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Julius Jones Signs with Seattle


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Maybe in certain sets but they have 3 FB's on their roster.

right right..

but their FB retired and Shaun Alexander is garbage so its probably wide open all the way around if you think about it.

hell, we should fly up to seattle and try out :laugh:

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right right..

but their FB retired and Shaun Alexander is garbage so its probably wide open all the way around if you think about it.

hell, we should fly up to seattle and try out :laugh:

If Julius Jones has a shot at starting, hell yeah!:laugh:

I never thought of myself as a FB but recently have felt like one.:laugh:

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Funny I suddenly like the guy a bit now that he's no longer a cowboy. lol Good luck to him, if he can regain what he used to have it's good for the league. Marion Barber as much as I hate to admit is fun to watch just from admiring the desire and ability of a player standpoint. Runs so hard, so physically. They obviously kept the right guy.

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Good luck in Seattle, Julius. Its funny, he's played in that stadium 3 or 4 times and usually did pretty well, IIRC. It'll be interesting to see if he does better in Holmgren's system. Parcells/Sparano basically designed the running game in Dallas, and I gotta think the WCO blocking and design is going to be a lot different. The Cowboys never did do much to take advantage of JJ's receiving skills, but he's got some. He might have a lot more catches next year.

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I think Jones is going to look a lot better in Seattle than he did in Dallas.

It was more dumb luck than anything else. Started off injured in TC, then in wk2 of that '04 season. Then when he made it back in late Nov, he went on a tear for a couple of games, only to short-circuit against a bad Saints run D when the playoffs were on the line(for whatever reason-whether it was Parcells putting the leash on him or him playing under alot more pressure, dunno).

Then prior to the '05 season, he all of a sudden gets hype EVERYWHERE-displays on grocery store stands not just in Dallas, but in small-market NEW ORLEANS, of ALL places...only to start out slow, then once he picked it up against Philly, Trotter lays him out for a high ankle sprain, and never was the same back the remainder of the season except for a couple of games where Sean Payton came up with creative game plans.

Then he started off the '06 season gangbusters and faded into oblivion, only to point the finger at hard-nosed Parcells when all was said and done, only to do even more next-nothing when laid-back Wade came aboard.

Who knows? Maybe the quick emergence of MB3 threatened him? Maybe it's b/c Dallas' Oline doesn't excel at run blocking? As for dumb luck, when he DOES break a big one, the refs will somehow come up with a phantom hold?(And the replays have SHOWED it)

Ultimately-Julius probably needs a new home-Heck, Seattle's line, sans Hutchinson, still run blocks very well. Despite that "slick ball" playoff game, I never hated Seattle, so I hope Jones does re-discover himself.

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Good luck in Seattle, Julius. Its funny, he's played in that stadium 3 or 4 times and usually did pretty well, IIRC. It'll be interesting to see if he does better in Holmgren's system. Parcells/Sparano basically designed the running game in Dallas, and I gotta think the WCO blocking and design is going to be a lot different. The Cowboys never did do much to take advantage of JJ's receiving skills, but he's got some. He might have a lot more catches next year.

Dallas' Oline may be massive and very talented, but they're not athletic enough, sadly, to maul quick defenders.

It's no surprise that we're still having trouble running screens as well(which is probably Julius' biggest strength).

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