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Smoot is a drama queen!


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It was my day off and it was storming so i rewatched a couple of games, Smoot in every game stuck his nose in there and laid some hits on people. then he preceded to writh around in pain, just to come back in and do it again:laugh: . he is either one tuff S.O.B or a dramatic as hell:silly: I really do love that guy, glad he is back. by the way he really gave plax fits!

Also man I love Sellars!!!!!!!:cheers:

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I remember that from his first stint. I think he gets banged up and usually it's something fleeting that he can play through. But he is one tough SOB.

I remember hearing about him ripping out an IV and running back out to the field to get back into a game he was knocked out of. Respect.

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I was watching some video, where Sellars gave gag gifts to some of the redskins.

Smoots gift: a box of little kid band aids. The guy is always getting hurt and lying around and crawling to the sidelines. Then goes back in the next play. There are guys like that on every level of football

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Chuck Norris wishes he was as tough as Fred Smoot

I think you could rule the world with a small army of Fred Smoots

Seriously, I like him...he is a gamer, he's tough, he loves the Skins, he talks good healthy smack, and in 08 his cap # will count 1/3 of what Shawn Springs will count as. what's not to like?

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I remember that from his first stint. I think he gets banged up and usually it's something fleeting that he can play through. But he is one tough SOB.

I remember hearing about him ripping out an IV and running back out to the field to get back into a game he was knocked out of. Respect.

Him and Cooley both did that in the same game against the Bears. Hester was tearing us up, so Smoot ripped out the IV in the locker room and went back on the field(and stopped Hester). Cooley actually asked the Doc to get him something then ran back on the field when the Doc wasn't looking and lied to Saunders about being released to play.....Giibs didn't even know about either incident until after the game.

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