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My Updated Redskin Draft Picks for 2008 Includes Combine Bio(Need Your Thoughts)


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I have been looking at the 2008 Draft class. I tried to be realistic with what will be available when we take our picks.

I also feel a few needs will be covered in the FA market.

#1 OG, OT Brandon Albert (Virginia)


#2 DT Trevor Laws(ND)



DT Pat Sims (Auburn)


#3 C John Sullivan (ND)


Compensatory # 3 CB Dwight Lowry (San Jose State)


#5 DE Chris Harrington (Texas A&M)



DE Kenny Iwebema (Iowa)


#6 WR Adrian Arrington (Michigan)



WR Marcus Monk (Arkansas)


#7 FS David Roach (TCU)


Compensatory #7 P Andrew Larson (CA)


So this is what I have come up with. I would like to hear what everyone thinks. I will try to back up all my reasons in the post. This in a sense is my mock draft however. I am doing this for the first time and need input. If your willing.

I added links to all players.


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Would work for me. I'm liking Albert more and more. I just don't see this kid ever being a bust. The only problem is that I think we would be reaching a bit for him.

Yes, Im afraid we may be reaching for him a little, but he is projected to be a late first early second. If he is gone I think we may try to trade down for an early 2nd and a 3rd. I do feel a big reciever would be nice but Hardy I think will be the only one left. I also think a WR will be a FA matter. But I would like a kelley or Sweed. Hardy may be the only one left and we should trade down for value. I don't see anyone else for the value in that pick still remaining.

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Why is errybody on the Trevor Laws train this year?

We need a guy to rotate with Griffen. Someone with high energy who will get into the backfield and stop the QB stepping up away from Carter (as happened so often last season).

Trevor Laws is a DE who converted to DT and was the only college DLman to record over 100 tackles (over 50 solo). I'd love Albert with our 1st and Laws with our 2nd but I'm not sure he will still be there.

Hope springs eternal.

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Pretty much a dream draft if you ask me.

Addresses all the areas of need that the Skins currently have although I really don't think Arrington is going to slip to the 7th round, not after the game he had against UF in the bowl.


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While I admit that I don't know much about Albert, I just don't think O-Line is the way to go in the first round. Our starting O-Line is solid, but our depth is weak. I think we should draft someone in the first round who will start with us, or get major playing time. I don't think we are good enough to be drafting backups.

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OG in the first is horrible. This draft is full of quality, starting guards in the middle rounds.

DE in the first! :D

This guy is supposedly one of the better guards to come through in recent years. I'd be thrilled if the skins took him with the 1st round pick. Imagine CP running around behind a (future) Larry Allen..

the guy can step in immediately and

A. Contribute

B. Make the team better immediately.

So whats the problem with the pick???

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OG in the first is horrible. This draft is full of quality, starting guards in the middle rounds.

DE in the first! :D

I would argue the exact opposite. The draft if full of quality defensive lineman, but most with legit first round grades will be gone by #21. By this I'm referring to Ellis, Dorsey, Long, Harvey, and Gholston. I'm not a huge fan of Kentwan Balmer and I feel Merling is more of a second round talent due to questions on his ability to rush the passer.

Albert is the only G in the draft with a true first round grade. I believe it was Mayock that had him in the top 15 players.

He is a versatile guy that can pull from the G spot, or kick out to tackle and still be successful.

Our starting RT missed all but one game last season, one game the season before, and the entire season the year before that. Jansen is a solid guy that will battle through injuries but they are becoming a trend and he isn't getting any younger. I like him as our starte but it would be nice to have a guy backing him up that isn't a drop in performance. I like Heyer but would prefer if he could be assigned to one side or the other and stick with it. If his side is RT then this point is moot.

Randy Thomas missed most of last season for us but started all 16 games the year before. The two years prior to that he missed 1 and 2 starts in the regular season, along with our playoff win in Tampa and loss in Seattle.

Randy's absence I feel was much more negative than Jansen's. Heyer/Wade filled in admirably but Jason Fabini was manhandled at RG. Both playoff losses in Seattle could be attributed to poor OL play, and both involved a Randy Thomasless offensive line.

Albert gives us insurance all across the offensive line. He could primarily back up Randy Thomas and Pete Kendall, but could play RT if somehow Jansen and Samuels both went down, forcing Heyer over to the left.

Many scouts have Albert projected as a starting RT in the NFL, I think he could dominate the RG position.

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Pretty much a dream draft if you ask me.

Addresses all the areas of need that the Skins currently have although I really don't think Arrington is going to slip to the 7th round, not after the game he had against UF in the bowl.


I agree. It looks pretty good. I like Arrington and think he would be a good fit. Probably not gonna happen though.

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The draft is pretty full of those too.

Not really. Once you get past the 2nd round, there are very few quality DE's and DT's left. Its a talented but shallow pool this year for these positions.

This is also not a great draft for safeties, O-Tackle, RB, or QB.

Depth is there for CB, WR, and OG for some odd reason this year.

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I would argue the exact opposite. The draft if full of quality defensive lineman, but most with legit first round grades will be gone by #21. By this I'm referring to Ellis, Dorsey, Long, Harvey, and Gholston. I'm not a huge fan of Kentwan Balmer and I feel Merling is more of a second round talent due to questions on his ability to rush the passer.

You need to do more research then. :D Your assumption is wrong. Go look at 4-5 round mock drafts and you will see large numbers of talented, D1 starting guards this year. DE and DT's are off the board by round 3.

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I will cut against the grain.

Based on what I have seen of Jason Campbell, and what we have already invested in him - 3 draft choices - 2 of them were 1st rounders, I don't see the return on investment. Folks who are elite QBs have taken their team to the Super Bowl and won! Even Ellie Manning raised his game.

Having said that I would like the Skins to take Matt Ryan, and the safety from Miami.

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I will cut against the grain.

Based on what I have seen of Jason Campbell, and what we have already invested in him - 3 draft choices - 2 of them were 1st rounders, I don't see the return on investment. Folks who are elite QBs have taken their team to the Super Bowl and won! Even Ellie Manning raised his game.

Having said that I would like the Skins to take Matt Ryan, and the safety from Miami.


You don't see the investment after 20 starts...Did anybody see it after Eli's first 20 starts...Enough with that, he hasn't had an offense good enough around him to show anything...FOR ME he gets 2 more years...

Matt Ryan and Kenny Phillips...hmmm...

Where are we going to get the 2 1st round picks from to get these guys as both are top 15 picks...

I think this years draft is deep in CB's, WR's, & OG's, and DE's...I think we can go one more yr before we need to draft a OG early...

I would do this:

1st) Rodgers-Cromartie CB

2nd) Chris Ellis DE

3rd) Dre Moore DT

5th) Josh Johnson QB

6th) Chico Rachal OG

7th) Peyton Hillis FB

We will address WR in FA by signing D.J. Hackett...

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I will cut against the grain.

Based on what I have seen of Jason Campbell, and what we have already invested in him - 3 draft choices - 2 of them were 1st rounders, I don't see the return on investment. Folks who are elite QBs have taken their team to the Super Bowl and won! Even Ellie Manning raised his game.

Having said that I would like the Skins to take Matt Ryan, and the safety from Miami.

Matt Ryan threw 19 picks last year....And plus Eli may have won a superbowl but he really did have a terrible year the Giants defense won them a superbowl Eli made one big play. Plus Eli has been starting much longer then Campbell...Give the kid a couple more years, trust me u'll be glad u did.

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I would argue the exact opposite. The draft if full of quality defensive lineman, but most with legit first round grades will be gone by #21. By this I'm referring to Ellis, Dorsey, Long, Harvey, and Gholston. I'm not a huge fan of Kentwan Balmer and I feel Merling is more of a second round talent due to questions on his ability to rush the passer.

Albert is the only G in the draft with a true first round grade. I believe it was Mayock that had him in the top 15 players.

He is a versatile guy that can pull from the G spot, or kick out to tackle and still be successful.

Our starting RT missed all but one game last season, one game the season before, and the entire season the year before that. Jansen is a solid guy that will battle through injuries but they are becoming a trend and he isn't getting any younger. I like him as our starte but it would be nice to have a guy backing him up that isn't a drop in performance. I like Heyer but would prefer if he could be assigned to one side or the other and stick with it. If his side is RT then this point is moot.

Randy Thomas missed most of last season for us but started all 16 games the year before. The two years prior to that he missed 1 and 2 starts in the regular season, along with our playoff win in Tampa and loss in Seattle.

Randy's absence I feel was much more negative than Jansen's. Heyer/Wade filled in admirably but Jason Fabini was manhandled at RG. Both playoff losses in Seattle could be attributed to poor OL play, and both involved a Randy Thomasless offensive line.

Albert gives us insurance all across the offensive line. He could primarily back up Randy Thomas and Pete Kendall, but could play RT if somehow Jansen and Samuels both went down, forcing Heyer over to the left.

Many scouts have Albert projected as a starting RT in the NFL, I think he could dominate the RG position.

Wow, thats exactly why I put him first. Thanks for doing the retun post for me.:cheers:

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