 2008 offseason pickup?

Thinking Skins

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Alright, I'm enjoying reading all the optimistic fans, but as a realist, I feel like we're preparing ourselves for some disappointment. Over the past few months we've been talking about the pros and cons of Thomas and Kelly; the stupidity or genius of drafting Davis; how Brennan may be a superstar or a 6th round bust; whether James will ever be a great player, etc. I think that my expectations for these players has been lowered to a point where I'm not going to be disappointed by their performance.

But when I hear about guys like Kerry Brown, Andrew Crummey, and Kyle DeVan, all I hear are these positives for the guys - especially Brown. But the problem is that these guys are UDFAs. Maybe I've just been ignoring the negatives about some of these guys (the only bad I've heard about Crummey is his broken leg which may have him placed on IR this year), but how often does a team find 3/5 of its starting offensive line for the next 12 years in one offseason? And how often are these players all undrafted? And if you add to that Chad Rinehart, we've added 4/5 of our new offensive line. And if you add to that Stephon Heyer, we've already for our new offensive line on our roster. All in two offseasons, and 4/5 of them are undrafted.

Now the rational side of me says that I'm just getting excited over our players BECAUSE they're our players. If these guys were that good, why didn't they get drafted? Did every other team in the NFL just miss then 7 times (or so)? I mean, there was a run on linemen in the first round, so I would've expected that if they're that good, they'd have been drafted. I just feel like you all are getting my hopes up only to see one (all) of these guys cut in training camp. Remember that DT named Mapu (I had high hopes for him)?

But thats my overrated pick - these guys on the OL. Who do you say it is? Is it Kelly, who many (including myself) see having a really good year this year? Is it James, who may be cut before the season starts? What about Stu? Will he be another Stanley Richards? Does Tyron talk stuff his game can't backup? What do you think?

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I'll get back to you around week eight.

The truth is none of us knows how any of these guys will do.

Devin Thomas could be the leading rookie wr. Or he could be stuck behind James Thrash in the depth chart.

Tryon could be a pleasant surprise at nickel back. Or he could be the second coming of Mike Rumph.

Rinehart could turn some heads by beating out Kendall at LG. Or he could be Jim Molinaro.

None of us knows.

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How can someone be overrated if they haven't played a down for us?

Just be the raised expectations we're putting on them. Like I said, I had read so much on Mapu that I went from doubting this guys talents to saying he was going to be a force on our DL. Then he got cut before training camp. I had him overrated.

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I'll get back to you around week eight.

The truth is none of us knows how any of these guys will do.

Devin Thomas could be the leading rookie wr. Or he could be stuck behind James Thrash in the depth chart.

Tryon could be a pleasant surprise at nickel back. Or he could be the second coming of Mike Rumph.

Rinehart could turn some heads by beating out Kendall at LG. Or he could be Jim Molinaro.

None of us knows.

c'mon its the offseason. Live a little. Use your imagination. Let me know who you think the fans are expecting way too much from that you just don't see making the team, or just don't see producing on the team.

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None of our offseason acquisitions are overrated. We got two WRs in the second round and some projections had them each going as high as #11 overall. Brennan is a 6th round pick and therefore cannot be a bust. A bust has to have something of true substance placed on them for it to be a bust. A sixth rounder that doesn't make a team is just a "sixth rounder who didn't make the team." Erasmus has had a very disappointing and injury marred career up to this point. At worse we lose a seventh round pick for a guy that had first round talent. Maybe he turns it around and maybe he doesn't but again, a seventh rounder is a luxury pick if he works out. We made no big splashes which was wise considering the FA talent that was out there. Jared Allen was the only one worth trying for and he isn't even worth two first rounders.

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Brennan may be a superstar or a 6th round bust

Isn't "6th round bust" an oxymoron? lol ;)...

But right now, none of our aquisitions are overrated...plus, I'd rather live a few more weeks/months with the good feelings that optimism brings rather than try and speculate which newly acquired players won't pan out. As for the O-line, I'm hoping we end up with some quality depth at a few spots, with Rinehart giving indications that he can be a solid starter sooner rather than later, so I guess it would be hard for me to feel the players you mentioned are overrated. I suppose mayyyyybe if I had to try and pick out a disappointing player, it might be the rookie punter (forget his name right now).

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Isn't "6th round bust" an oxymoron? lol ;)...


I suppose mayyyyybe if I had to try and pick out a disappointing player, it might be the rookie punter (forget his name right now).

Yeah I was going for an oxymoronic statement. I put the term bust in there because we have all the Hawii fans who are coming here calling him the second coming of Tom Brady. They may be in for a rude awakening if thats where they set the bar.

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m are undrafted.

Now the rational side of me says that I'm just getting excited over our players BECAUSE they're our players. If these guys were that good, why didn't they get drafted? Did every other team in the NFL just miss then 7 times (or so)? I mean, there was a run on linemen in the first round, so I would've expected that if they're that good, they'd have been drafted. I just feel like you all are getting my hopes up only to see one (all) of these guys cut in training camp. Remember that DT named Mapu (I had high hopes for him)?

But thats my overrated pick - these guys on the OL. Who do you say it is? Is it Kelly, who many (including myself) see having a really good year this year? Is it James, who may be cut before the season starts? What about Stu? Will he be another Stanley Richards? Does Tyron talk stuff his game can't backup? What do you think?

The draft "run" was on left tackles. The three guys you mentioned are guards and a center. In fact, Rhinehardt was a LOT and was drafted to be a guard.

Guards and centers traditionally are not drafted high. Notice that we only had one OL draft pick. Many teams primarily use their draft choices for "skill positions" and not OL. The fact that they are not drafted (OL) doesn't have much of a bearing on them making the roster or PS this year and become contributors in future years. We have an old experienced OL and developing UDFA's is a great way to build for the future in a cost effective manner.

As someone said before, this year's UDFA with a year under coach will be better than next year's 3rd rounder's coming in.

That being said I think only one or two of UDFA's will make the team or PS.

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the thread is just asking who until now is most overrated, based on hype/draft position/contract/whatever else. As far as I can tell, it's not saying the player will bust, but who we think is hyped to a point where the guy won't deliver to expectations (McCune, Lumsden come to mind).

That being said, it's definitely Colt Brennan. I still am on the anti-Brennan wagon. If he does well, I will eat my crow. I am calling though the guy will just flame out in the NFL like most 6th rounders will.

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To be honest, I'm a little worried about Devin Thomas. He's not a good route runner and dropped quite a few passes during camp.

I agree with Thomas. He has the most presure on him right now. I think Kelley will be the biggest "surprise" being the third draft pick this year.

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I don't think I've ever heard of a 6th round bust first and foremost...."Another So you mean to tell me because people are speaking highly of our draft...you take that as a set up for disappointment? You've included nothing in the post that would cause anyone to change their mind from their opinion. Well I guess it will be good if anyone turns out any good because that would be a surprise for you. I guess you're short term memory maybe forgot about about an OL named Derrick Dockery...A great OL we drafted in the 3rd round...who left in free agency. I'm sure JB knows a little something about OL. WRs usually don't make a huge imediate impact in the NFL. The Viks did not utilize James properly and you haven't given him a chance before you've discarded him from making an impact. Let's at least wait until preseason before we talk about an offseason where nothing we did will "pan out." Have a little faith and be patient. The season has far from begun. Let's not write off the entire offseason just yet. HAIL with a positive attitude!!!!!!

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My :2cents:

I know it's offseason and pure speculation but I am pumped that we are giving Joe Bugel warm bodies to coach-up. Of all our coaches who could make a silk purse out of a sows ear, it's Buges.

My 'speculation' comes from the fact that if JB says to keep an O-lineman, that he has deduced the man can be coached into a future starter. I guess if I am guilty of 'overrating' someone, it might be Bugel, but I don't think I am doing that though.

At the beginning of last years scrimmages (which I listened to on the radio and did not see), I heard Bugel and Gibbs singing the praises of Pullico and Heyer, both UDFS's. No one could have predicted the injuries we would later sustain to our OL vets at that point but it proved that Buges knew what he is talking about when it came to evaluating talent and coaching to excellence. It really sucks that Pullico is gone due to injury, because I thought he was very good.

Now this year we have some very talented UDFA's again. And we have Buges again. When he says we have some 'diamonds' in these guys, I have 100% confidence in his word. As unorthidox as it may seem to many, coaching from the grass-roots level like JB does is something seldom seen in todays NFL and is not given the credit it deserves. He's not taking the preeminent players in the draft and tweeking a few weaknesses into strengths. He's making contenders from primordial clay.

I guess the biggest legacy to Gibbs II is that he reestablished quality in our coaching department. Buges is the best alive in my book and I want him to have as many rookies in his reach as possible. It can only mean good things for this organization.


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If you do not want to answer the OP's question then you should refrain from posting in the thread.

I actually think no pads, no speculation answer is a good answer to the OP because it is the most accurate .

This seems to be ANOTHER thread for haters to hate in . Can you not at least give these players a chance to play before you write them off ? I have been doing a tour of other teams message boards and without exception I have not come across a more negative bitter fan base .

How can it be a disappointment if an UDFA fails to contribute ? More often than not these are shelf stackers and buger flipers with a tiny glance of hope at an NFL career . IF they do make the roster and can play in years to come then thats a good thing, if you think they are being overhyped then maybe you have to look at your own expectations .

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