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Why will Clinton drop out? A seat on the Supreme Court.


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I guess that's why Bill and her moved to Arkansas. Almost anybody could probably pass the bar in Arkansas and practice law in that backwards-ass state.

Hmmm....this makes me wonder if the Clinton's "intelligence" is just a myth created by the media...

And again: An entire state get slammed as WVA was.. nicely done. :doh:

Because Georgia is so far ahead of the times.

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And again: An entire state get slammed as WVA was.. nicely done. :doh:

Because Georgia is so far ahead of the times.

Georgia is by far the best state to live in the South (other than Florida of course, but most people don't consider Florida "the South"). Have you ever been to Arkansas? Probably not.

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Even if BHO did this, why would HRC accept it?

You can probably name 40 current Senators before you could name 40 Justices of the Supreme Court in the history of the US Supreme Court. While the job is incredibly important and a lifetime appointment, they are pretty much invisible in the public/political life of DC. HRC is a celebrity... The Supreme Court isn't her gig. US Senator of New York is where it is at if you are a celebrity, unless you are President.

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Right. Like there was another choice for you. Pleaase.

There is actually. Not voting at all, which I was considering strongly. But if this is true, I'll be there bright and early on election day, hold my nose and pull the McCain lever

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Wow. That's pretty incredible.
Also, not to reopen the can of worms that was Vince Foster's suspicious death, even before authorities could come to secure his office and the documents inside, Hillary's gang had already gone in and confiscated incriminating documents. It is amazing how the Clintons have escaped jailtime for any of their actions. They're criminals and will do anything to save themselves...
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I think people are reading Hillary in the wrong way.

She aches for power and control.

You only get that in a limited way as a government official.

I think the only reason she likes being in politics is so that she can flap her gums and people listen.

At the end of the day, it's not about talk, it's about doing whatever she wants to do, whenever she wants to do it.

So, SCOTUS might be a good vector from her perception, because you know her vote would be for sale, and it would be a revenge move against the earlier shame of her career, and a good place to dish out punishment to those who oppose(d) her.

Having said that, it would be a disaster for the US.

Frankly, I wouldn't trust her to walk my dog.:rolleyes:

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I was going to point out that she's not even close to being qualified but the above, if true would confirm that.

**Edit** I found an article that confirms the statement above. Pretty heavy stuff...even for a Clinton.

I do not believe a single word of that "article" - and I am NOT at all a Hillary supporter.

Anyone who really thinks that Hillary Clinton is not intelligent is really kidding themselves. She may be evil, but she is inhumanly smart.

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Anyone who really thinks that Hillary Clinton is not intelligent is really kidding themselves. She may be evil, but she is inhumanly smart.

I think Hillary is Exhibit A for the difference between IQ and EQ.

At first glance, Hillary seems to be a street-smart genius. She's a scrappy fighter, no doubt. But after this campaign, the symptoms of street-stupidity have really piled up.

- She surrounded herself with loyalists for her campaign, instead of the best people for the job

- She didn't bother to plan for a long campaign

- She left the lid off the jar when it came to early lavish campaign spending, quickly dooming her after Iowa

- She essentially gave up on the caucus states

- She had almost no grass-roots movement at all, despite what Howard Dean proved 4 years ago: Internet and bottom-up activity means votes and $$$.

- She is woefully inconsistent on issues like Michigan/Florida

- She appears perfectly willing to subvert her party and the voters for an end that could only be described as selfish and disastrous

- She constantly indicts her own credibility with the current joke of a claim to have "the most popular votes."

- She continues to campaign like it's 1992, with absurd claims and outright lies that are instantly debunked in the Internet age.

- All of which add up to an obvious deficit of character and lack of judgment.

For each of the three candidates in the race, their respective campaigns are the largest organizations they've ever run as an executives. The results are telling: Obama came from almost nowhere, building a 2004 speech into a juggernaut by showing what he's capable of. Hillary had everything lined up for her, and arrogantly squandered it all by trying to claim even more than she already had. We'll see how McCain fares, once he starts campaigning full-bore.

I think Hillary is a great example of the difference between intelligent and smart. She just isn't in control of herself, despite a high IQ.

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Georgia is by far the best state to live in the South (other than Florida of course, but most people don't consider Florida "the South"). Have you ever been to Arkansas? Probably not.

Why thank you for telling me where i've been.

20 or so states, Korea, Turkey, China, Italy, Germany, etc..

been all over the Kansas area. (iowa arkansas ohio kent..)

What do people consider Florida if not part of the south? because so many people from the north go there to retire there is no accent?

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I don't care what anyone might say about Hillary Clinton, she is not stupid. She knows full well that as the most devisive public figure of the last 15 years she could never be appointed to the bench. Not even a full Democratic congress would give her a pass up there.

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What do people consider Florida if not part of the south? because so many people from the north go there to retire there is no accent?

As someone who lives there, allow me to clarify:

North Florida is part of The South.

South Florida (including the entire East coast) is part of New York.

(Just like Northern Virginia is.)

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I do not believe a single word of that "article" - and I am NOT at all a Hillary supporter.

Anyone who really thinks that Hillary Clinton is not intelligent is really kidding themselves. She may be evil, but she is inhumanly smart.

Please feel free to find facts that say otherwise. If this guy is a partisan hack with an unfounded, anti-Hillary agenda then so be it. I'd certainly admit it were that the case.

As for her intelligence, I've always maintained that she's a smart woman. However, in prior posts I've pointed out her failings in putting together a winning campaign team/strategy. Even so, I never thought of it in quite the way and with the attention to detail that Mjah did so I'll refer you to his post. :)

He makes a great point though, there are different KINDS of intelligence. Hillary clearly has IQ but may not be entirely capable of transferring it to practical reality. Furthermore, where Bill has great people skills, I don't know that Hillary is nearly as strong in that area.

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Please feel free to find facts that say otherwise. If this guy is a partisan hack with an unfounded, anti-Hillary agenda then so be it. I'd certainly admit it were that the case.

Ok, just click on the writer's name and look at the other recent columns he has written. He clearly is a partisan hack.

As for her intelligence, I've always maintained that she's a smart woman. However, in prior posts I've pointed out her failings in putting together a winning campaign team/strategy. Even so, I never thought of it in quite the way and with the attention to detail that Mjah did so I'll refer you to his post. :)

That same criticism could be levelled against every unsucessful presidential candidate in history. A year ago, we were all sure that Rudy Guiliani was going to be the Republican nominee. He screwed up, but I am still certain that he is very intelligent.

He makes a great point though, there are different KINDS of intelligence. Hillary clearly has IQ but may not be entirely capable of transferring it to practical reality. Furthermore, where Bill has great people skills, I don't know that Hillary is nearly as strong in that area.

I have a close friend who worked in the Clinton White House. He says that Hillary is a vindictive and hyper-driven person, but she is smart as hell.

I agree that there are different kinds of intelligence, but no one in the world has all of them in full measure. No one since DaVinci, anyway. Hillary got blessed with more than her share of brains overall, and it is silly to try and deny that.

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Clarify this if you could.

Easiest, most definitive, most widely recognized way to tell if you're in The South.

Go into a restaurant and order sweet tea.

If they bring you iced tea that has so much sugar in it that you get grit on your teeth, because it didn't all dissolve, then you're in the south.

If they tell you that they don't have sweet tea, but there are sugar packets on the table, then you're in a Yankee restaurant.

Guess which category the restaurants in Northern Virginia fit into? Guess which category they have in Richmond?

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If they tell you that they don't have sweet tea, but there are sugar packets on the table, then you're in a Yankee restaurant.

No, then you're in Northern Virginia.

If they look at you like you're insane and say "what the **** is sweet tea?" you're in a Yankee restaurant. :)

EDIT: And I might add that, much to my dismay, these days when I order iced tea at many NoVa restaurants, I have to specify 'unsweetened' or they just put the damn sugar in my tea without asking. God I hate that.

But in general I agree with you.

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And I might add that, much to my dismay, these days when I order iced tea at many NoVa restaurants, I have to specify 'unsweetened' or they just put the damn sugar in my tea without asking. God I hate that.

Could The South be Rising Again?

Weren't that way when I lived there.

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Ok, just click on the writer's name and look at the other recent columns he has written. He clearly is a partisan hack.

...but is he telling the truth? That's what's important. If he isn't I'll gladly admit it. However, the author clearly cites his sources so I'd be surprised if he was trying to pull a fast one. Just because he may have an anti-Hillary agenda doesn't mean he isn't telling the truth. I should have stated that more clearly in the beginning though.

That same criticism could be levelled against every unsucessful presidential candidate in history. A year ago, we were all sure that Rudy Guiliani was going to be the Republican nominee. He screwed up, but I am still certain that he is very intelligent.

I have a close friend who worked in the Clinton White House. He says that Hillary is a vindictive and hyper-driven person, but she is smart as hell.

I agree that there are different kinds of intelligence, but no one in the world has all of them in full measure. No one since DaVinci, anyway. Hillary got blessed with more than her share of brains overall, and it is silly to try and deny that.

I agree with you here. But then the same criteria applies to the winner as well, i.e. that he/she probably doesn't possess all types of intelligence either. However, I think the relevant question to ask here is, does the candidate have the right type of intelligence for the job? I think her choice of campaign advisors was her first and biggest mistake. I said the same thing about McCain as he went broke before he almost got started. OTOH, I never took Guiliani seriously. He simply had too many cases of poor judgement in his past, the wives, affairs and most importantly, Bernard Kerik. All of that implied a serious lack of judgement on his part...not necessarily a lack of intelligence. It's the same with Hillary. I think she's damn smart, perhaps just not in areas relevant to being POTUS.

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Easiest, most definitive, most widely recognized way to tell if you're in The South.

Go into a restaurant and order sweet tea.

If they bring you iced tea that has so much sugar in it that you get grit on your teeth, because it didn't all dissolve, then you're in the south.

If they tell you that they don't have sweet tea, but there are sugar packets on the table, then you're in a Yankee restaurant.

This man speaks the truth. :cheers:

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...but is he telling the truth? That's what's important. If he isn't I'll gladly admit it. However, the author clearly cites his sources so I'd be surprised if he was trying to pull a fast one. Just because he may have an anti-Hillary agenda doesn't mean he isn't telling the truth. I should have stated that more clearly in the beginning though.


He cites his sources. One guy named Jerry Zeifman who says that Hillary did horrible things.

Except I looked at the things he said she did, and they weren't that horrible. It looks like there was a split in suggested tactics and relevant legal authorities (in an area of law in which there are almost no precedents), that the split was between several attorneys in the office (only one of whom was Hillary and she was the most junior one) on one side and Ziefman on the other side, that Ziefman was losing the argument, and mostly that he remains very, very bitter about it to this day.

The rest of it is spin from the partisan writer of the blog. For example, Zeifman did not fire Hillary - that is spin.

I might add that Ziefman is always described as a "lifelong Democrat" but he is actually a nutcase who has tried to get Bill Clinton charged with "war crimes" by the International Criminal Court in the Hague because he sent peacekeeping troops to Kosovo.


You could find more if you dug deeper, but again, the problem comes from relying on what some blogger says are the "facts."

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