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WHO will we play in preseason? other then hall of fame game with COLTS


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Why would we play New England....AGAIN? We played them the year before in the Preseason - we got shut out. We played them last season and scored once. So why do you want us to play them yet AGAIN?

I think Preseason should be Colts, Bears, Texans, Raiders

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As for preseason games, you might as well pencil in the Ravens. We ALWAYS play them. It does seem like we always open at home. I would like to open at SF instead of Seattle. I am so tired of watching those gray, rainy, games. Hopefully we can get that misery over with.

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Preason games are always played against teams that are geographically close to each other....no way we play a West Coast team in preason.
Generally, you're correct, but there are exceptions. We played SF in the Osaka game in 2002. We played Denver in 2004.

Let's not forget the Hall of Fame game in Ohio vs Colts.

As for preseason games, you might as well pencil in the Ravens. We ALWAYS play them. It does seem like we always open at home. I would like to open at SF instead of Seattle. I am so tired of watching those gray, rainy, games. Hopefully we can get that misery over with.

I seriously doubt we'll get the Ravens this year, since we never play a team in the pre season that we also play in the regular season.

We usually open at home - the reason having something to do with it's the biggest stadium in the league.

I predict Panthers, Ravens, Dolphins, and Buffalo.
I predict Panthers, I think we can take that to the bank. I think Ravens are out.
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oh, I had to laugh at this...but not that hard.

I've been drinking too.....so.


Pre-Season vs AFC west



vs Oak

vs SD


Is there actually any guessing in this? Have they decided yet? I may feel like a boob if they already did.


Yeah, just joking around, I thought it was funny too, since he used it twice in the sentence. I'm no spelling bee by any means :)

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Generally, you're correct, but there are exceptions. We played SF in the Osaka game in 2002. We played Denver in 2004.

Let's not forget the Hall of Fame game in Ohio vs Colts.

I seriously doubt we'll get the Ravens this year, since we never play a team in the pre season that we also play in the regular season.

We usually open at home - the reason having something to do with it's the biggest stadium in the league.

I predict Panthers, I think we can take that to the bank. I think Ravens are out.

i thought we played the colts in osaka in 2002, spurriers first year. and both teams had to travel really far anyways so it was fair. and for the hall of fame games its the same thing except not as far as japan.

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Preason games are always played against teams that are geographically close to each other....no way we play a West Coast team in preason.

...though we once played the Raiders in preseason. I remember Jim Lachey just nailing some guy on the Raiders after an INT.

We seem to hit the Browns, Steelers, Ravens, Panthers, Falcolns, Bucs, Pats, Dolpins, and Jets pretty consistently. Outside of the Steelers, none of these teams is much of an attraction in preseason (especially on a Thursday night).

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I seriously doubt we'll get the Ravens this year, since we never play a team in the pre season that we also play in the regular season.


>> Not necessarily true, I know we played Buffalo at home in the preseason and regular season in 1999 (my first year as a season ticket holder). I had a good friend whose wife was a HUGE Buffalo fan. I offered them both pairs at face and he said she did not want to go. GO FIGURE??

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