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What Redskin player do YOU think we should trade,but won't post it with Nazi's here?


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yeah, i agree with the guy above me. give what we have a shot and see where it takes us. it's not like we have a crappy team where we need to move some of our better parts to get youth and upside in return.

That is fine. Give them a shot. But I also think we need to pick up a talented WR early in the draft. If we try to bank on any of these guys doing anything more than they did for their previous teams (aka nothing) and they end up getting cut or being complete non-factors we're pretty much left with the same group of WRs as last year, only minus safety valves like Caldwell who has shown that he can actually play at a decent level.

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I would trade these guys for the following picks or players...in a heart beat:

Ladell Betts- 3rd rounder or Roy Williams and we give them a fifth.

Shawn Springs- 4th rounder

Marcus Washington- 5th rounder

Jansen and Thomas- 4th rounders

Griff- 5th rounder

Thrash for a sneeze.

I don't think it's very smart to trade starters for guys who are a stretch to even make the team.

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I believe you have to give JC a chance under teh new system. He has proved he can adapt to a bunch of different coordinators under his career. Maybe the Zorn system might prove to be a good fit.

I would trade Betts for a mid-level pick. That's about the going rate for him...I know that's not a hard core pick or anything but to strengthen our draft anything is possible. Coming from me, that's a complete 180 as far as Betts goes. I was on the trade Portis bandwagon last year.

As far as the Nazi thing? Some people like to draw attention to themselves, or have their feelings hurt, so they say words that will invoke a response. This is one of those times.

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"YOU PEOPLE"? As if we all are of the same opinion. Calm down. It ever occur to you that some of us could possibly agree with you?

I'm calm now:D. I'm not saying everyone has that opinion, but it seems to be the majority here. It just angers me that people think you should trade away talent in one area to obtain talent in another. That's not building, just transferring the problem. I mean we have 9 draft picks, someone needs to remind people that this is not the first time this whole draft thing actually happened.

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The term N*** to describe anyone is insensitive and should not be used. Your opinion is ridiculous and laughable about who to trade.

Hey McD5, I've seen and heard all about your Portis dislike but seeing it again after a while just reminded me how biased, jaded, and uninformed some people are. Thanks for that.

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Nobody, you people act like were going to trade Marcus Washington, Jon Jansen, Shawn Springs or even Ladell Betts for 3rd and 4th round picks and actually get someone who produces like these people. We already have draft picks, people on this board are so obsessed with obtaining more draft picks I think you people might give up your first born. We have a good team, with quality players. Let not try to trade it all away for a couple ****ty draft picks. Let's keep what we have a build. :doh:

The reasoning for getting rid of the aforementioned players:

Washington- Still performs well when on the field but is on the field less and less. He is only signed through 09 and may be a tempting acquisition to a team that needs to win now. He is definately not worth 6.5 million in 09 that we would have to pay him.

Jon Jansen and Randy Thomas are realistically untouchable because of the salary cap. They aren't worth nearly what they are getting paid.

Shawn Springs- Performs well enough but is usually injured and is severely overpaid at 8.5 million in 09. Teams that have to win now may consider him.

We do not have to win now. I think we can build a very strong team set for 2 years from now if we draft wisely and get value for players in trades. The real problem this team faces is the amount of money it has in old people. Cap hits for the following people if cut today:

Portis- 20 million...I don't mind his hit though

Jansen- 14.8 million...can't afford to cut or trade

Samuels- 13 million... don't mind this one

Thomas- 18 million...absolutely ridiculous. Our hands are tied.

As for a rookie coming in and producing like these guys: I think McGlynn and Schoening can come in and perform nearly as well as Thomas. Heyer played well last year at tackle in place of the constantly injured Jansen.

As for Betts, you don't think Rock can average 3.6 yards/carry and score one TD. Rock definately blocks better than Betts.

Most of these guys that are mentioned will not help this team in the long run. We need to get better for the future.

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I don't know there is so much extreme hate going on in this thread. Maybe the OP's choice of words could have been better, hence avoid using Nazi, but in regards to starting a controversial thread- and by this I mean legitimately asking extremeskins who of our beloved iconic redskins players would we trade. This is indeed a taboo subject and already it has received negative backlash, but I for one give props to the OP for starting this thread.

And for the record if he didn't get injured I would say Carlos. I have never been a fan, but now that he is injured his value is little to nothing now. Next would be Jansen or Betts for me.

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I don't think it's very smart to trade starters for guys who are a stretch to even make the team.

4th and 5th rounders better make the team because if they don't, the scouting department has major issues.

I know this is hurting this year but will make the team better in the long run. Aside from that, you can package picks when you have to many to move up and get a player of impact.

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I don't know there is so much extreme hate going on in this thread. Maybe the OP's choice of words could have been better, hence avoid using Nazi, but in regards to starting a controversial thread- and by this I mean legitimately asking extremeskins who of our beloved iconic redskins players would we trade. This is indeed a taboo subject and already it has received negative backlash, but I for one give props to the OP for starting this thread.

And for the record if he didn't get injured I would say Carlos. I have never been a fan, but now that he is injured his value is little to nothing now. Next would be Jansen or Betts for me.

I don't think it is a "taboo subject", it just seems like it has been beaten to death over and over time after time, only it usually tends to manifest itself less vaguely ("should we trade x?"). As far as the Nazi thing, it is a crass word or phrase to use; just like calling someone Hitler if they disagree with you. I think a general rule of thumb is the first person in an argument to use the word Hitler or Nazi loses automatically. Maybe he was just not thinking but isn't part of the point to THINK before you post?

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I would trade these guys for the following picks or players...in a heart beat:

Ladell Betts- 3rd rounder or Roy Williams and we give them a fifth.

Shawn Springs- 4th rounder

Marcus Washington- 5th rounder

Jansen and Thomas- 4th rounders

Griff- 5th rounder

Thrash for a sneeze.

Best response I've seen so far. The only problems I see are this...

Betts is about to turn 29. He's a good fit for WCO (good receiver out of the backfield) and is probably seen as a grade A backup, grade C starter. I doubt we'd get a 3rd rounder for him. Probably more like a 5th. Right now have one of the stronger running back tangents in the league. With betts gone, that fizzles.

Springs - Aged as he is, he is still a solid CB. The likelyhood of a 4th rounder contributing what Springs can do for us is slim to none. The only veteran CB on our roster at the start of the season would be Smoot. Rogers won't be 100% for at least half the season. We need Springs.

Marcus Washington - Same thing as Springs. He is still a solid player. Your right in his estimate (5th rounder or so) but is it worth it? Our roster w/ Washington is fairly thin already. Take him out of the picture and it gets morbid.

Jansen and Thomas I could see a little more. At least Jansen with his injury problems (as freakish as they are). He is a solid lineman as is Thomas, but trading one could be valid seeing the depth of the Oline this draft. The question is, do we have enough depth at line to risk developing another young starter? What if one of them goes down?

Griffin. Most sense of them all, in a way. He's aging and seems to be affected more by the smaller injuries. Even so, He's the best DT we've got. Montgomery might change that this year if he develops more from last year, but its not proven.

Thrash is good depth but we wouldn't get anything for him.

All in all, Betts has the most possibility but its doubtful we'd get his value in a trade. Washington, Springs, Jansen, Thomas, and Griffin are all the best in their position on our roster. We wouldn't really get value for them either. If we had better depths in these positions, I would say we could trade one and roll the dice in the crapshot that is the second-day draft. All in all, not worth it.

As to all of this mess of trading Jason Campbell? Just plain dumb. He may be learning another offensive system, but he's probably grown accustomed to that. And he's seasoned in the nfl. I would say give him another season, if he doesn't show improvement and learn from his mistakes, then give him competition.

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I've never been one to be politically correct but I have to admit the casual use of the term Nazi bugs me a little. Why not just call them whiney-arsed beyotches?

In answer to the OP's question, I don't think we have any players whose trade value would justify their cap hit other than Jason Campbell. Everyone wants to take a wait-and-see attitude with Zorn in the picture and that's understandable. After all, we gave up a good bit to draft him. My problem with him is that, while I'll agree he's young, he hasn't done anything yet to WIN games. He had three great chances to play the hero last season against the Giants, Bucs and Packers and he came up short all three times.

You can blame the Giants game on play-calling at the end but, during the third quarter and early fourth quarter, I kept expecting Jason to make plays and he never did. His INT at the end of the Bucs game killed what would have been a nice comeback and real confidence builder for him.

I thought the Skins were better than the Packers in the nasty weather of Green Bay but, aside from Santana's bad case of the dropsies and the fumble returned for the TD, the Skins still had a chance to win. Campbell overthrew Brandon Lloyd on what could have been a game changing play.

The game against the Pats showed that Jason simply doesn't have good pocket presence yet and he NEVER got better during the game. He was pathetic, as was the entire team but at some point a QB has to step up and be a leader and carry the team on his back. I just don't know if Jason is capable of that.

There have been a lot of factors going against Jason that really make you want to give him more time to develop but I look at this season as a make or break year for him. Sure, it's his first season under Zorn but I have unusually high expectations for him this year. If he doesn't shine this year, I'll consider him an underachiever and an average QB at best. The problem is, this team needs him to be great.

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Best response I've seen so far. The only problems I see are this...

Betts is about to turn 29. He's a good fit for WCO (good receiver out of the backfield) and is probably seen as a grade A backup, grade C starter. I doubt we'd get a 3rd rounder for him. Probably more like a 5th. Right now have one of the stronger running back tangents in the league. With betts gone, that fizzles.

Springs - Aged as he is, he is still a solid CB. The likelyhood of a 4th rounder contributing what Springs can do for us is slim to none. The only veteran CB on our roster at the start of the season would be Smoot. Rogers won't be 100% for at least half the season. We need Springs.

Marcus Washington - Same thing as Springs. He is still a solid player. Your right in his estimate (5th rounder or so) but is it worth it? Our roster w/ Washington is fairly thin already. Take him out of the picture and it gets morbid.

Jansen and Thomas I could see a little more. At least Jansen with his injury problems (as freakish as they are). He is a solid lineman as is Thomas, but trading one could be valid seeing the depth of the Oline this draft. The question is, do we have enough depth at line to risk developing another young starter? What if one of them goes down?

Griffin. Most sense of them all, in a way. He's aging and seems to be affected more by the smaller injuries. Even so, He's the best DT we've got. Montgomery might change that this year if he develops more from last year, but its not proven.

Thrash is good depth but we wouldn't get anything for him.

All in all, Betts has the most possibility but its doubtful we'd get his value in a trade. Washington, Springs, Jansen, Thomas, and Griffin are all the best in their position on our roster. We wouldn't really get value for them either. If we had better depths in these positions, I would say we could trade one and roll the dice in the crapshot that is the second-day draft. All in all, not worth it.

As to all of this mess of trading Jason Campbell? Just plain dumb. He may be learning another offensive system, but he's probably grown accustomed to that. And he's seasoned in the nfl. I would say give him another season, if he doesn't show improvement and learn from his mistakes, then give him competition.

I agree 100%. When I put those in, that is the minimum I would accept. If they didn't want to give us at least that, then I would say no and I would probably ask for more. Springs is the hardest one to trade this year because of the Rogers injury. I also agree that the guy we draft for them will not contribute as much this year but in two years when Springs and Washington's contracts expire, then they will for sure.

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I agree 100%. When I put those in, that is the minimum I would accept. If they didn't want to give us at least that, then I would say no and I would probably ask for more. Springs is the hardest one to trade this year because of the Rogers injury. I also agree that the guy we draft for them will not contribute as much this year but in two years when Springs and Washington's contracts expire, then they will for sure.

If Rogers was healthy, I would advocate a trade with Springs. That would give us two solid veteran starters and young talent to develop. The talent would outweigh the need at depth a little. Thing is... we fished with Springs last year, and didn't get many bites. I doubt it would change even if Rogers was healthy.

Guess all that is moot, since I am agreeing with you all the way.

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The redskin player I think should be traded is Ladell Betts. Originally I woudl say CP but now we are going to a WCO that is Portis's bread and butter. I think if we traded Betts and a draft pick to a team who has depth at WR and is in need of a good RB, that would be awesome. I think of 2 teams that come to mind, Cincinatti OR Detroit

but I am just saying

Agreed....Betts and a draft pick would be my vote as well. With the signing of a kick returner we can give Rock a shot at carrying the ball. I think he is capable of playing backup in a WCO. But I would only trade Betts if we're able to get an above average WR.

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I don't know there is so much extreme hate going on in this thread. Maybe the OP's choice of words could have been better, hence avoid using Nazi, but in regards to starting a controversial thread- and by this I mean legitimately asking extremeskins who of our beloved iconic redskins players would we trade. This is indeed a taboo subject and already it has received negative backlash, but I for one give props to the OP for starting this thread.

And for the record if he didn't get injured I would say Carlos. I have never been a fan, but now that he is injured his value is little to nothing now. Next would be Jansen or Betts for me.

Well, if you think that Roger's value is little to nothing, then why would you want to trade him? You are kind of contradicting yourself by saying that he has no value, yet lets trade him. Shouldnt a player have some value if another team is going to offer something for him?

As fragile as our CB's appear to be, I would rather keep them all for depth and quality purposes, rather than getting rid of any of them for next to nothing.

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Can we trade the OP and his use of the word Nazi to indicate that we are dictators and follow Hitler rule? I think this thread needs to be boycotted.

There are no "Nazi" here on the board. We are all humans who are Extremely opinionated and see the light differently then someone else. But that doesn't mean we should be classified as "Nazi".

I think you should be banned from this site.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I hate the casual usage of the term Nazis. George Bush and Dan Snyder do not equal Hitler. No poster's action on this board rises to the level of Nazi attrocity. The casual usage of the term desensitizes it and demeans the attrocities that were done to millions of Jews, Blacks, Gypsies, and other groups. There are to my knowledge zero Nazis on this board and the fact that some people like to stifle a thread comes no where close to the level of the action of the Nazis.

I find the usage offensive, uninventive, and lazy. Invoke something else.

I'll get off my podium now.

And for the reasons stated above, this one is closed. Next time, m_33 choose your words more carefully, or simply don't post.

And that's one to grow on.

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