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My theory on everything

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Note that I'm not denying or trying to disprove anything. Basically, I'm accepting the possibility that ANYTHING is possible.

Everything is a paradox of itself. Nothing exists, everything exists.

Rule #1: There is only one absolute: there are no absolutes.

We all have no real meaning in here, but because we can believe we have a purpose, we have it.

The idea that this world was created by some supernatural, metaphysical force is just as plausible as particles forming to create a world that eventually harvested life.

I mean, we laugh at scientologists for believing that humans were created by some extraterrestrial aircraft that produced spirites and bodies that joined to create people, but the belief that we were constructed by a Great Man is in the same boat. But in the end, both are solutions to how we came to be.

Because every human is a creation of his own beliefs. Therefore, if you think you were created by God....you were created by God. If you believe you are the most recent milestone in evolution and that your animalistic ancestors evolved from bacteria, that's what you are.

Few people truely die. The meaning of Death goes beyond our physical state. To die, one has to be completely gone from the universe. We live on through memories and influences; therefore, we never truely die.

The universe is a realm of infinity. There are infinite possibilities. Take a minute and get lost in it. Billions and trillions of miles away, there are forms of existence that you wouldn't even dream of. We all collectively hold the same amount of significance in the cosmos: 0.

That's what the universe is, one big 0. Nothing. In that 0, everything exists. In that 0, nothing exists.

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Everything is a paradox of itself. Nothing exists, everything exists.

Rule #1: There is only one absolute: there are no absolutes.

We all have no real meaning in here, but because we can believe we have a purpose, we have it.

The idea that this world was created by some supernatural, metaphysical force is just as plausible as particles forming to create a world that eventually harvested life.

I mean, we laugh at scientologists for believing that humans were created by some extraterrestrial aircraft that produced spirites and bodies that joined to create people, but the belief that we were constructed by a Great Man is in the same boat. But in the end, both are solutions to how we came to be.

Because every human is a creation of his own beliefs. Therefore, if you think you were created by God....you were created by God. If you believe you are the most recent milestone in evolution and that your animalistic ancestors evolved from bacteria, that's what you are.

Few people truely die. The meaning of Death goes beyond our physical state. To die, one has to be completely gone from the universe. We live on through memories and influences; therefore, we never truely die.

The universe is a realm of infinity. There are infinite possibilities. Take a minute and get lost in it. Billions and trillions of miles away, there are forms of existence that you wouldn't even dream of. We all collectively hold the same amount of significance in the cosmos: 0.

That's what the universe is, one big 0. Nothing. In that 0, everything exists. In that 0, nothing exists.

I disagree with the we are 0 part but a very good thought none the less

Bad place to post it though

From what I've seen there are very few open minds here

So it is likely that this will turn into some form of joke thread

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I disagree with the we are 0 part but a very good thought none the less

understandable....why do you disagree

Bad place to post it though

From what I've seen there are very few open minds here

So it is likely that this will turn into some form of joke thread

:laugh: its all good man. use my theories and it won't get to you;)

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understandable....why do you disagree

Everything is zero and meaningless is just something I don't agree with

I just don't believe us concise beings are here for no reason is all

I don't believe we are alone in terms of other intelligent life but I do believe we are all here for a reason otherwise we would literally be nothing

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Everything is zero and meaningless is just something I don't agree with

I just don't believe us concise beings are here for no reason is all

I don't believe we are alone in terms of other intelligent life but I do believe we are all here for a reason otherwise we would literally be nothing

it would be a hard truth to accept, probably the hardest one. But I guess everything serves a purpose in and out of itself....but in the big picture, of what use is anything?

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我是說,我們為了相信人類被一些建立嘲笑 生產 和將加入的身體的地球外的飛機建立人,但是我們被一個偉大的男人建造的信念是同病相憐的。但是最終,到我們來到如何都解決方案是。

因為每個人類是他的自己的信念的一個創造物。因此,如果你認為你被上帝建立 .... 你被上帝建立。如果你相信你是在發展中的最新的里程碑和那你的 的祖先發展從細菌,是什麼你是。



那是什麼宇宙是,一個大 0。沒什麼東西。在那 0 中,一切存在。在那 0 中,沒什麼東西存在。

:rubeyes: :40oz: :read: :insane: :stop: :fortune: :confused: :dunce: :dunce:

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Check this out.....


Or read Life After Death, by Deepak Chopra

All religions are striving in their way to reach the ultimate truth. Narrow sectarian bickering should therefore be abandoned, and religious tolerance should be practised — between different Hindu denominations, as well as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.

Hmm...that's interesting, and valid. However, what if the ultimate truth is that there is no truth?

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Note that I'm not denying or trying to disprove anything. Basically, I'm accepting the possibility that ANYTHING is possible.

Yes you are

Everything is a paradox of itself. Nothing exists, everything exists.

and the statement "I can't wait to find out what's next" will never truely have a reaction from the speaker.:)

Rule #1: There is only one absolute: there are no absolutes.

We all have no real meaning in here, but because we can believe we have a purpose, we have it. Huh?

The idea that this world was created by some supernatural, metaphysical force is just as plausible as particles forming to create a world that eventually harvested life. IYO

I mean, we laugh at scientologists for believing that humans were created by some extraterrestrial aircraft that produced spirites and bodies that joined to create people,(we sure do) but the belief that we were constructed by a Great Man is in the same boat. But in the end, both are solutions to how we came to be. Good point

Because every human is a creation of his own beliefs. Therefore, if you think you were created by God....you were created by God. If you believe you are the most recent milestone in evolution and that your animalistic ancestors evolved from bacteria, that's what you are.

See my first comment

Few people truely die. The meaning of Death goes beyond our physical state. To die, one has to be completely gone from the universe. We live on through memories and influences; therefore, we never truely die.

Unless the term "death" only relates to this life, the one that as far as you know, is the only one you got.;)

The universe is a realm of infinity. There are infinite possibilities. Take a minute and get lost in it. Billions and trillions of miles away, there are forms of existence that you wouldn't even dream of. We all collectively hold the same amount of significance in the cosmos: 0. Learned that in the Navy. One hell of a feeling, being out in the middle of the ocean with no lights and the sky full of stars.

That's what the universe is, one big 0. Nothing. In that 0, everything exists. In that 0, nothing exists.

Please to the bunny above.
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It is both comical and disturbing to listen to one group of religious folks try to call another group of religious folks crazy for what they believe.

They actually believe that the age of their religion gives them the right to judge other religions. While they all share one thing in common....no proof of anything of note in any of these religions.

They cannot believe your theory because that would mean thousands of years of prayer, worship and sacrifice was wasted on nothing.

It is much easier to attack others for not agreeing with you than to admit you have been fooled by the oldest power and money scheme in the history of mankind.

No way so many could be fooled for so long right?.....:rolleyes:

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It is both comical and disturbing to listen to one group of religious folks try to call another group of religious folks crazy.

While they all share one thing in common....no proof of anything of note.

They cannot believe your theory because that would mean thousands of years of prayer, worship and sacrifice was wasted on nothing.

It is a lot easier to attack others that don't believe than to admit you have been fooled by the oldest in the oldest trick in the history of mankind.

No way so many could be fooled for so long right?.....:rolleyes:

Unfortunately, this is exactly the case. But we can't expect people, who've dedicated themselves to a belief for their whole lives, to suddenly change directions like that. It would be like going in 6th gear, and as your going 70 mph you jerk it into reverse. All we can hope for is that they go about their beliefs without harming anyone else. Because I have no problem with that....just don't get in my face about it.

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Unfortunately, this is exactly the case. But we can't expect people, who've dedicated themselves to a belief for their whole lives, to suddenly change directions like that. It would be like going in 6th gear, and as your going 70 mph you jerk it into reverse. All we can hope for is that they go about their beliefs without harming anyone else. Because I have no problem with that....just don't get in my face about it.

It is apparent to me that have no idea how ridiculous they sound. It does have entertainment value.

I love it when they try to use the age of their religion as some type of validation. That only means they have been duped longer than others thus they have more excuses and traditions based on fiction.

Anyway...love the entertainment

:munchout: :chug:

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All there will be paradox itself. Nothing there exists, everything exists. Rule of # 1: Only one absolute: not they will be the absolutes.

We all have no real substance inside here, but because we can believe we it! has as a goal, we have it.

Idea that this place was created with the certain supernatural, metaphysical by effort valid as plausible as particles forming in order to create peace which was final it pressed life.

I will intend! We laugh at scientologists for to believe that people were created it was several extraterrestrial aircraft which it produced spirites and bodies which connected in order to create people, but! belief that we were built by large person it is located in the same boat.

But at the end, both there will be permission to as we they arrived to be because each person will be the creation of his own belief.

Therefore, if you think, then you was created by God... to..you were created by god? If you believe! then you will be the most recent basic stage of works in the development and that your animalistic ancestors they evolved from the bacteria, then you a few of people screw die truly. Of death follows our physical position?

In order to die, one must completely be gone from the universe. We live further through the memories and the influences; therefore, we truly die never.

The universe will be realm infinity. There will be infinite possibilities. Require minute and you will obtain lost in I eat. By millions and trillions of miles away, will there be the form of existence of which you even they would not dream we all we collectively hold the same quantity of value in space: 0.

that the universe, one large 0. Nothing. In volume 0, everything exists. In volume 0, nothing there exists.

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Can't go with you there, my friend.

I won't go on about my personal beliefs about the universe and our existence; but the way I see it is this: None of us really actually know how we got here or why we're here or what's to become of us after we're gone. So, there's really no reason to get angry with each other or fight about our beliefs. In the end...no body knows. We can only take very good guesses.

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