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Cowboys and their.........


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1. Their second dynasty contained delinquints like Irvin. They have actually won SBs with guys like this as key cogs. This gives Jones confidence that he can manange such players, and be successful with them.

2. They devote considerable effort to providing guidance for garbage like Pacman. They have a structure in place to keep tabs on such guys, educate them, rehab them, etc.

3. Jones thinks the Cowboys are only a few players away from winning a SB.

4. Putting my Cowboys hate on the shelf, I have to admit that picking up Tanked Johnson and Pacman the Paralyzer for next to nothing is fairly impressive on one level. Two almost-elite talents at very-difficult and expensive to fill positions, for peanuts.

5. Winning is more important to Jones than everything else. He'll sell his soul to win a SB again. Tanked Johnson is one thing, but signing a guy who paralyzed a man and has expressed ZERO remorse, has a sleaziness to it that is sickening. If I heard that someone shot Jones in the head point blank, I would just laugh, and figure he had it coming.

Others may disagree and say we HAVE to win a SB, but football is still just a game, after all, and I would honestly rather not win a SB, than use a piece of garbage like Pacman to do so. You have to draw a line in the sand somewhere. Drinking and driving and other athlete schenanigans are one thing, but when you paralyze guys and try to beat-up lawyers who document and hold you accountable for your thuggery. . .you can't put a price on never dealing with such a skumbag. Pacman belongs in a penitentery (I'll pay for the stripper pole in his cell), or sitting paralyzed in a wheelchair like that bouncer. I'd never let Pacman in my house or business, would throw him out after I found him there (after arming myself, ha, ha) and wouldn't want him on our team.

4. Finally, I can't respect any QB (Romo sits to pee) that has his choice of hot chicks, and chooses old horse-face, Jessica Simpson.

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The reason why the Cowboys can take the risk when no other team can is that they are one of the only teams where the GM and owner are one in the same.

GMs don't want to afford to take a risk on a headache player because they could be held liable later if the player screws up again and brings down the team. Jerry doesn't need to worry about that because he won't fire himself. He can take a risk and screw up as much as he wants.

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1. Their second dynasty contained delinquints like Irvin. They have actually won SBs with guys like this as key cogs. This gives Jones confidence that he can manange such players, and be successful with them.

2. They devote considerable effort to providing guidance for garbage like Pacman. They have a structure in place to keep tabs on such guys, educate them, rehab them, etc.

3. Jones thinks the Cowboys are only a few players away from winning a SB.

4. Putting my Cowboys hate on the shelf, I have to admit that picking up Tanked Johnson and Pacman the Paralyzer for next to nothing is fairly impressive on one level. Two almost-elite talents at very-difficult and expensive to fill positions, for peanuts.

5. Winning is more important to Jones than everything else. He'll sell his soul to win a SB again. Tanked Johnson is one thing, but signing a guy who paralyzed a man and has expressed ZERO remorse, has a sleaziness to it that is sickening. If I heard that someone shot Jones in the head point blank, I would just laugh, and figure he had it coming.

Others may disagree and say we HAVE to win a SB, but football is still just a game, after all, and I would honestly rather not win a SB, than use a piece of garbage like Pacman to do so. You have to draw a line in the sand somewhere. Drinking and driving and other athlete schenanigans are one thing, but when you paralyze guys and try to beat-up lawyers who document and hold you accountable for your thuggery. . .you can't put a price on never dealing with such a skumbag. Pacman belongs in a penitentery (I'll pay for the stripper pole in his cell), or sitting paralyzed in a wheelchair like that bouncer. I'd never let Pacman in my house or business, would throw him out after I found him there (after arming myself, ha, ha) and wouldn't want him on our team.

4. Finally, I can't respect any QB (Romo sits to pee) that has his choice of hot chicks, and chooses old horse-face, Jessica Simpson.

This is a good post.

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Yes, any post that maintains that the poster would laugh if a player was shot in the head is certainly a good one.

ok I missed that part, but being mostly responsible for having a man shot and unable to walk deserves a severe punishment, not saying it is death but he should be in jail for 2 to 3 years.

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ok I missed that part, but being mostly responsible for having a man shot and unable to walk deserves a severe punishment, not saying it is death but he should be in jail for 2 to 3 years.

Man you must have been calling for Ray Lewis head back in 2000 when he was brought up on charges of murdering 2 people

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Man you must have been calling for Ray Lewis head back in 2000 when he was brought up on charges of murdering 2 people

As I recall quite a few people were calling for his head, some people even on this board today still think he did it.

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To bad there's not trophies for playoff wins because winning the superbowl is more important right??

When was the last time the Skins won the Superbowl?

Get with the program. He compared our success to Dallas over the past decade. 2 playoff wins to 0. And Dallas hasn't won that trophy either so chill.

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To bad there's not trophies for playoff wins because winning the superbowl is more important right??

When was the last time the Skins won the Superbowl?

of course SB wins are more important but it is also very hard to do. When the cowboys won their last 2 SBs they had a Hall fo Fame QB, RB, & WR on the team

Cowboys today do not have a Hall of Fame QB OR a RB on their team

Redskins do not have a Hall of Fame QB or WR on their team (Portis needs to flourish in our new offense and he MAY have a chance at the Hall of fame)

I think the cowboys will eventually self destruct with all of the head cases on their team, where as the people on our team are people with Honor & integrity

EDIT:I forgot to say the Skins and Cowboys both have 0 trophies in the past 10 years.

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4. Finally, I can't respect any QB (Romo sits to pee) that has his choice of hot chicks, and chooses old horse-face, Jessica Simpson.

This is a good post.

:laugh: :rolleyes:

I hate Romo sits to pee as much as the next man, but this makes ya'll look stupid.

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The answer is 1991. 17 years ago. Are you THAT ignornat of football history?

Nope I knew thanks for asking

Skin fans love to throw the old and tired out "haven't been to the playoffs in 50000 years blah blah blah" while its taken 17 years and most likely will take over 20 years for the Skins to win a superbowl

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Nope I knew thanks for asking

Skin fans love to throw the old and tired out "haven't been to the playoffs in 50000 years blah blah blah" while its taken 17 years and most likely will take over 20 years for the Skins to win a superbowl

nobody says "havent been" we say "havent won". are you new to ATN?

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nobody says "havent been" we say "havent won". are you new to ATN?

Jeez man if you want to get technical about it, was just saying if the skin fans are going to throw up the playoff card, it could be turned around and applied to you guys as well jeez, talk about dishing it out but can't dish it in

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Jeez man if you want to get technical about it, was just saying if the skin fans are going to throw up the playoff card, it could be turned around and applied to you guys as well jeez, talk about dishing it out but can't dish it in

dishing it out but cant dish it in?

umm...i dont think thats how it is said.

and its what we do on this board. we talk trash to each other. are you new to the redskins/cowboys rivalry? because i remember as far back as the 3rd grade talking trash to kids about danny white sucking and randy white being owned by the hogs.

for the record...randy white was a beast.

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With Dallas becoming the "Home of the Second Chance" and the Skins following the Gibbs "character" legacy, I can't help but wonder if we're losing out on valuable players at a fairly cheap price.

If guys like TO, Tank Johnson and Pacman can keep their noses clean after a change of scenery then perhaps the Skins FO needs to revisit their FA or trade selection process. The clincher will be Pacman. He is more likely to get back into trouble than the other two but if he can keep his nose clean then I think the our FO might have to start considering guys with a past if it will help the team.

Maybe, but you don't give players with "questionable character" to a first-time coach.

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dishing it out but cant dish it in?

umm...i dont think thats how it is said.

and its what we do on this board. we talk trash to each other. are you new to the redskins/cowboys rivalry? because i remember as far back as the 3rd grade talking trash to kids about danny white sucking and randy white being owned by the hogs.

I know theres a rivalry as I've been a Cowboys fan since the early 80's...god help me during those years...

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