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Woman assaulted after dialling boyfriend during sex


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Woman assaulted after dialling boyfriend during sex

By Rupert Neate


A jealous lover flew into a rage and assaulted his girlfriend after she accidentally called him while having sex with another man.

Toni Milton, 38, mistakenly dialled Neil O'Brien's number on her mobile phone while she was making love to her ex-boyfriend, a court heard.

O'Brien, 41, said the sound of his girlfriend sleeping with another man caused him to flip out. He drove to her house and stamped on her face so hard he left a shoeprint, Leicester crown court heard.

He was jailed for 15 months after a judge said even the "unusual circumstances" of the incident would not save him from prison.


Judge William Everard told him: "Any court would understand why you were angry.

"But the fact remains you drove 15 miles and confronted this complainant - and I am satisfied you were determined to wreak your revenge. The injuries could have been fatal."

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um I am sorry what?

She made have done something wrong and deceitful but she did not deserve to have her face kicked in.

cheating = boot in the face

sorry page3girl...thats the rules, maybe she didnt get the memo...I am sure she learned her leason!!

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cheating = boot in the face

sorry page3girl...thats the rules, maybe she didnt get the memo...I am sure she learned her leason!!

I like that you edited your last answer because you came off like a complete douche. Violence is never the answer...

you guys are f-ing insane

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I like that you edited your last answer because you came off like a complete douche. Violence is never the answer...

you guys are f-ing insane

NO, I edited my last post becasue I mis-read the article, once I found that he actually did kick her in the face, I then edited my post....

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um I am sorry what?

She made have done something wrong and deceitful but she did not deserve to have her face kicked in.

He didn't deserve to be cheated on. She made her bed, then slept in another one. She created the problem. And it is reasonable to expect her to understand that if she's caught cheating, it may well send the other person into a rage.

If I was on his jury, and the facts were as presented, I wouldn't vote to convict him.

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He didn't deserve to be cheated on. She made her bed, then slept in another one. She created the problem. And it is reasonable to expect her to understand that if she's caught cheating, it may well send the other person into a rage.

If I was on his jury, and the facts were as presented, I wouldn't vote to convict him.

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He didn't deserve to be cheated on. She made her bed, then slept in another one. She created the problem. And it is reasonable to expect her to understand that if she's caught cheating, it may well send the other person into a rage.

If I was on his jury, and the facts were as presented, I wouldn't vote to convict him.

I was trying to be civil but I read your post first, all very true...I think you made me a beleiver...very convincing!!

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and to be honest, kicking her in the face probably wasnt the best solution...but please tell me you see some form of humor in this story though??

the fact that she is that dumb, yes entertaining. His reaction, not entertaining. There are other ways to get even. Kicking a woman in the face, not the answer.

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We've read and heard worse stories about lovers caught cheating or lovers being jealous.....including people being murdered and genetalia being excised (Bobbitt).

So while this is extreme violence and we know violence is bad....this case is pretty tame compared to some of the stuff you see.

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I really hope that you guys are being sarcastic with these responses. Theres no reason to stomp a girls face, no matter what she did.

Considering how many people have died over precisely the same circumstance, she's lucky in some ways.

I personally would never cheat. Nor would I ever hurt a woman. But I can understand the emotions that would lead to someone doing so.

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