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Presidential poll

USS Redskins

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I think:

There is a percentage of Americans who will not vote for an african american, period

There is a percentage of Americans who will not vote for a woman, period.

McCain is our next president.

There is a percentage of Americans who will vote, that might not have cared enough about politics to vote before, or are 1st time voters, period.

Young people

Some Hispanics

Some African Americans

There is a percentage of Americans who will not vote for a candidate who will prolong Iraq, or who are unhappy with our economy.

Some of the more educated people

Some of the more affluent people

Your assertion about McCain is very premature, and based largely on the less educated/aware/affluent people. Those including blacks and whites who would only vote based on race/sex, who IMO are in the minority and cancel each other out.

It's going to be a tight race.

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I would take Obama over Hillary, no question. I am not crazy about McCain but he is as close to a centrist and the Republicans could get.

I really hope that the worst of Iraq is over and if McCain gets in there, I hope he will get the thing finished in a timely manner.

What makes you think McCain has any intention of ending the war in a timely manner? If that is one of the criteria you are looking for in the next President, than McCain has to be number 3 on your list.

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McCain is rapidly showing signs of his old age. I really like the guy, but he is very lucky the media has been focused on the Wright controversy the past week -- his gaffes have been troubling not because of what he said, but how confused he has looked when corrected. He better pick a great VP.

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