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Nuclear Explosion Occurs Near Epicenter of the Sichuan Earthquake, Expert Says


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According to this site, The Epoch Times , it's possible that a nuclear incident caused the recent large earthquake in the Sichuan region. I doubt if the Chinese government would be very forthcoming if this was the situation. (Although, I think it would be interesting to snoop area the area with Google just to see what can be seen.)

We always has to consider the source of such information, but it is, at least, a Chinese-language paper based in New York.

Nuclear Explosion Occurs Near Epicenter of the Sichuan Earthquake, Expert Says.

By Wu Weilin - Epoch Times Staff - Jun 03, 2008

Boxun News, a Chinese-language Web site based outside China, reported that an unnamed expert has claimed that there was a nuclear explosion near the epicenter of the Sichuan earthquake, based on witness reports and the discovery of concrete rubble believed to have come from an underground military installation. The news of this nuclear explosion has raised questions about the cause of the earthquake.

Mr. He, a local resident, stated that when the earthquake occurred on May 12, people saw something erupt from the top of a mountain next to the valley, "It looked like toothpaste being squeezed out," said He. "No, it wasn't [magma]. It was these concrete pieces. The eruption lasted about three minutes."

According to a China News Services (CNS) report on May 31, 2008, paramedics from People's Liberation Army (PLA) hospitals and psychologists from Beijing onsite May 23 found concrete debris at the bottom of a valley near the epicenter. The half-mile-wide valley was covered with debris 10 - 20 inches thick, covering the valley floor for almost 1.5 miles.

No major construction was occurring in the area at the time of the earthquake.

Click the link for the rest of the article:


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The Epoch times is a nutty rag. I've read it (we have a big Chinese population out here and it is on every corner).

It has my sympathy because it is run by members of Falun Gong who hate the Chinese Communist party, but unfortunately the paper is just whacked out.

I might add that if it was a nuke, I think our intellegence and scientific communities would have seen obvious signs. Stuff like radiation :whoknows:

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No chance a nuke went off above ground. Perhaps one went out underground. I don't know if that would trigger an Earthquake like that though.

I'll admit I don't know much about earthquakes, but my basic understanding of the kiind I know is along a fault line where two plates are moving against eachother. Friction builds and eventually something "gives" and the plates shift suddenly and violently. I would imagine an underground detonation could trigger something like this. But I dunno.

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I'll admit I don't know much about earthquakes, but my basic understanding of the kiind I know is along a fault line where two plates are moving against eachother. Friction builds and eventually something "gives" and the plates shift suddenly and violently. I would imagine an underground detonation could trigger something like this. But I dunno.

Maybe such a shift it could also could trigger "something erupting from the top of a mountain next to the valley that looked like toothpaste being squeezed out" from the pressure.


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The radiation would be very telling and unable to be hidden, even under ground. I call BS

That's true, but then again I'd think the Chinese gov could do a good job of hidding such a thing. Have international scientists visited the epicenter yet?

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Maybe such a shift it could also could trigger "something erupting from the top of a mountain next to the valley that looked like toothpaste being squeezed out" from the pressure.


For sure. I'm not saying I beleive this. But it's a possibilty.

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Well...they were reporting on the news that foreign reporters were not being allowed to visit certain quake sites. All of the sudden you have to have a state and provincial press pass to be allowed access, and since the state or provincial press passes have never been issued (can't remember which one) no one's getting access unless they want you to have access.

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Well...they were reporting on the news that foreign reporters were not being allowed to visit certain quake sites. All of the sudden you have to have a state and provincial press pass to be allowed access, and since the state or provincial press passes have never been issued (can't remember which one) no one's getting access unless they want you to have access.

That is because they want to control the images that get out, to avoid criticism of their party.

If a nuke goes off anywhere, our boys in Langley know about it pretty damn fast.

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Well...they were reporting on the news that foreign reporters were not being allowed to visit certain quake sites. All of the sudden you have to have a state and provincial press pass to be allowed access, and since the state or provincial press passes have never been issued (can't remember which one) no one's getting access unless they want you to have access.

As Predicto said they are trying to control the images and message,but there are numerous(I think three) nuclear facilities effected by the quake and the Chinese are not open to the press in the best of times.

There are too many independent seismologists that would note a nuclear explosion signature to bury it. imo

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Allistair Maclean threatened to do that, once. In Goodbye California[/u]. (The Good Guys stopped it.)

This is a first at ES - someone mentions my all time favorite writer/novelist/author extraordinaire. Just finished reading San Andreas the other day for the umpteenth time.

Thanks for making my day.

Off to eat some supper.

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