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How much caffeine are you drinking?


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What did you mean by AOL ruining lives? Didn't really quite get that. Could you elaborate? Btw, I gave up drinking caffeine before going to bed several months ago to see if that helped me get to sleep. Worked wonders. While I still drink a soda every now and then, its only caffeine-free for me, usually.

I was a joke from hundreds of prior threads.....I'm referring to AOL the internet service..... :laugh:

The joke is basically how hey fooled millions of people into thinking they are safe when the truth is they use McAfee internet security. No AntiVirus company can legitimately handle spyware........because majority say so on their box and people are starting to figure out this lie 240,000 people a year quit aol.....

it is the most infected and dangerous internet browser on the net.....


as for giving up caffeine , good for you...........if the avg person drank a soda "ever now and then" we'd be a ton smaller as a country......if soda was banned for 3 months, the avg adult would lose 10 lbs....interesting huh?

I guess my 3 fields are computer repair, kinesiology and Bible prophecy :laugh: Find a thread on any of those 3 and I'll be there posting somethin'

Kingbrice, you do realize that trace amounts of hormones and prescription drugs are found in not only tap water, but bottled "purified" water as well? In addition, have you ever thought about the fact that organic foods that are not sprayed with pesticides and other protective agents could actually have more bacteria on them than regular, non-organic foods???

As for the caffeine, I'm definitely addicted, and I don't care at the moment. Drink a 20oz coffee in the morning and about 2 diet sodas a day.

Indeed, however the legal epa(?) level for water filtation is 10ppm.....O premium water has a 10 level filtration system which brings it's water to 20ppm.

As for mah fudz......I may buy more food that is *at risk* for bacteria but that is the exchange for having non-sprayed food. It's a MORE than fair trade if you buy from farmer's markets that are preselected and you wash products before consumption first. The health benefits of buying from normal farmer's markets FAR outweighs the risk of infection......I don't just "take a bite" either way :laugh:

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Stopped drinking coffee,(leaded), full time a few years ago. Drink a little every day but mix it with unleaded. :). Too much of the stuff was messing with my ADD and treatment thereof. That and I just felt like it was time to give it up,(Teeth are looking alot nicer a result as well). Don't drink the Dew anymore. Mostly koolaid, (sugar free with Splenda), and then some diet soda,(Ginger Ale, Sprite, Sierra Mist). Limiting that intake these days as well.

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Stopped drinking coffee,(leaded), full time a few years ago. Drink a little every day but mix it with unleaded. :). Too much of the stuff was messing with my ADD and treatment thereof. That and I just felt like it was time to give it up,(Teeth are looking alot nicer a result as well). Don't drink the Dew anymore. Mostly koolaid, (sugar free with Splenda), and then some diet soda,(Ginger Ale, Sprite, Sierra Mist). Limiting that intake these days as well.

I always swore that I would never go to diet drinks or using artificial sweeteners and here I am at 26, drinking Diet Dr. Pepper/Coke Zero Cherry and using Sweet & Low in my coffee in the mornings.

Once you acquire the taste for artificial sweetener it just kind of makes sense to cut out those extra calories....leaves more calories to spend on beer. :)

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I start my day with a full coffee press.

Then on my way to work, I used to stop for a 16 at the local coffee shop, sometimes with a shot of expresso. Lately I've been drinking those Monster mean bean coffee drinks, for a black coffee drinker, I find them really good.

When I get to work, I have a fairly steady stream of room temperature black coffee going all night, with the occasional shot of expresso.

I've been on an expresso martini kick lately too. Those things are delicious.

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I am shocked that I actually like the taste of cold coffee just in my mug. Not the kind that is intentionally made on ice, but the kind that is in your cup when you leave it for a little while.
That's how I roll. Only thing I put in my coffee is an ice cube.
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I start my day with a full coffee press.

Then on my way to work, I used to stop for a 16 at the local coffee shop, sometimes with a shot of expresso. Lately I've been drinking those Monster mean bean coffee drinks, for a black coffee drinker, I find them really good.

When I get to work, I have a fairly steady stream of room temperature black coffee going all night, with the occasional shot of expresso.

I've been on an expresso martini kick lately too. Those things are delicious.

We have an espresso machine at work, so I make a concoction of 3-shots of espresso and top it off with some coffee and steamed milk and that gets me going big time. Also, I drink a small pot of coffee in the morning before I leave the house.

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