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What If No Big Splash!?!?!


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Something tells me there will not be a Big Trade or Big Signing this off-season.

Clues, Duh!

Hackett signs with Panthers.


Johnson signs with 49ers.


A Chad Johnson trade will cost Bengals $8mil agaist the cap.


DeAngelo Hall may end up getting traded to Raiders.


We have been rumor to be intersested in getting at least one of these guys, but nothing has yet materialized. Is that a bad thing? Maybe not?!? After all didn't we got to the playoffs after making a couple of low key but significent transactions last season(signing LFB and Smoot among them)?

Now it would have been nice to have one of these guys on our team and Johnson may be still in the picture. But that doesn't mean its the end of the world.

We just have some minor holes to fill in CB, WR, OL, and DE. Holes that can be filled via the draft and after the June 1st cuts.

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I would like one of our needs be addressed in FA. It doesnt have to be a huge signing, but some help via FA would be nice, so we dont have to count so heavily on rookies to fill "need" spots. That scares me a little bit and sets rookies up for failure unless they are indeed "NFL ready" which a lot of rookies arent.

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I would like one of our needs be addressed in FA. It doesnt have to be a huge signing, but some help via FA would be nice, so we dont have to count so heavily on rookies to fill "need" spots. That scares me a little bit and sets rookies up for failure unless they are indeed "NFL ready" which a lot of rookies arent.

Or possibly a trade :applause:

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Something tells me there will not be a Big Trade or Big Signing this off-season.

Clues, Duh!

Hackett signs with Panthers.


Johnson signs with 49ers.


A Chad Johnson trade will cost Bengals $8mil agaist the cap.


DeAngelo Hall may end up getting traded to Raiders.


We have been rumor to be intersested in getting at least one of these guys, but nothing has yet materialized. Is that a bad thing? Maybe not?!? After all didn't we got to the playoffs after making a couple of low key but significent transactions last season(signing LFB and Smoot among them)?

Now it would have been nice to have one of these guys on our team and Johnson may be still in the picture. But that doesn't mean its the end of the world.

We just have some minor holes to fill in CB, WR, OL, and DE. Holes that can be filled via the draft and after the June 1st cuts.

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What if no big splash?

Who's jersey will we get to see in the display window of the Redskins' store at the mall?

What if for once, we actually have an offseason of acquisitions by intellegent design; instead of always trying to get guys who'll immediately sell jerseys and get us on Sportscenter in Spring instead of Autumn?

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What if no big splash?

Who's jersey will we get to see in the display window of the Redskins' store at the mall?

What if for once, we actually have an offseason of acquisitions by intellegent design instead of always trying to get guys who'll sell jerseys and get us on Sportscenter in Autumn instead of Spring?

Unfortunately for me I live outside ATlanta. All I see is Falcons jerseys.:doh:

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I really wouldn't be surprised at all if there was no "Big Splash", considering the way things are going as of now.

A signing would be cool, just something to get excited about. I'm happy the way the team is right now. It keeps some continuity when you don't switch up the roster too much.

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That's actually what I'm hoping for...A trade down to the bottom of the 1st round and aquiring additional picks..

Can you imagine trading down and getting an additional 2nd rounder?

low 1st rounder

two 2nd rounders

two 3rd rounder(comp pick)

5th,6th and three 7th rounders?(2 comp picks)

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I'm sure the redskins have been pushing for Chad Johnson and would give a lot to have him but the bengals just don't want to trade him. I still think they will keep on trying for that trade but It might just be a quite off season and a full draft this year which is a nice change. The redskins are still a good team they haven't lost anyone important and will only make the team younger with the draft.

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Dont' forget little girls...the big splash can come in MANY ways...

Trades...Free Agents....


The draft.

The Skins have a lot of picks...don't sleep on Danny McSnyder trading up from 21...especially when we have compensatory pixxxxx....

what's a draft? :laugh:

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the reason there hasn't been a big splash yet is because there isn't anyone worth turning the world over for. chad johnson is a locker room cancer. roy williams is chronically injured. alan faneca is 30+. the other FAs i don't even remember. the more i hear vinny on redskins radio and read stats on players available, the more he makes sense to me. the players available aren't worth half the crazy money that was thrown their way this offseason. maybe the FO is trying to build the team from younger players already here and develop talent we already have.

OR, we could be stockpiling cap space for *Conspiracy Theory* next year when cowher comes in and needs to gut the roster to bring in his type of player. i honestly hope that doesnt happen, but its entirely possible.

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If the Redskins do nothing in free agency, then they needlessly restructured contracts to make room. Which makes no sense at all.

I have a feeling they are waiting for the right FLASH to come by. Or the SPLASH they were looking for wanted more blood then Danny wanted to give this time around. I don't blame the FO on that all.

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We have more than just minor holes to fill, we are aging fast on OL and LB, need a quality WR, DE, CB, S, and depth everywhere else except RB.

Still, building through the draft is the way to go.

If no top-tier DE falls, I hope we draft OL, or trade down. Probably foolishly optimistic, but love to see us end up with 2 2nd rounders and 3 3rds or something. Pipe dream, I know, but. . . .that's really what we need, to get a large number of young, cheap, quality players, and let them compete and develop them.

I'd love to do this, and draft 2 WRs, one high, one low.

I want Campbell kept alive to become a franchise QB, after the inevitable season-ending injury to someone on our starting line, and when another misses a few weeks with minor sprains and pains. If we're not going to get a premiere OL, I hope we trade down.

What we'll probably do is draft a CB--ugh.

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If the Redskins do nothing in free agency, then they needlessly restructured contracts to make room. Which makes no sense at all.

As I understand it, we presently have about $8 million in cap space. Vinny has said that the team likes to save approximately $2.5 million in cap space for the duration of the season, in case of injuries that requires us to add free agents. That leaves us with $5.5 million, which we will need to sign 8 or so draft picks, and to fill open roster spots. Players like Derrick Frost, Reche Caldwell, Jason Fabini, Randall Godfrey, Ryan Boschetti, etc. still need to be resigned or we need to find other players to fill their space. I don't know how many open roster spots we currently have but there are a lot. $8 million should cover all of this

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That's actually what I'm hoping for...A trade down to the bottom of the 1st round and aquiring additional picks..

Can you imagine trading down and getting an additional 2nd rounder?

low 1st rounder

two 2nd rounders

two 3rd rounder(comp pick)

5th,6th and three 7th rounders?(2 comp picks)

Sitting at 21, we're prime for a trade down. When some of the star players are taken off the board and only a few are left, some of the teams will try to trade up to make sure they get their guy. I could actually see this happening.

Also, someone else mentioned trading and compensatory picks. You can't trade compensatory picks.

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the reason there hasn't been a big splash yet is because there isn't anyone worth turning the world over for. chad johnson is a locker room cancer. roy williams is chronically injured. alan faneca is 30+. the other FAs i don't even remember. the more i hear vinny on redskins radio and read stats on players available, the more he makes sense to me. the players available aren't worth half the crazy money that was thrown their way this offseason. maybe the FO is trying to build the team from younger players already here and develop talent we already have.

OR, we could be stockpiling cap space for *Conspiracy Theory* next year when cowher comes in and needs to gut the roster to bring in his type of player. i honestly hope that doesnt happen, but its entirely possible.

Agree. Hackett(injury prone), Johnson(3rd wr for the Cards), and Chad Johnson/Hall are both locker room terrors. Its not like there any Hall of Famers in this crowd.

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I don't think i need a big splash. Just ANY splash would be good. Even a teeny tiny depth signing splash. That's whats so awful about this offseason. We have made 0 moves to improve our team. We don't need a blockbuster deal or trade, just some solid moves.

The offseason is far from over. For the first time in a long time we have some solid picks to use. We have the potential to have up to 9 picks if the rumors are true about the compensatories, but we won't know that for a few more weeks.

We could be adding 9 new players through the draft. Rounds 1-3 should be viewed as solid starters. Look at the impact we've had from our first day (and third round) players recently with Taylor (RIP buddy), Landry, Rogers, Campbell, Rocky, Cooley. A good draft could net us multiple stars.

Some teams like Oakland made the splashes but do you really consider them a better team? Detroit signed a few DB's but does that defense scare you?

Most of the better teams haven't signed too many significant players. I think Zorn/Vinny deserve a crack at the draft before we deem offseason 2008 a failure.

We were lucky enough to return 22 starters, we should be excited that we didn't NEED FA and are able to spend extra time on the draft.

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