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Recently I and my family was in Key West florida. We were invited to eat at a restaurant called Jamaican Me Hungry. As I glanced over I noticed a familiar face and as it turned out it happend to be Clinton Portis. Well after the episode I read here about the Pierson Preleau incident I was reluctant to say anything. So I mentioned to my wife, " I think that is CP", she said wny dont you say something. I said no way I dont want to disturb him, so she said I will say something. So she asked him was he CP and he said yea. She said my husband is a die hard Redskin fan and we are from DC. So I said, I did no want to disturd you and your guest, fearing there might be an offense while he was eating. He said to me dont sweat it, glad to hear you are a fan from D.C. He was very pleasant. Least to say, whether or not that was PP my experience was good. Don't be afraid of your beloved Skins.

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cool....PP is a idiot.

No, PP is not an idiot. Someone who read the thread in question and came away thinking PP is an idiot, however... that's somebody I would wonder about.

I hope for your sake, that in your case, you simply didn't read that thread.

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Clinton Portis is, in fact, the man.

His house is off a private driveway literally 10 feet away from my girlfriend's court.

I have yet to go over which is entirely inexcusable considering the amount of time I spend next to his house but my girlfriend's family has been over a few times and have had nothing but nice things to say about the entire family.

Clinton apparently is kind of quiet around strangers but his brother and mother both chat it up pretty well, and they love to show off their huge aquarium which is apparently one of the largest privately owned aquariums in the US.

Theres also a painting of the Last Supper, but Clinton is Jesus...not sure thats really cool but whatever. He's signed quite a few things for my girl's family and I got a personalized autographed football from him last Christmas.

I have seen him around the house a few times, best one so far was when I saw him rolling up in his wood-paneled pickup (ugly as hell in my opinion) and he reached out to grab his trash and roll it up to to the house.

Its funny to see because the private driveway is actually for two houses, and the first one is much much bigger than the Portis' house which cracks me up, only in McLean do the superstar athletes have the smaller house.

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No, PP is not an idiot. Someone who read the thread in question and came away thinking PP is an idiot, however... that's somebody I would wonder about.

I hope for your sake, that in your case, you simply didn't read that thread.

I still think that OP either lied about the meeting of PP, or it was a case of mistaken identity.

OP - That's cool you met CP, but a bit "****assness" that you were afraid to speak. Haha, just messin with ya man.

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I had a nice experience with Portis, Moss, Reed Doughty and some other players at the 2006 Ravens/Skins Scrimmage.

Both CP and Santana came over to where we were behind the Redskins bench and signed a bunch of stuff. Moss signed my Moss jersey (which is now retired hanging in my closet- one day will be framed). I missed out on getting CP's autograph though :( . Reed Doughty stayed out the longest after the scrimmage signing autographs (yeah I didn't get his either) and was pretty much told by personnel that he needed to leave which he replied to the fans by saying "Sorry guys, I really have to go."

Warrick Holdman and I think another DB gave their gloves to kids and Cooley kept on goofing around with the crowd while talking to Sean Taylor on the sidelines.

and at the 2004 Fan App. Day:

I didn't get a chance to meet Portis but a guy who I met did and Portis must of signed about 10-20 things for him. Pretty cool, I've yet to hear anybody say anything bad about meeting CP.

I met Buges, got a picture with him and his autograph. And I will swear to this day that he was more excited to be there than any other player, coach or fan. He made my day. Matter of fact may have been one of my most memorable exoperiences as a Redskins fan.

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Great to hear CP was so receptive to a fan!

That is very cool of CP. I like hearing when players are good to their fans. Some of them dont understand that without fans they wouldn't be making those fat paychecks.

Thanks for saving me the time of constructing these comments on my own. I was about to say the same thing.

If only Landry could learn some respect for fans and honor his commitments better.....

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Thats awesome that you met CP and he was such a nice guy.. I've never met a Redskin either but I have met a Giant (Gillian McPherson who played at Univ. of Maryland) and Lonny Baxter while I was working at home depot in columbia they live right around there

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I definitely want to hear it!

Kinda funny story....I was at a bar in AC...I was out of town for a meeting in NY but the meeting got cancelled at the last minute so what better way to kill time then hang out and grab a few drinks (or in my case...lots of drinks).

It was me and a good friend of mine who is a fare-weather skins fan (not die-hard like myself). We were doing some serious drinking just enjoying the scenery. It was about 1am when this posse of about 5 guys walked in. I looked up and told my friend that I was 100% positive that it was Clinton Portis. Me and my friend went back and forth for about 10 minutes until I was like "screw it", I am going to ask him myself.

I weeded through his posse and went up to him, he is a pretty thick guy in person...anyways, I said something along the lines of "your CP right"? He looked over with a grin and I knew it was him. We started talking about the skins and football for about 10 minutes. I think he questioned my fanhood considering we were in Atlantic City, but after spitting off about 10 random skins facts, he knew I was a huge fan. (it was before the San Fran game in 2005, I think he had 3 TD's that game but I actually remember him telling he was going to have a huge game, kind of funny he actually did)

After we finished talking, I was about to walk away, I didnt want to harrass the guy all night when he was out with all of his friends. He said "hey James you want a shot", I pleaded to pay but he made a few jokes about his salary (all in good nature, nothing arrogant or ****y) and wouldnt let me pull out my wallet. After the 1st round of shots, I was making my way back to my table and he asked were I was going...I told him I was going back to my table. He said that we were more than welcomed to sit with him at the bar with his friends. After about 6-8 more rounds of shots on top of drinking hours before he got there I was in bad shape...

After about an hour or two of hanging out...making jokes and talking sports, he and his freinds were about to head out, I thanked him for everything and told him good luck with the rest of the season and on behalf of skins fans we really loved the way he played the game.

After they left, I spent the next 5 hours with my head in a trashcan and out the window on the home back to Maryland, even though I was thowing up the whole way home I had a huge grin on my face knowing that I was hanging out with CP the night before.

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