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My bet with a Cowboys fan...


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First and foremost, the guy that i made this bet with is a diehard Cowboys fan...So this was pretty sweet.

The bet was the stats for the running backs Portis/Betts and Jones/Barber and who would fair better.

The winner was decided by attempts, yards, TD's and Avg.

So here were the results

Portis/Betts: Attempts Yards TD's Avg.

418 1597 12 3.8

Barber/Jones: Attempts Yards TD's Avg.

368 1563 12 4.2

I was kinda surprised that I was the winner especially with their Avg. being better, but since the Portis/Betts combined for more Attempts and Yards, i recieved the benefit of the doubt.

Nonetheless this was effin' sweet I got a $20 Qdoba card...Oh yeah and the last game of the season when we blew them out. Yeah that was pretty good. Plus beating them to getting into the playoffs, yeah it was good.

Just thought I would share that bit. Hail to the Redskins!!!:dallasuck :dallasuck

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Well, I forgot to mention that this guy was also my boss, which made it even better because everytime the Redskins lost last year or the Cowboys won another game. I heard that damn saying, "How bout' them Cowboys?"

So after a season of being annoyed to hell about the Cowboys, i finally reaped the benefits of being a devoted, faithful, Redskins fan...It felt great!

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My friend also had one with me and he's a diehard Cowboys fan. And yeah, I don't know how exactly we're friends. :laugh:

Anyways, he said the Cowboys would sweep us this season. I told him we'd lose in Dallas, but seek revenge and win in the second game at home. It wasn't for that much, but $5 is better than nothing.

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Don't be surprised if you lose this bet on a technicality Bud.

If Jones was still on the Cowboys I'd say that Portis/Betts would whoop Barber/Jones. The fact remains that Barber is the #1 back in Dallas and now Jones is the #1 back in Seattle. They're bound to get more than Portis/Betts if they're both #1 backs on two different teams.

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My friend also had one with me and he's a diehard Cowboys fan. And yeah, I don't know how exactly we're friends. :laugh:

Anyways, he said the Cowboys would sweep us this season. I told him we'd lose in Dallas, but seek revenge and win in the second game at home. It wasn't for that much, but $5 is better than nothing.

Yeah that's really weird, haha. That is the only real big difference between me and my boss other than his pay to mine :doh:


Why did it take you this long to post this? The season has been over for awhile.

Sometimes a light bulb takes a while to turn on, up there, haha.

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Don't be surprised if you lose this bet on a technicality Bud.

If Jones was still on the Cowboys I'd say that Portis/Betts would whoop Barber/Jones. The fact remains that Barber is the #1 back in Dallas and now Jones is the #1 back in Seattle. They're bound to get more than Portis/Betts if they're both #1 backs on two different teams.

Reading comprehension FTW!

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thats whats up. Dallas only rushed for ONE yd against us. ONE? u gotta b kidding me i dont care how gd their passing game is, that defense will win any day. congrats man.

-There's a certain satisfaction that comes when beating the cowboys that i can't describe.

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The winner was decided by attempts, yards, TD's and Avg.

So here were the results

Portis/Betts: Attempts Yards TD's Avg.

418 1597 12 3.8

Barber/Jones: Attempts Yards TD's Avg.

368 1563 12 4.2

I was kinda surprised that I was the winner especially with their Avg. being better, but since the Portis/Betts combined for more Attempts and Yards, i recieved the benefit of the doubt.

I am kind of surprised that you "won" also. I don't know about the rest of you, but I would much rather have a .4 advantage in YPC versus 50 more carries and 34 more yards.

Either way. contrats.

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A few years ago my friend, who is a Pukes fan, and I made a bet. If we won he was going to shave his eyebrows off. If they won I had to shave my head. Damn I look good bald. But I really wish I could've seen him without some eyebrows.


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