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ESPN.com: Hair length proposal delayed until May; defensive helmet radios approved


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Hair length proposal delayed until May; defensive helmet radios approved

By John Clayton



Updated: April 1, 2008, 1:52 PM ET

PALM BEACH, Fla. -- The Kansas City Chiefs' proposal calling for all players to tuck or cut long hair so it doesn't hang below the nameplate on their uniform was tabled until the next NFL owners meeting in May.

In delaying any vote on the hair issue, the NFL will have time to listen to feedback from the players association.

"We had a pretty good feeling it was going to get tabled," Chiefs coach Herm Edwards said at the NFL owners meetings. "We have to take it to the union to consider. That's OK. I think as long as the players know they can discuss it. Basically what we're looking at is a discussion. In our opinion, it's a violation of the dress code."

In a separate move, the competition committee picked up three more votes this year and passed the "coach-to-defense" signal-calling system 25-7.

Defensive coaches now will have the ability to put radio speakers in two helmets, but only one of those helmets will be allowed on the field on a given play. Dallas Cowboys coach Wade Phillips said passing this measure a year ago might have prevented the recent Spygate controversy from happening.

"They were filming signals," Phillips said of the Patriots. "If you didn't have any signals, it wouldn't have happened. I'm just happy to get something passed. That way you don't have to worry about it. People were putting towels up in front of people. You shouldn't have to play football that way."

A year ago, the committee, which has been pushing the system for three years, had 22 votes, two shy of passing. At an NFL owners meeting, it takes nine votes to defeat a proposal. The Green Bay Packers, Oakland Raiders, Philadelphia Eagles, St. Louis Rams, Seattle Seahawks, Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Washington Redskins voted against defensive radio helmets.

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A year ago, the committee, which has been pushing the system for three years, had 22 votes, two shy of passing. At an NFL owners meeting, it takes nine votes to defeat a proposal.

And the cheating Pats were one of the teams that voted against it last year. I guess it doesn't matter to them any more.

I'm guessing we voted against it because of our history of phantom radio problems in other stadiums.

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I think that the skins believe in what I believe: escalation. If a team truly wants to get the other teams signals/plays, it will be done. Not only were there "phantom" radio problems last year, but eventually I think it will escalate to a point where a team is caught trying to intercept the other teams playcalls imo.

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I support the defensive helmet radio proposal, but the whole dress code offenses and eliminations of celebrations is just stupid for the NFL. They charged Portis, what, $25,000 for wearing different colored socks a couple years before the whole team changed to burgundy socks with burgundy pants. Meanwhile, guys who are repeat offenders for unsafe play (horse-collar tackling by Roy Williams) get fined $10-15K.

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Wonder why it is that the Redskins voted against this measure?

Seems to me that most teams (with the exception of Tampa maybe) who voted against the radios being placed in defenders helmets are teams with offensive minded head coaches. I can sure understand why they'd be against it, as much as I am for it. :2cents:

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