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Newsweek: Barack's Bounce: 15 Point Lead over McCain


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The biggest surprise for me was the Michelle Obama has considerably higher favorable ratings than Cindy McCain.

Michelle Obama has scores of 49 "favorable", 22 "unfavorable", 7 "Never Heard Of's" and 22 "Don't Know".

Cindy McCain has scores of 33 "favorable", 19 "unfavorable", 12 "Never Heard Of's", and 36 "Don't Know"

I mean, Cindy McCain doesn't do anything on the campaign trail so I have NO idea how people could have unfavorable opinions about her.

Homewreckers are out in the 21st century?

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This is one of my favorite sites for polling data:


It compiles a bunch of different polls and uses those to get their graph numbers. It also shows poll numbers for Senate/House/Governor races.

For just the presidential race www.fivethirtyeight.com is pretty good. Compiles polls and basically puts out a prediction for what the next poll/direction the race is going.

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Wake me when its late October and the polls say the same thing.

I'd guess in reality, Obama is up by about 10% right now. Now we all have the honor of having him invade our homes via TV for the next 12-16 weeks. Then we'll get little bursts of clammy old McCain talking about Security during the other TV breaks.

If you own a DVR....start recording and watch a day behind. You'll be able to avoid everything!

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It cracks me up that those that voted for Bush twice, are now claiming that they know better and that McCain will be the better president. It's Steve Spurrier coming back and saying "Ya, I picked Wurfull and Matthews, but trust me when I tell you I know what QB you should sign now".

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I mean, Cindy McCain doesn't do anything on the campaign trail so I have NO idea how people could have unfavorable opinions about her.

Maybe the whole drug addict thing turns people off? I don't know, I see that as a sign of strength, to be able to overcome addiction, but I doubt most of the country feels the same way.

Just speculating. And like TSF said, the homewrecker part doesn't help.

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So is my job to do research for you now? Damn kids these days. :rolleyes:

Domestic policy, McCain will most likely keep the same tax cuts under Bush but add more of his own twists. But if you believe that the economy is solely in the control of the PotUS, then I want to know what color the sky is in your reality.

Foreign policy? Here you go. Nice article. Quite different than what Obama and his Obamanaughts want you to believe.


I do know that long drawn out wars are bad for the economy. I know that policies shape the economy. No one is dumb enough to think the Pres. controls the economy.

You're right, his terrible domestic policies will be somewhat different than Bush's. His foreign policy might be worse. McCain can't do much to look good this election. It is Obama's to win or lose, McCain is the default fail choice. People are basically going to ask themselves "Is the country as deep in the ****ter as it can go? Or will Obama sink it even further?

Take a chance or more of the same is what it really comes down to. It looks like America will take a chance.

Also, McCain wins we have another lame duck Pres because the Congress will be democratic.

Get ready for a liberal takeover. The GOP screwed things up so bad that a country that generally leans slightly to the right is now going to elect a very liberal gov't.

I liked McCain a whole lot when he wasn't changing his positions on everything to win over wacko right wingers. Maybe he still is the same guy and just playing politics. I sure hope so.

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So is my job to do research for you now? Damn kids these days. :rolleyes:

Domestic policy, McCain will most likely keep the same tax cuts under Bush but add more of his own twists. But if you believe that the economy is solely in the control of the PotUS, then I want to know what color the sky is in your reality.

Foreign policy? Here you go. Nice article. Quite different than what Obama and his Obamanaughts want you to believe.


Straw man Larry. I expect better of you. McCain shares alot of views with Bush but to say that he will continue with the policies at hand is a bit of a stretch, even for the foaming at the mouth Bush haters. Look at all the flack that the right of the GOP is giving him. He isn't the "maverick" that he was a few years ago now due to his need to get the GOP base to support him, but you know as well as I that a leopard doesn't change his spots.

This is all you got? You use the line "I expect better from you" and you offer up nothing but an article on old speeches that came prior to his sudden change of heart needed to hold the conservative peace?! All you done is reinforced the accusation that McCain is a Bush clone. 95% voting similarity DURING the time he was a so called "maverick" and BEFORE his change of position moving him closer to Bush. So what is he now 99.9% Bush. Should we hail this man as the 0.1% maverick? 0.1% change?

McCain is going to be crushed under the weight of his senate record. When he talks about his conservative positions his past will haunt him. When he talks about change his present conservative statements will haunt him. He's completely screwed because no matter what he says it will be easy to find him saying the opposite.

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I think that what this just demonstrates is what the definition of Maverick is within the Republican party. I mean if voting 97% of the time with your party makes you a maverick. What kind of homogenous sheep and lemmings have the Republicans become?

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....McCain is going to be crushed under the weight of his senate record. When he talks about his conservative positions his past will haunt him. When he talks about change his present conservative statements will haunt him. He's completely screwed because no matter what he says it will be easy to find him saying the opposite.
Ahhhh Wrong

McCain touts bipartisan work credentials


Appearing at a San Diego airport hangar with California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger before flying to his home state of Arizona, the Republican front-runner noted that both of them (Romney) had reputations for cooperating with the opposition party when necessary.

Arnold = Rino

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I think that what this just demonstrates is what the definition of Maverick is within the Republican party. I mean if voting 97% of the time with your party makes you a maverick. What kind of homogenous sheep and lemmings have the Republicans become?

Put a big block of salt in Houston and watch them all come out to lick.

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Ahhhh Wrong

McCain touts bipartisan work credentials


Appearing at a San Diego airport hangar with California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger before flying to his home state of Arizona, the Republican front-runner noted that both of them (Romney) had reputations for cooperating with the opposition party when necessary.

Arnold = Rino

Wrong how? I see nothing there that makes me wrong. Damn near everyone in the senate has worked with the other party because they have no choice. Also working with the other party isn't a boost amongst your base and McCain's problem is his base. A record of cooperation isn't going to do much against ads like these:

That's what a long washington record does for you.

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I think that what this just demonstrates is what the definition of Maverick is within the Republican party. I mean if voting 97% of the time with your party makes you a maverick. What kind of homogenous sheep and lemmings have the Republicans become?

That's the way it works. Democrats are the "big tent" and republicans march on command.

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......working with the other party isn't a boost amongst your base and McCain's problem is his base.....
I agree McCain has a Problem with his Base

He has an ADVANTAGE in that lately he has legitimately separated himself from it


Campaign Finance

Criticism of the War

All issues that make him appear to be NOT CONSERVATIVE

The question to ask is....

Will McCain’s appeal to the center OFFSET his loss on the right

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I think that what this just demonstrates is what the definition of Maverick is within the Republican party. I mean if voting 97% of the time with your party makes you a maverick. What kind of homogenous sheep and lemmings have the Republicans become?

If John McCain's voting record is too conservative for him to be labeled a maverick, is Obama's voting record too liberal for him to be considered a uniter? :whoknows:

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I agree McCain has a Problem with his Base

He has an ADVANTAGE in that lately he has legitimately separated himself from it


Campaign Finance

Criticism of the War

All issues that make him appear to be NOT CONSERVATIVE

The question to ask is....

Will McCain’s appeal to the center OFFSET his loss on the right

If that's the question he's screwed. The middle is no where near the size of the party base. Nor are they nearly as motivated. if you can't hold your base you can't win. That goes for both parties.

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If John McCain's voting record is too conservative for him to be labeled a maverick, is Obama's voting record too liberal for him to be considered a uniter? :whoknows:

This past year Obama voted less liberal then McCain did conservative. But it is difficult to vote more then 95% of the time along party lines.

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This past year Obama voted less liberal then McCain did conservative. But it is difficult to vote more then 95% of the time along party lines.

Setting aside either party's talking points, Obama has a very liberal voting record and McCain has a very conservative voting record. Wouldn't you agree?

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If John McCain's voting record is too conservative for him to be labeled a maverick, is Obama's voting record too liberal for him to be considered a uniter? :whoknows:

Being a uniter is not about standing in the middle of the road and hoping both sides will agree to talk. It's about leading with vision and getting others to believe it and work with you in realizing it.

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