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Does anyone else think Romney just wiped the floor with McCain?


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I see it as the only way McCain wins.

Huck brings the Evangelicals, and without that vote mccain will lose the bid to become president.

What... McCain turning Baptist isn't enough?

I think you overstate Huck's draw with evangelicals...many of US find him sorely lacking.

Besides , there is the same quandary the conservatives face...no other choice.

Of course either group may just decide to sit out,rather than settle.


Oldschool...there is a strong push to sit out and let the Dems do their magic .

I am undecided at this time.

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What... McCain turning Baptist isn't enough?

I think you overstate Huck's draw with evangelicals...many of US find him sorely lacking.

Besides , there is the same quandary the conservatives face...no other choice.

Of course either group may just decide to sit out,rather than settle.

What specific area is he sorely lacking in that concerns you?

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What specific area is he sorely lacking in that concerns you?

liberal with pardons

Believes in legislating smoking/health issues

weak on immigration

supports social programs/spending increases

opposed school vouchers

Has minimal education

No foreign policy experience

I could go on ;)

I'll end with I oppose a supposedly God called minister running for elected office for last.(of course THAT is not a lack,but rather my own conviction)

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McCain smeared Romney on his Iraq War position. The fact that he won't let it go and continues to lie makes him an asshat and is why conservatives aren't a fan of McCain. Also, "punish Wall Street"? Giving them bigger penalties than losing money? Is that going to help the economy?

Romney sounds like a better candidate and seems like a classy guy... he made McCain look foolish, but it was probably worth it as enough people are willing to take McCain's word for it on his lies.

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In a contest between Clinton/Obama and McCain, even though the conservatives may not like him, they will vote for him rather than have either of the two dems get the white house.
McCain presidency might end the Republican party... or maybe the Republican party as we know it is already done. McCain's platform is what? McCain's experience is what? I'd rather have someone business-man-like running the country... that said Romney's flaws were also obvious... too nice, running a liberal state, so it'd be easy to smear him.

If Arnold endorses McCain it'd be funny... McCain doesn't like the guy who had a 730 Million deficit, but he'll take an endorsement from the guy who has a 14 BILLION dollar deficit.

I just don't get the Republican party right now... oh wait... they just want to win elections, so they are tacking left right now. The next 4 years are going to be worst than the past 8 no matter who becomes President... maybe that's partially because Bush has raised a house of cards...

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Unfortunately, after the last 2 posts I think I could vote for McCain... democracy sucks.

Can someone tell me why we don't just have 1 big primary day? Or can we just have national primaries every 2 month? We let the candidates battle it out, we let them raise money and travel across the country, they have a bunch of debates, and after the debates they have primaries. This goes on for a few cycles until 1 person is standing from each party. Although it's not like the debates have been all that unique from each other...

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Random, late night, half-drunk thoughts....

First of all, I did not watch the debate.

I really want to like Romney, but I just can't for some reason. I think he has some good ideas, but I vote on trust most of the time, and I just don't completely trust him.

Between Huckabee and McCain, they are close in my mind, but I am going with Huck. I like McCain, and always have, but I just trust Huckabee more that everyone else for some reason. I have not had him over for dinner or anything, but he just seems more genuine and honest than all of the other candidates.

I know, all politicians have a certain amount of "slickness" to them, but I think Huckabee just is the most down to earth candidate out there.

As stated before, Huckabee is down a little now, but he will really gain some momentum on Super Tuesday. Things could get really interesting.


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liberal with pardons

Believes in legislating smoking/health issues

weak on immigration

supports social programs/spending increases

opposed school vouchers

Has minimal education

No foreign policy experience

I could go on ;)

I'll end with I oppose a supposedly God called minister running for elected office for last.(of course THAT is not a lack,but rather my own conviction)

Ah See the "REAL" reason why now! :silly:

So what you are saying is that you want religious litmis test which goes against our consitituion? ;)

I would wager that 90% of the past presidents from the past 30 years have not had any "great" foreign policy experience since most were governors.

On Immigration you can read the full extent of what he believe's here: http://www.mikehuckabee.com/?FuseAction=Issues.View&Issue_id=26

But the Jest of it is:

My number one priority is to secure America's border. I opposed the amnesty bill that was defeated by the Senate in June. - Huckabee

It looks like you were hoodwinked by the 527's about pardons. He is the only person running who put someone to death via the death penalty.

What Social Program is he for you do know that each state differs from what you can, and can not do?

Miniamal Education? He has a college degree, and have lead a State longer than anyone running for president. Not to mention he balanced the budget for that state every year he was Governor.

Health Care: http://www.mikehuckabee.com/?FuseAction=Issues.View&Issue_id=8

The health care system in this country is irrevocably broken, in part because it is only a "health care" system, not a "health" system.

We don't need universal health care mandated by federal edict.

We do need to get serious about preventive health care.

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Ah See the "REAL" reason why now! :silly:

So what you are saying is that you want religious litmis test which goes against our consitituion? ;)

I hardly can object to his religion(I'm a lifelong Baptist,and even voted for Carter)

I do object to a minister in public office though

I would wager that 90% of the past presidents from the past 30 years have not had any "great" foreign policy experience since most were governors.

Great or none? ;)

On Immigration you can read the full extent of what he believe's here: http://www.mikehuckabee.com/?FuseAction=Issues.View&Issue_id=26

But the Jest of it is:

My number one priority is to secure America's border. I opposed the amnesty bill that was defeated by the Senate in June. - Huckabee

On immigration I am going more by feel,simply because he does not have a clear record...I would be willing to give a pass on that as inconclusive

It looks like you were hoodwinked by the 527's about pardons. He is the only person running who put someone to death via the death penalty.

He gave more pardons than all the surrounding states COMBINED,not to mention the famous case (that he appears to lie about imo)

What Social Program is he for you do know that each state differs from what you can, and can not do?


Miniamal Education? He has a college degree, and have lead a State longer than anyone running for president. Not to mention he balanced the budget for that state every year he was Governor.

What was his degree in? Not Theology...Since he had trouble remembering in the debate ;)

a B.A. in Speech and Communications from Bohunk U is kind of meager for POTUS. :2cents:

Health Care: http://www.mikehuckabee.com/?FuseAction=Issues.View&Issue_id=8

The health care system in this country is irrevocably broken, in part because it is only a "health care" system, not a "health" system.

We don't need universal health care mandated by federal edict.

We do need to get serious about preventive health care.

Does that mean legislating good health habits???

NOT the role I endorse for government.

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I must have watched a different debate.

McCain owned him. He kept Romney on defense all night and had a response to any of Mitts attempts to attack him.

Huck won the debate, just for his demanor, but his is a lost cause I think.

McCain wraps this up on Tues with wins in CA, NY, NJ and CONN. Huck wins the south, but they dont have enough absolute delegates to meake a difference.

Cant wait for tonights debate.

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McCain would win a General Election today, 9 months from now might be a different story.

But right now, he's seen as a moderate. The exits in FLA are fascinating. Those who identified themselves as Prochoice, still voted for him. Those who oppose Iraq, still voted for him. Those who think he's soft on immigration, still voted for him.


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McCain would win a General Election today, 9 months from now might be a different story.

But right now, he's seen as a moderate. The exits in FLA are fascinating. Those who identified themselves as Prochoice, still voted for him. Those who oppose Iraq, still voted for him. Those who think he's soft on immigration, still voted for him.


Those that identified the economy as their number one issue voted for him. The only people that didn't vote for him are people that are happy w/ the Bush administration.

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